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  1. I think this can be a good idea for new expert skill for chieftain note: I will write expert skill like Khrone, so I giving copyright Chieftain's Call Type: Active The Chieftain calls a herd of wild animals (Bear, Wolf, Tiger, Lion), each animal gives a buff to chieftain and chieftain's party. Buff's Bear: The Bear Buff gives a skin to the character (Or to the character's party) that increases physical and magic defense Wolf: The Wolf Buff gives some percent of evasion to the character (Or to the character's party) Tiger: The Tiger Buff gives attack speed to the charater (Or to the character's party) Lion: The Lion Buff gives some percent of physical and magic attack to the charater (Or to the character's party) Note: If any of the wild animal was killed the buff will disappear The HP of the wild animal and the skill duration is increased by upgrading this skill 1/4: The duration of the skill is 10 seconds 2/4: The duration of the skill is 20 seconds 3/4: The duration of the skill is 30 seconds 4/4: The duration of the skill is 40 seconds I hope you liked my idea and that it is added to the game. I was 1 hour doing this topic... ATT: Zedeght US-EMERALD Hypnop US-EMERALD
  2. 😃😃😃😃I have a question about the poisonous shield skill, my question is why in the skill description does it affect a maximum of 3 allies (6 if 4/4) when in fact it only heals the person to which the shield is applied?
  3. whatson


    Alguem ai sabe me dizer o que são as habilidades do lacaio rato branco ??
  4. Olá! Sou um jogador que adora questionar algumas coisas que podem ser aprimoradas nesse RPG, jogo desde 2014 e uma coisa que realmente salvou o Warspear Online foi uma atualização de novas classes (Charmer e Hunter na época). Os jogadores que não tem experiência ou que são realmente leigos a respeito desse jogo não sabem da existência de um fórum ou de sua utilidade para aprimoramento de nossas experiências, mas eu confio nenhum potencial de um bom feedback que pode engendrar em uma ótima surpresa a todos caso alcance os nossos queridos desenvolvedores, ou seja, quanto mais compartilharmos de nossos gostos, criatividades, indignações, mais rápido teremos soluções para torna-lo melhor ... Como foi no caso dos Magos que realmente estavam bem desbalanceados ao meu ver (não quero entrar nesse tópico estou apenas expondo minha opinião e do fato ocorrido, utilizando o mesmo como exemplo ok?), mas isso requer COMPROMETIMENTO, então vou tentar ir até o final pelo menos. Habilidade: "Agilidade do Caçador": Agora falando realmente do tópico acima, todos sabem que essa habilidade veio junto do pacote de Hunter Iniciante, desde o início do teste do servidor onde alguns jogadores tinham acesso como novas classes e podiam testar suas habilidades, notou- se o seguinte pensamento dos jogadores: "Ah ele tem um MESMA habilidade do Ladino", e isso é um FATO ... Ele realmente apresenta algumas características marcantes, é só observar seu KIT: Dano explosivo, Atordoamento, Envenenamento, ESQUIVA e a única inovadora para todos nós e que realmente é a ESSÊNCIA de um caçador: "Postura de Combate", que pra quem não conhece pelo nome, é a nossa querida habilidade ilimitada que aumentam os parâmetros de DMG e CRITICO (até nossa mana esvair-se). .. Está bem? (Aposto que vai aparecer aqueles aspirantes falando " AH MAS ELE USA ARCO E BESTA! NÃO TEM NADA A VER " ANTES QUE FALEM ISSO EU JÁ QUERO RESSALTAR QUE VOU USAR ESSE MESMO PONTO PRA QUESTIONAR OS DESENVOLVEDORES A RESPEITO DESSA HABILIDADE. Certo, meus queridos amigos! Então o ponto em que quero chegar é! POR QUE TER UMA HABILIDADE DE ESQUIVA JUSTAMENTE PARA UM HUNTER? ALGUÉM QUE TEM COMO FUNÇÃO E BENEFICIO ESTAR LONGE DE UM ALVO PARA CAUSAR SEU TÃO PRECIOSO DANO? ("Espero que pensem: O CARA TEM TODA RAZÃO É ALGO INÚTIL E QUE REALMENTE É INDIFERENTE). Quero mandar uma observação aos desenvolvedores e, aos administradores uma reflexão: Sei que vocês tentam incluir novas habilidades e que não sejam tão fortes ao ponto de dominar o jogo com a classe, mas estão balanceando a mesma tentando incluir Habilidades não muito úteis, dessa forma , deixando os mesmos com algumas desvantagens colossais ... (Não sei se ler mas por desencargo de consciência já atribuída aqui mesmo assim). Apenas observem o lado dos sentinelas e comecem a contagem das habilidades de proteção deles tem lá ... Seeker tem Escudo de Harad que absorve o dano e contra-atacando com uma força atualizada por 12 segundos, ele tem quase a mesma função do ladino e pode ficar furtivo, além de todas as suas outras habilidades de especialidades focarem em parâmetros de penetração, hemorragia, dano por segundo, crítico etc ... Nenhum Legionário, Então que tal inovarem ainda mais? Já que atualmente ESQUIVA é um parâmetro indiferente para nosso Caçador ... Por que não atualizar essa habilidade e inovar do lado legionário de um escudo parecido que absorve o ataque e aumenta o parâmetro de: DANO POR SEGUNDO / CRÍTICO? Não seria algo razoável? Totalmente viável e que tornaria uma classe tão boa quanto um Ranger que obtém solar prole facilmente vocês não acham? Ou Uma Habilidade de furtividade, afinal se é mais fácil vocês imitarem habilidades que já existem como o próprio ruim KIT de um Ladino coloquem algo mais marcante (brincadeira! Hahaha) não seria algo tão tão, afinal ele estaria fazendo jus ao nome caçador e sua história: "Caçadores passam a maior parte da vida em florestas densas nas montanhas, aperfeiçoando suas artes marciais ... Preferem não se envolver em combates CORPO A CORPO". Ou deixem desse jeito, ignorem o fato que essa habilidade não serve pra nada e fiquem na paz ... Agradeço a todos que tiveram a paciência de ler até aqui e toda nossa comunidade do jogo.
