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KaahKing's Achievements

  1. Precisa nerfa alguma coisa porque invocador está insuportável o (personagem e o Pet Lua) batendo muito, curando muito, e ainda por cima Tankando muito, literalmente o personagem é perfeito em tudo, mas digo uma coisa se o char fosse MC acho q já teria levado NERF a muito tempo.
  2. I just wanted to demand a change in the shaman without demanding too much, since you nerfed the healing of all healers by 15% and who suffered the most in this nerf was the Shaman / druid because our healing is not a single cure, like the priest / necro, so i wanted to require the shaman/druid's first heal to be instant (first one time heal not counting the 2 second delay and the rest of normal healing every 2 seconds) or if its not too much to ask every 1.5 seconds or up to 1.8 s)
  3. Fluxo do templário está muito roubado, está dando muito raiva da até vontade de parar de jogar.
  4. Hello I wanted to make a complaint about the shaman, the cure of the shaman is very pleasing, I am able to pull mob from dk using agro, just use my cure in min or in the tank, please I could fix it
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