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  1. 7 História: Com o decorrer da guerra da lança as florestas foram usadas como campo de batalha e ao longo do tempo ambas facções tiravam os recursos das florestas sem limites, as criaturas mágicas e não mágicas foram cada vez desaparecendo Junto com as grandes florestas e a magia dele cada vez mais fraca, com isso em uma tentativa de proteger a vida na floresta a mãe natureza jogou suas fúria contra os moradores de arinar numa tentativa de afastar a guerra das florestas e assim surgiu o guardião da floresta a Fúria da natureza. Descrição: um monstro feito de planta, suas pernas são raízes e seus braços ramas de planta e folhas, seu peitoral é coberto por caules e folhas no seu ombro cresce um caule enrolado e sua cabeça é uma enorme flor com uma boca cheia de dentes no centro e uma língua pontuda exalando um forte veneno.
  2. O famoso "Sopro dourado" carrega uma grande armadura dourada com detalhes em bronze, uma grande capa com plumas ao redor do pescoço, um cinto que dizem ser feito com pelos dos maiores e mais ferozes animais. Onde o Sopro dourado chega, é avistado de longe por causa da sua armadura reluzente fazendo seus inimigos logo perderem suas forças ao avista-las.
  3. the harbinger is seen days before the apocalypse starts, he is the one that opens the gates of hell allowing the demon hoards to over run the mortal world. this is a floating skeleton/demon character made mainly of hellstone, bone and demon wings, i hope the picture is enough to get the idea across, the wings should have a slite flapping animation and may also have a few holes in them. great contest btw just too bad i found out about it only today :D. demoncore EU-emerald regards
  4. Alright. (btw, I am sorry if this forum has already been released, but I am Updating it for the new 7.0 Update!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, In your opinion, What do you think is the Worst and bess class, with no buffs and amps? Mine personally is the Death knight. High atk, high def, and i just love the dks skills. What about you guys?
  5. Hello so I started not so long ago at mc side and chose to play with deathknight, so my question is which weapon is best for dk? I want to max my dk to highest lvl and want to be a tank with like 5k def but at the same time deal good dose of damage, so im asking which weapon should I choose? 1 handed mace with shield or 2 handed mace or spear? Thank you for your answers
  6. Hello everybody! First of all, I want to thank you for showing interest in my costume and I want to say in the very beginning that any kind of praise as well as constructive criticism is welcome. I've also written a story to my costume, you can skip it though if you're not interested. Also I will apologize for my English, I do know it's not the very best. ________________________________________________________________________ Description: Costume Name: Apollyon Apollyon, also known as the Fallen Angel of the Abyss is extremely arrogant, aggressive and violent. His only goal is eternal life and the Spear of the War to gain ultimate power and he will do whatever it takes to achieve this. He has big black eagle-like wings and red eyes which can shoot fire beams. Furthermore he's wearing red gloves and a red boot, representing his home, the hell. ________________________________________________________________________ Story behind the costume: Apollyon wasn't always called "Apollyon", he once was a real Angel called Uzziel and together with the other Archangels and the Gods of Arinar, he ruled over the lands and the paradise in heaven for millions of years. But very soon the end of Uzziel was approaching. It all started on the day when the Gods created the first humans. After just a few thousand years they populated the entire world and ruled over it. From then on, it was the Angels' duty to take care of the humans and keep them safe. Most of them did what they were told. However, Uzziel had an argument with the Gods and their decision and he doubted his lords. He told them that humans are full of greed and hatred and he rejects the idea of taking care of such creatures when all they do is destroy. The lords however didn't like the thinking of their underling. They banned him from heaven and made Uzziel himself a merely human. Uzziel was boiling with pure rage. It was such a dishonor for him to be on the same level as the creatures he hated. His rage rose and rose when suddenly, he fainted and woke up in a dark, yet hot and fire-red place. The devil himself brought Uzziel to hell. He felt Uzziel's unbearable rage against humanity and his former Gods and he wanted to have Uzziel for his own demon army. The Devil gave Uzziel his now black wings, Apollyon the demon was born. Together with the other Archdemons he's spreading terror all over the lands of Arinar, taking innocent lives and causing as much destruction as possible leaving everything in chaos and ruin. ________________________________________________________________________ I hope you like my costume and leave your comment below! May the best one win http://imgur.com/HODsZ8g -Nutman
  7. MCocktail

    Best Target

    Just asking, what is your easiest foe when killing someone? How you kill him?, Any dangers? pvp or straight war? imo, rogues are pretty easy, they wont run, your often tanky enough, and with a nice stun combo wombo they get shredded pretty quick
  8. hi guys good morning here I just wana ask about what class I should chose to kill a warlock ? And some people who kite always, 1.) Druid 2.)Ranger 3.)Priest Answer me one of em, I am thinking of Druid or Ranger ( Druid actually)
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