  5. (Reservas secretas rework) Quando a vida do cavaleiro da morte é reduzida a um nível crítico a regeneração de vida almenta por alguns instantes. Quando essa habilidade passiva ativar a regeneração de vida NÃO MUDA MESMO estando em BATALHA ! Ficando assim *o mesmo parâmetro* de REGENERAÇÃO dentro ou fora de combate apenas por alguns segundos! Exemplo: o parâmetro regenerar não abaixa por alguns segundos mesmo estando em batalha, depois que o efeito passar o parâmetro abaixa se ainda estiver em batalha. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 (Esfera sombria remake [Warlock] ) O bruxo dá um golpe com muita chance de crítico ! qualquer inimigo por perto toma um pequeno dano em área atingindo todos que estiverem próximos do alvo atingido ! > Isso vai ajudar muito bruxo (principalmente que tem vamp) pq bruxo é uma classe que depende muito das outras pra farmar e muitas vezes em pve são desvalorizados < . (POUCAS CLASSES DOS MCS TEM DANO E STUN EM ÁREA ! ISSO NOS AFETA MUITO EM WAR E GVG) !!!!!! exemplo: 1-Paladino nem precisa te ver pra stunar, Apenas clica na skill grilhões da justiça e pega até quem está invisível ! 2-Mago pula no meio de todo mundo e stuna sem precisar de muito esforço ! 3-Druida sendo um suporte tem muito stun, nem se fala. NOSSAS CLASSES MCS NÃO TEM MUITO STUN EM ÁREA, E NOSSOS ATORDOAMENTOS TEM % DE FALHA RECLAMAM DO CHARMER E DO BRUXO MAS ESSAS CLASSES NÃO PULA NO MEIO DE UMA PT E MATA GERAL !!!!!! Bruxo e charmer SÃO CLASSES OP NO X1 MAS NEM É SÓ DE X1 QUE SE VIVE UM HOMEM. 😂 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 (Mestre do bloqueio [Warden]) Todo golpe que o Warden bloquear regenera uma pequena quantia da sua vida, PORÉM ! SE PERDER 20/25/30% DA VIDA TOTAL o bloqueio passa a recuperar a vida do Warden em uma QUANTIA BEM PEQUENA APENAS ! Ex: o Warden tem 4k de HP se ele perder 20% desses 4k a habilidade mestre do bloqueio regenera uma quantia um pouco menor. Ficar arrumando tudo devagar vai desmotivando certos jogadores espero ver uma melhora significativa o mais rápido possível, Lado MC tá um SACRIFÍCIO pra montar grupo pq TANK tá em falta ! Em muitos jogos vejo Bárbaros como uma classe OP em PVE. warspear é o único jogo que pro bárbaro ser forte precisa ser +7 ou +10 lembrando que se tratando de BRASIL nem todos temos uma vida com um dinheiro extra pra depositar no jogo, então não resta opções se não pararmos de jogar por falta de condições e desvalorização. Nossa ECONOMIA não é igual da Rússia, então quando o jogo não fica equilibrado pelo menos pro pessoal mais humilde eles se sentem desmotivados para jogar. Não se trata apenas de um jogo se trata de questões financeiras também ! Nem todos os Países tem uma economia boa e um salário bom pra gastar com jogos no fim do mês. Aguardo uma atualização descente e acima de Tudo EQUILIBRADA PARA TODOS OS LADOS ! Costumamos dizer que o cliente sempre tem razão ! Uma boa tarde, Grato.
  6. I would like to suggest a rework on either of the 2 skills mentioned below: 1. Saturation: It would be better to reduce it's health consumption rate. Basically, Dark Knight players without a good amount of steal health can't gain enough health to tackle it's side effects. Imagine a player with bare amount of gold uses this skill as a hope to farm and earn some gold. Not only them, all dark Knights will become much more reliable without having them to have +10 equips. I mean, why not? If a medium amped warden can do it, why can't we? On to the next one, as I said reworking on either of this skills will like bring back life with smiles on the legion side. It's all about balancing of the skill between the two oppositions. 2. Secret Reserves : Literally a skill which got nerfed into being nothing. It's good in PvP on 1 on 1. That's literally it. Making it 4/4 is another rip off. I mean that reactivation time of a PASSIVE skill is way too much. You will die within the long run, no jokes. It would be better to rework the skill either by removing that sure dead reactivation time or you could easily change to how it works to, Certain percentage of health is regained with each successful BLOCK or PARRY or maybe DODGE. ( I know what you are thinking :'3 ) Well, as I said, reworking on either of these 2 skill would kinda balance out the skill between Dark Knight and Warden. Not only that, as a matter of fact, the frustrated DK players who have left, will leave will again have a BIG HOPE of being reliable with just medium amped equips. How cool is that? Can you imagine newbies who got interested in DK can actually help themselves in quest in servers where there are very less players. Give the legion side a chance to shine too!
