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Posts posted by EpicNinja098

  1. I didnt insult you. I wrote in past that if someone need pets to help means that he is weak without them. Maybe u think that u will be much stronger with npc, but if ur now weak then with npc u will still be weak because other players will have those npcs too. Or maybe u just want to see something running after you or flying in front of your head and u like this view, then ok i can give back ur honor;)


    I want a dragon and a zombie :blush:  and it would be cool ride them(yes i alos mean they zombie) :rofl:
  2. one time i tried going thru the bridge with full armour got killed by pt. :nea:  so i thought i could get away with no armour and theyd leave me alone, they raped me :diablo: :mega_shok:

  3. next chapter

    O:-) feels bad about :dirol: 's death. so  O:-) tried to bribe :diablo: to allow :dirol: to live. Immidiately :diablo: starts to :rofl: . when  :diablo:  realizes  O:-) is serious he :aggressive: . O:-) leaves looking like this :wacko:

  4. thats why when u barb u charge ranger and roar then chop then strong blow, ranger will then (depending on how childish they r, and if ur one of them that doesnt does this then ur excluded) get their friends to rape u :cray:

  5. Im not going to lie i just want a ring a friends to help with quests

    Leader: XconBeast LVL6 Barb (me)

    Members: XconBeast LVL6 Barb (me)

    P.S. this page will constantly update bc of character changes or new members or Memebers leaving

    P.P.S. If any argues over nonsense and i sense tension the ban hammer will smash&banish (after u r judged)

  6. Is this good for lvl 6 barb

    Health: 1080

    Health Regen: 33

    Energy: 100

    Energy Regen: 6

    Power: Physical: 54(all magic is zero)

    Defence: Physical: 432

    Dark Magic: 41

    Critical hit: 5%

    Dodge: 5.6%

    Accuracy: 1.2%

    Resilience: 0%

    Attk Speed: 0%

    Penetration: 0%( not like that pervs :rofl: )

    Parry: 0.4%

    Block: 0.4%


  7. And there should be an option to bet on the arena fights with gold but gamblers cant be in pt or have the combatants in freinds list. gamblers and spectators should not be able to influence the fight by using chat either. granted they should still be able to chat withing the specators chat window. there should alos be an option for each fighter to say if they can be spectated or not.

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