  7. Hello guys,as a pally player,i had study banner 4/4 and call1/4,and going to study third expert skill and level up one. I found illuminate's dmg higher than call by comparing to other pally,and it shorter CD.It seems its pretty good dmg skill for mdmg pally but it describe it would taunt surround mobs,for what i think i may killed in dg and lab. So pls tell me your feeling when use illuminate,should i level it up?i dont want level a skill couldn't use in some major situation. And which suggested for fourth expert skill? Thanks everyone!
  8. as lv 32 came i tougth that would be good that each class will be able to learn at lv30 new expert skills with outstanding power and able to totaly change the way we imagine pvp and pve, these books would be avaible at the usual trainers for 60k gold each Mountain clans barbarian: unstoppable rage the skill is a passive wich is focused on buffing the "rage" effect, it will increase its duration and give extra effects on it while developing the skill time increase: 2-3-4-5 seconds increase on attack: 1-1.5-2-2.5% extra (it means if the skill is developed at 4/4 the rage buff will give 12.5% more attack instead of 10% bonus health regen speed: 40-60-80-100% increase of level range for heal from killing: 4-4-5-6 more levels lower than the character (this means that an lv32 barbarian with the skill at the 4/4 level of developement the "equal power" is considered lv26) passive increase of "rage" stat: 5-7-9-11% increase of hp regen stat: 0-0-50-100% aggresion cause increase: 20-30-40-50% at skill learn the barbarian has an chance equal to the barbarian's rage on blocking an attack to gain the "rage" effect Bersek Active on time consume. The barbarian inceased his deffense, attack power and speed Skill activation cost: 10-20-30-40 Skill time consumption: 7-9-11-13 energy/2 seconds Attack increase: 10-15-20-25% Deffence increase: 20-30-40-50% Attack speed icrease: 10-13-16-20% Movement speed increase: 20-25-30-35% rogue: smoke grenade active, the rogue will trow an smoke greanade on the ground wich will buff the dodge of allies and decrease the enemys accuracy, any rogue inside the smoke is invisible, once hit the taget will be lost, and the rogue can use "stealth" skill cast range: 3 yards skill area occupation (square): 3x3-3x3-3x3-4x4 skill energy consumption: 20-24-28-32 energy skill cooldown: 30 seconds skill duration: 12-14-16-18 seconds dodge increase: 8-12-16-20% accuracy decrease: 5-7-9-11% Backstab Active. the rogue makes an strong attack, if the target its not targeting the rogue or the rogue is in stealth it will deal extra damage and if the rogue is in stealth and the target its attacking an another enemy, the attack will be unable to ignore and deal massive damage Skill energy consumption: 16-18-20-22 energy Skill cooldown: 27 secs Skill base damage (D): 50 Skill damage from character level (E): 5 each level Skill damage from rogue's physical attack (A): 120-130-140-150% Skill extra critical damage: 20-30-40-50% Skill bonus damage if the rogue is not targeted or the rogue is in stealth(B): 20-30-40-50% Skill bonus damage if the rogue is in stealth and the target its attacking(C): 30-45-60-75% Skill formulas Base (F): rogue's level*5+rogue's physical attack*A+50 If the enemy its not targeting the rogue or the rogue is in stealth: F*B If the enemy its attacking someone and the rogue is in stealh: F*C shaman totem of protection active, the shaman places an totem on the ground wich increase the allies in the effect's area defensive stats cast rage: 5 yards skill area effec (square): 5x5 skill energy consumption: 24-26-28-30 skill cooldown: 40 seconds skill duration: 15-19-23-27 seconds increase of allies physical and magical deffence in area: 15-20-25-30% increase of the parry and dodge statistics: 2-3-4-5% Collosal earthquake Active, shaman charges and causes an massive earthquake by causing massive damage and stunning enemy targets Skill energy cost: 100% energy Skill cast time: 10secs | during the period the shaman will use the energy required for the skill and any damage gained will stop the cast Skill cooldown: 150secs Skill area effecc: 7x7 (square) Skill stun duration: 5-7-9-11seconds Skill base damage (a): 80 Skill damage from character level (b) : 8 each level Skill damage from shaman's magical attack (c) : 130-180-230-280% Skill formula: Shaman's magical attack*c+ shaman's level*b + c The skill will damage EVRYONE in the area of effect Friendly damage: 100-90-70-50% hunter hunting wolf Passive. the hunter will be followed by an wolf ally, it can be killed, once killed it wont respawn afther an certain period of time or till an respawn or respawn statue use, it has chance on attack to apply bleed wolf's hp: 50-70-90-110% of hunter's health wolf's base attack speed: 1 attack each 2 seconds wolf's physical attack: 40-60-80-100% of hunter's physical attack wolf's physical/magical deffence: 20-30-40-50% of hunter's physical/magical deffence wolf's chance to apply beed: 20-30-40-50% of hunter's critical chance wolf's bleed duration:8 seconds wolf's bleed damage: 5-7-9-11% of its attack Respawn time: 120sec Multi shot Active. The hunter shoots multiple arrows at once (attack multiple times at once) Skill cost: 10-12-14-16 energy Skill cast time: 2 seconds | during the period the hunter will use the energy required for the skill and any damage gained will stop the cast Skill cooldown: 30 seconds Arows shooted: 2-3-4-5 Forsaken Deathknigth Life assorbtion Active with continuos energy use. while the skill is active the deathknigth will heal for an part of the damage that near, living things gain. The lifesteal boost from saturation will also increase the skill efficency, the efficency its halfed if the damage is caused by the deathknigth Skill area of effect: 5x5(square) Skill cooldown: 20 secs Skill activation cost: 20-24-28-32 energy Skill energy consume ovetime: 7-9-13-15 energy/2.5sec Skill efficency: 4-6-8-10% Death shield Passive. Time to time when the deathknigth is in combat , he will gain a damage conversion shield for fewseconds. The shield will convert damage into extra maximun health wich will stay for some time Skill trigger rate: 60-50-40-30secs Skill shield duration: 2-3-4-5 secs Skill hp increase duration(post shield): 10-15-20-25 secs Warlock Course revenge Passive. The warlock gain extra damage and critical damage for few seconds, the effect can be stacked up to 5 times Effect duration: 5-7-9-11secs Increase of damage and critical damage: 4-6-8-10% Life widthdraw Active, the warlock will place an circle in the ground wich will instantly apply life exaustion on targets in it Skill energy cost: 20-24-28-32 energy Skill cooldown: 30 secs Skill cast range: 5 yards Skill duration: 5-7-9-11 secs Skill base damage: 6 damage each tick Skill damage from warlock's level: 3 for each level Skill damage from warlock's magical attack(A): 7-12-17-22% Health conversion: 10-15-20-25% Skill formula (each tick) 6+warlock's level*3+warlock's magical attack*A Necromancer Call of skeletons Active, the necromancer summons an group of skeletons for figth for him for a period of time Skill energy use: 30-34-38-42 energy Skill hp use: 5% of total hp Skill cooldown: 60secs Skeletons' summon duration: 20-30-40-50 secs Amount of skeletons summoned: 2-3-4-5 Skeletons' phisical attack: 15-22-29-36% of necromancer's magical attack Skeletons attack rate: 1attack each 2.5 seconds Skeletons hp: 20-30-40-50% of necromancer's hp Life gift Active, the necromancer gives healing over time to the party Cooldown: 30 secs Skill energy consumtion: 10-13-16-19energy Skill health consumption: 5% Skill effet duration: 12 seconds Healing over time: 50-60-70-80% of necromancer's magical attacck Healing rate: 1 tick each 2.5 seconds Charmer Golem's call Active. Summon an stron golem to protect the party, the golem will automaticaly cast deathcall when the charmer use any agression skill or in figth Skill energy use: 30-45-70-85 energy Cast range: 5 yards Skill cooldown: 120sec Skill duration: 50-70-90-110secs Golem's hp: 110-120-130-140% of charmer's hp Golems's physical and magival deffence: 110-123-136-149% of charmer's physical and magical deffence Golems "block" stat: 10-14-18-22% Golem's physical attack: 40-50-60-70% of charmer's magical attack if the charmer's magical attack Golem's attack speed: 1 attack each 3 secs The golem will cast deathcall evrytime its ready in battle (usage of any agression skill by the charmer will make it recharge automaticaly) Golem's deathcall level of developement: 1/4-2/4-3/4-4/4 Barrier Active. The charmer created a barrier on himself or an ally Skill consumption: 20-24-28-32energy Skill cooldown: 20 secs Skill effect duration: 6-12-14-20 secs Skill damage assorbtion: 30-40-50-60% of target's health Chosen Paladin Royal protection Active, the paladin will decrease him self and his allies damage income Skill energy use: 24-28-32-36 energy Skill cooldown: 40secs Effect duration: 10-17-24-31 secs Damage reduction: 10-15-20-25% Paladin's wish Passive. time to time, the paladin creates a barrier on himself and the party, if the paladin is attacked the activation rate is faster, can stack twice Skill activation rate: 40-30-20-10 secs Skill damage assorbtion: 10-15-20-25% of paladin's health Activation rate boost under attack: 10-20-30-45% Mage Cataclysm meteor Active, the mage will charge his power and make an meteor fall from the sky. By causing massive area dmg Skill energy use: 100% of total energy Skill cast range: 10 yards Skill cooldown: 140second Skill cast time: 10 seconds | during the period the mage will use the energy required for the skill and any damage gained will stop the cast Skill area effecc: 7x7 (square) Skill base damage (a): 100 Skill damage from character level (b) : 12 each level Skill damage from mage's magical attack (c) : 150-200-250-300% Skill formula: Mage's magical attack*c+ mage's level*b + c The skill will damage EVRYONE in the area of effect Friendly damage: 100-80-60-40% Multiple bolt Active. The mage charges and trows multiple fireballs Energy consume: 200-300-400-500% of fireball's energy consumption Skill cooldown: 25 secs Skill cast time: 4 secs Fire balls casted: 2-3-4-5 Priest Divine recovery Active. the priest will cause an huge area heal and heal overtime, the skill will also heal from any negative status effect Skill energy use: 50-60-70-80 energy Skill cast range: 5 yards Skill cooldown: 120sec Skill effect duration: 20-30-40-50 sec Skill area of effect: 5x5 (square) Instant healing: 150-200-250-300% of priest's magical attack Healing over time: 50-60-70-80% of priest's magical attacck Healing rate: 1 tick each 2.5 seconds Priest's blessing Active. The priest applies an health regeneration and increase his or an ally deffecne for some time Skill energy consume: 14-18-22-26 energy Skill cooldown: 20 secs Skill effect duration: 18 secs Healing over time: 40-50-60-70% of priest's magical attacck Healing rate: 1 tick each 2.5 seconds Physical and magical Deffence increase: 20-25-30-35% Seeker Seeker's focus Passive. for each critical hit, the seeker will gain extra critical chance and damage. The effect can be stacked up to 10 times. Each failed crit (or the attack is blocked, parried or dodged) will remove one stack, if the seeker dosent attack for 10 seconds all stacks will fade away Skill critical damage increase: 5-7-9-11% Skill critical chance increase: 1-1.5-2-2.5% Whirlwind Active. The seekers spins on himself and damages all enemys around Skill energy consume: 20-22-24-26 energy Skill cooldown: 20secs Skill damage (base): 25 Skill damage for character level: 3*character level Skill damage from seeker's physical damage(A): 90-100-110-120% of seeker's physical attack Target limit (pvp only):4-6-8-10 Skill formula: 25+seeker's level*3+seeker's physical damage*A First born Blade dancer Parry combo Passive. for each parried attack, the bladedancer gain extra physical, magical deffence and "parry" the effect can be stacked up to 10 times, if the blade dancer gets an attack it will loose one stock and if the blade dancer dosent parry an attack for 10 secs all stocks will dissapear. Learn the skill will allow the blade dancer to parry ranged attacks Physical and magical deffence increase each stock: 5-7-9-12% Parry incease each stock: 1-1.5-2-2.5% Blade protection Active. The blade dancer gains an incoming damage reduction based from a portion of the his "parry" Skill energy consumption: 16-18-20-22 energy Skill cooldown: 27 secs Skill effect duration: 10-15-20-25 secs Incoming damage reduction: 40-60-80-100% of blade dancer's parry Ranger Familiar (wolf) Passive. The ranger will be followed by an wolf ally, it can be killed, once killed it wont respawn afther an certain period of time or till an respawn or respawn statue use, it has chance on attack to apply bleed wolf's hp: 50-70-90-110% of hunter's health wolf's base attack speed: 1 attack each 2 seconds wolf's physical attack: 40-60-80-100% of hunter's physical attack wolf's physical/magical deffence: 20-30-40-50% of hunter's physical/magical deffence wolf's chance to apply beed: 20-30-40-50% of hunter's critical chance wolf's bleed duration:8 seconds wolf's bleed damage: 5-7-9-11% of its attack Respawn time: 120sec Aimed shot Active. The ranges focuses and shots an sure critical hit shot with inceased critical damage, with increased range Skill energy use: 20-24-28-32energy Range: 8 yards Skill cast time: 5 secs| during the period the mage will use the energy required for the skill and any damage gained will stop the cast Critical damage boost of the attack: 30-50-60-70% Druid Storm Active. the druid will generate an storm wich will deal constant damage and thundertrikes random enemys in it, each 3 saps the enemy will be stunned Skill energy use: 20-30-40-50 energy Cast range: 5 yards Skill cooldown: 40 secs Skill duration: 10-15-20-25 seconds Skill area of effect: 5x5 (square) Skill base damage (rain): 20 Skill damage from character level (rain): 2 each level Skill damage (rain): 3-5-7-9% of druid's magical attack Rain damage rate: 1 tick each sec Skill base damage (thunder): 50 Skill damage from character level (thunder): 5 each level Skill damage (thunder): 10-15-20-25% of druid's magical attack thunder attack rate: 1 time each 5 seconds Sap duration: 20-30-40-50 secs Stun duration: 2-3-4-5 seconds Warden Bastion Active with energy overtime. The warden gain incredible resistance, buts its attack power its higly reduced and its stuck in place Skill activation cost: 20-30-40-50 enegy Skill energy cost overtime: 0 energy Skill physical and magical deffence increase: 50-70-90-110% Skill block incease: 4-6-8-10% Skill parry incease: 4-6-8-10% Skill attack decrease: 20-30-40-50% Skill attack speed decrease: 20-30-40-50% Skill critical hit decrease: 5-7-9-11% Death immunity Passive. Each period of time the warden can use all his energies and ignore death, but it wont regenerate energy for some time too Skill cooldown:120 secs Skill energy use: 100% of left energy Skill health recovery: 20-30-40-50% Energy regen block: 10-8-6-4 secs *thanks to aarontitan (us-saffire) for helping me make these skills a bit more balanced
  9. The half of ranger skills is really useless comparing it by another classes such as hunter or any class have a look please 1-"scatter shot" : it is really useless.if the enemy stay near the wall it wont work ! . why not to make it like the"fear" skill or shaman skill .Also the range of this skill is really sick ! Its range must be 5 like any long-range class! (Useless skill) 2-"Ranger Blessing" : if this skill is 5/5 it is rarelly to double your shot (every 10 shot u can double once) i think you need to make it 100/5 to work well , it is useless to waste your skill points on it ! I think the game must increase the percentage of this skill !(useless skill) 3-"trap" : i think game made this skill to get the five skill of ranger so i think delete it better ! Very useless skill and it is funny when you use it and see the enemy use his skills freely .If you use trap vs long-range class it well be absolute useless and if vs melee class he will use any attraction skill on you and kill you ! What is the benefit of this skill if the enemy can use his skill ! I think the game must add stun to the trap and remove the motion of the character during put the trap !!!! (Very useless skill) 4-"dodge" : if u gonna make it 5/5 you will never dodge any shot ! And no ranger in the game use this skill at all i deleted it from skill box ! Make it like the rouge dodge skill or delete it ! (Extreme useless skill) Ranger is the weakest class in the game with this 4 useless skill !
  10. Warspear is a very good game but aigrind is taking the issue of Well (Sentinels / Elves) and Evil (Legion / Mcs) to be a balanced game, but it seems that the balance is thought more for the Elf side and believe this weight just helps them! I do not believe I'm going to give you 10 reasons why this topic 1 ° if you ask in the servers what class nerfada the answer is only one ROGUES. 2 - Do you know the best heal of the game? Good is an Elf, DRUIDA has a skill that in mine is in the opinion of many is the best cure of the game The "secret link" Heals in a matter of seconds and heals practically all his life without Speaking that he is the only one to have 4 Cures and one of them is a shield. 3. You already noticed how 90% of the elves have a skill in common! Not? All elves are blessed with a shield except ranger, no wonder the pro ran ranger gain a shield. 4 ° -Dk! before in the mcs one of the ways a free player earn a living was farmando LAB with a dk more now that "secret reserves" was nerfada this dream is only possible for those who have money to be full theft of life. 5 ° -MAGE! Before it was nothing deserved a buff I condordo more I think they went too far! Aigrind solved a hand or rather an eye, the "Eye of the Dragon" was not enough to regenerate all energy by hitting still 50% crit, you can even talk more and only when you use skill and you already counted how many damage magician abilities has? 7 I said 7 damage skills 4 Aoe and 3 single target. 6 ° -PALADIN! There are some things that annoys me on the paladin is a replica of the quirky leap but it is better in the area, stuns, and the best still criticism looks ironic. 7th -SHAMAN! there is not much to complain about here, but I could not stop talking about the lightning shield I heard that life stealing works with this ability, but now it's good not to mention that his News Skills leave MT to be desired. 8 ° - BARBARIAN! I am very sad to see the prejudice that others have with the barbarian if it is not PRO does not enter into groups because their tank skills are not so useful their stone skin was a triumph more now there is a similar better. 9 ° -BD! It's a Dmg or tank explain there! I think he should have more TANK skills and not DMG without mentioning that the cut tendon is very stolen from the distance I've already been picked up one more mile away not to mention the bleeding that is a bit high here. 10 ° - I left the best for the final WARDEN what to say neh! Class Most ROBED Ah most WARDEN has no damage will be !? 7wardens took the flag of the legion in the war that absurd wardens in t4 Mc of the map 2 spend hours and hours there farman LAB all alone and does not have to be pro not just have HP and block aigrind made a peripécia putting limit of 1s by regeneration to each block I call it a FALSE Nerf and many believe !! Either that changes or the game will only sink
  11. As we all know today we can say that it is one, but the weakest skill of the druids, since comparing with the current power levels of the game the damage it causes (600 to +4) and the little resistance and durability that it presents to the not even exceeding 2 thousand HP we can not even consider it as a distraction for the PVE because instead of helping us, the summon, due we can not control it at all the minion can end up attacking and attracting more than we can handle and for the PVP since most characters can eliminate it in just 1 sec. This was just a small analysis of why you should consider a possible change to the skill Now my suggestion for it is as follows: Following the same lore of the druids and respecting the theory of an invocation which is extremely common in druids in most games that use them as a playable character. I would like to propose a passive / active skill called "Metamorphosis" That would have a very simple operation but at the same time it can be useful for the survival of the druid in multiple situations It would work so that when the druid reaches a certain percentage of life (30% of its maximum life for example) the druid automatically activates the passive "metamorphosis" that instantly regenerate a percentage of Hp based on the maximum life of each character and increasing its defenses for a short period of time, it will give the druid a few seconds to reposition and ensure its survival. Of course a skill like this should only be able to attend under certain conditions and that's what I mean by passive / active, since the skill could only activate every certain period of time and not every time the Druid's life reaches 30% That would be the basic functioning of the skill, it is nothing new sincerely but it is something that I think could bring the Druids back to life. If you manage to take it into account I would appreciate it very much and without further adding with this I would conclude my suggestion. Thank you very much for your time and for this great game called Warspear.
  12. Good day to y'all, I like crafting but i hate it that it is so bad organized. Here are some tips to make crafter funner and user friendlier: - When crafting resources let people choose the item they want to craft and How many times they want to craft it. This way the player doesnt have to scroll everytime down to craft the same thing (for example) 5 times. So something like this: When you click on the item u want to craft a button appears that says: "How many times u want to craft this X" - And u choose how many u want to craft of X item. - Next, the whole menu is scrolling and scrolling, u really have to look very closely to find the level of what item u want to craft. Cant this be easily solve by making a list like for example: " ...... Level 11 Craft item 1 --- Craft item 2 --- Craft item 3 --- etc. ....... Level 12 Craft item 1 --- Craft item 2 etc. ...... " What do you guys think of this proposal? Let me know. And Gm please do something to make crafting more fun. Thanks.
  13. Hey master, I'm apologize to say but I think the new expert skill (Blood Protection) for Death Knight need an improvement. I'm a DK for almost 8 years, I never feel enough tanky to tank with our skills. Let's say Exhalation of Darkness or Threads of Darkness, what's the function of those skill exactly? People could avoid Exhalation of Darkness because it takes long time to cast, and bosses could resist Exha and Threads of Darkness. Meanwhile, our expert skills are also weak. Death Call need high magic damage to deal some decent damage. Steel Hurricane works if enemies are nearby the DK (1-3 yd) and sometimes with desync of the game, Steel Hurricane doesn't deal damage even if enemy looks like nearby the DK. Sharp Shadow? Secret Reserve nerf? Blow of Silence that people could have from relic? Blood Protection that only 8 secs protection and need mana to use? Saturation which spend HP too much to gain lifesteal (if you could deal damage to your enemy)? Can we compare with Warden which can heal without doing anything, without waste their mana. I'm sure other DKs want too. Thanks for your attention.
  14. Não sei se pode me responder isso kk más mesmo assim vou perguntar qual skill de especialista amplificada no 4/4 ambas "iluminação" e "golpe repelente" usada com o selo do sol da mais cura
  15. Hello everyone, welcome to my topic. Here is a small list of suggestions I have in mind and hope they would make this game more colourful and easier to play. So lets get started!! I think we all remember that during festive events, the range attacks of casters change colour and animation. I think this should be permanent with an mcoin item that adds a specific animation on the basic hits and colour. It could be two items if needed (one for colour and one for animation) Also, I think it will be a good idea for all range attacks to be able to be "edited" in our liking. Not only casters but also hunters and rangers. Under this category I would like to add the idea of changing the colour of the skills of the characters for example: Necromancers poison shield, priests aura, mages sun shield, hunters combat stance. (You get the idea.) As I healer I found myself many times frustrated that I cannot see who is healed at the time (specially when there are more than two healers in party) and losing in most cases precious time. To prevent that from happening I suggest on the side of the screen where the party members are listed, near their name should be an icon that shows who is under heal effect but also under stun/poison. Another idea I have is that all items that can be found in dungeons or from boss drops, (costumes, armors, accessories, weapons) should have a time limit before they become bound (personal/receiving) to the holder. That way more people will be able to get the specific items cause the people not intend to use them will have a reason to actually sell them instead of holding them on forever cause they cant find a buyer willing to pay they (usually astronomical) price. Also, this will prevent resellers from storing all items and then monopolizing the market (asking more and more as each new buyer adds to the sum) I think we are in the need to move on further and advance the AI of the mobs and give them the ability to use skills on the players in the last areas of Ayvondil. My last 3 suggestions I have seen somewhere here around but I would like to list them as well. Activating arena or other long lasting buffs from skill menu like the guild skills. A list on the character menu that shows the remaining time of active skills, potions, scrolls and guild buffs. The ability to see the remaining time left to get +1 refilled stamina without the need to walk to a dungeon and check it the gate.
  16. I want to build PVE pala that is good for lab, dg, all that good stuff. I want some advice on what experts to choose and which ones to lvl up to 4/4. I would like to have a full life steal Pala with [Magic Dmg] One Handed Mace + Shield and probably a lot of def. (Wanna hv as much M Power as i can get) https://ws-db.ru/calculator#23524 Consider the following build
  17. Hi all, I started to play seeker and i find this class very interesting to play. Nevertheless there are some issues i would like to discuss. I have the feeling like there are really more wardens than seekers, and i somehow understand that ppl don't lvl it up. 1) The mechanisms of this class are great. Very fun to have a class relying on auto-attacks. 2) But there's something quite annoying. Pene buff, critical buff, shield are good (i love shield cuz ofc it's very strong, but also tricky since u need to take dmg to deal more), but wtf u did with exacerbation? Constant mana consuption for skills is an idea i like, since thus u don't need to use the "passives" skills every 30s. I think the same should be done for light aura, dark shield, etc. But when u look at those skills, u notice that the more u lvl it up, the longer it lasts, so the less mana u need to use it since u use it less. Then u look at exacerbation: first u need expand mana to use. well, i was quite surprised, but why not. If u can perma use it anyway it doesn't matter. But then u lvl up the skill, and u see mana consumption increasing. WTF? shouldn't it decrease with lvl, or at least stay the same? I find it quite incredible that the more u lvl up the skill, the less u can use it since u run out of mana faster. 3)The stuns: so seeker got only one stun, which is rogue gouge, meaning u can't attack during that time. At low lvl it's ok without stuns, cuz shield is strong, and u can slow down ur ennemy: this i good for melee, or at least if u don't run out of mana cuz u lvled up the skill... Anyway. The problem is when u are at high lvl. A rogue has no stun bcs it can rape someone in two secs. But is it the same for seeker? when attacking someone u just come with split and one auto attack then u are stunned. rogue have merciless strike+one auto attack+stealth dmg+poisonnous blades... Moreover when u use the "thread of darkness" skill (a normal dk skill...), since it's an expert u cannot use expert dmg skill immediately after (2sec delay). While rogue deals dmg with jump skill!!! I suggest to give stun to the "thread of darkness", not too long of course, but at least it will be possible to deal some dmg before being stunned. Like 1.5/2/2.5/3 ? perhaps 3sec too long, idk 4)expert dmg skills critical skill looks fun. I just wonder if it is really usefull in pvp since at high lvl every arena player full resi, and i think there's a critical% maximum right? in pve very good i presume About the two other expert, im not very sure but i think they both are bleeding skills. I find it anoying bcs of net skill, destroyed by dmg. Also to max their dmg u need go for burst dmg not dps. But well i can't complain about it that's the same for all dmg skills right? xd I just wonder if it's possible to make a skill that deals dmg depending on the character dpm. like bleeding speed increases with character speed, or idk. But this is not the main problem. Pls consider what i said about mana expand and stun. Also for next expert i suggest a speed buff skill. Tell me what u think about all this, and about any aspect of seeker. Good luck all!!
  18. Я — заклинатель. И как всем известно существа, которых заклинатели призывают, имеют фиолетовые оттенки. Мне хотелось бы иметь костюм и оболочки на оружие аналогичных цветов, однако пока я таковых не имею... Но речь сейчас не об этом. Я подумал: «Как было бы прекрасно, если бы ув.разработчики добавили возможность сменить внешний облик моих питомцев на другой. К примеру сделать пса огненым, или ворона поменять на орла». И тут мне в голову пришла идея, которая возможно приходила и к другим пользователям, однако я всё таки её выражу. Вся идея состоит в том, чтобы добавить в нашу любимую игру возможность инструктировать на навыки, аналогично реликвиям, оболочки. Эти самые оболочки как-либо будут немного менять внешний вид навыков. И это касалось бы не только питомцев заклинателя, но и всех других классов. К примеру "Змея" некроманта сменила бы окраску на зеленый, под стать другим «ядовитым» способностям. Различным огненым способностям мага можно было бы придать внешний вид не красного, а синего пламени. Или рейнджер вместо капкана ставил бы мышеловку ;) Не обязательно даже добавлять оболочки на абсолютно все навыки. Некоторым было бы даже весьма сложно как-либо сменить внешний вид при этом неменяя сути навыка. Но полно способностей, которые легко поддаются внешним изменениям, даже банально цветовым. Мне кажется такие "оболочки" на навыки были бы не менее популярны чем теже костюмы. Да и разработчики получили бы прибыль. Спасибо всем, что выслушали мою идею)
  19. Hello, i have a problem concerning add skills. If i click + window with shop will open and it want for me to buy relics. I can not upgrade skills without buying these relics. What could I do, if i want to upgrade skills?
  20. Tenho essa duvida a um tempo e ninguém dentro do jogo soube me responder..e agora preciso mudar a build pvp pro pve e preciso mudar alguns skills.. Será se da de substituir uma skill por outra?
  21. cuanto % da la habilidad de elusion de bd a lv 5 ? es la misma q la del ranger o es diferente?
  22. The half of ranger skills is really useless comparing it by another classes such as hunter or any class have a look please 1-"scatter shot" : it is really useless.if the enemy stay near the wall it wont work ! . why not to make it like the"fear" skill or shaman skill .Also the range of this skill is really sick ! Its range must be 5 like any long-range class! (Useless skill) 2-"Ranger Blessing" : if this skill is 5/5 it is rarelly to double your shot (every 10 shot u can double once) i think you need to make it 100/5 to work well , it is useless to waste your skill points on it ! I think the game must increase the percentage of this skill !(useless skill) 3-"trap" : i think game made this skill to get the five skill of ranger so i think delete it better ! Very useless skill and it is funny when you use it and see the enemy use his skills freely .If you use trap vs long-range class it well be absolute useless and if vs melee class he will use any attraction skill on you and kill you ! What is the benefit of this skill if the enemy can use his skill ! I think the game must add stun to the trap and remove the motion of the character during put the trap !!!! (Very useless skill) 4-"dodge" : if u gonna make it 5/5 you will never dodge any shot ! And no ranger in the game use this skill at all i deleted it from skill box ! Make it like the rouge dodge skill or delete it ! (Extreme useless skill)
  23. ~Point shooting, Ranger gains damage and accuracy while sacrificing ability to move. Make this an energy draining skill, and removing the movement limit. How can rangers use this if they have no tanking skills? ~Bitterness, something has to be done with skill. Either remove the fact that getting hit removes a stack, or give better buffs like crit and dmg aside from attack speed. ~Explosive trap, let this also stop enemy movement and rooting him on the spot, also disabling movement skills. The damage this skill deals also needs a buff. ~Hunters trap, make it so that an unlimited amount can be placed down, even at level 1. ~Bow stun melee thing, whos idea was it to make this melee? When hunters have literally the same thing, but RANGED. ~Cage, why does this skill increase enemy defence, if all, shouldnt it at least give a debuff to the enemy?
  24. Seeing how far the game has gone with the PvP and PvE system where the developers have added unique stats for each category which affects performance dramatically if you were to use certain equipment with these stats for PvP or PvE (Ferocit & Resilience) and with all the experts skills in the game which are both good and bad on certain categories if you were to study them. I think it's about time that you allow players to have multiple sets of skill builds, most likely 2 possible skill builds, which you can switch between any time you want. This would vastly increase the limitations of both PvE and PvP, especially for classes like healers and tanks who would have to study more defensive or supportive skills instead of the offensive ones and DPS classes who would have to study crowd control skills for PvP which would be inferior to debuff or damage skills for PvE. Perhaps make the 2nd skill build unlockable through quest, achieving a certain level or, even make it purchasable for Miracle coins, if need be. I'm pretty sure this would make players enjoy the game more. I've known some players who wouldn't do PvP but PvE, vice versa, this would likely motivate them to do otherwise. We really need something like this. Most RPG games have this feature since they both have completely different systems for PvE and PvP, and now that Warspear Online has got to this point I think it's time we've added this feature as well. TL;DR - Add multiple skill builds for players, perhaps 2, which we can switch between any time. Another suggestion I've made related to skills, which we really need too - Actual Descriptive information on skills.
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