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Everything posted by Tweek

  1. Tweek

    Livestream tonight.

    no dark souls 2? boo
  2. Lvl17 Astrologer Stave +0 -> +5 20signs +5 -> +6 17signs +6 -> +7 1sign +7 -> +8 22signs
  3. Nobody is forcing you to buy. And don't buy if you don't want to spend your money. Oh yeah, and let's have a higher chance to amp our items, so we could all have +10 items. Think before you talk.
  4. Stop complaining newbs. You can buy these items from Second-hand Dealer which is one of the most balancing mc-gold thing you could get in a FTP game.
  5. Tweek

    Happy Easter!

    Implying Jesus cannot respawn. Do you even Bible?
  6. Full guild (&) l l (_°,.,°_) /
  7. Either waste money Either waste time Either waste both. ~Batman
  8. not. Way too easy to amp nowadays. Hope developers increase chance of failure.
  9. "oh no. I have lost to another class. Better ask for a nerfing"
  10. Necros(and priests) are really powerful now since they don't need to focus on high damage/low heal or high heal/low damge, they can have both now. Basically they are warlocks without stun but with support skill(which is better)
  11. If you're fat Stop being fat And get a gym membership instead.
  12. Lazy people don't eat warm food.
  13. "I should pay 1.69$ for the same amount of gold that I could gain at level 14"
  14. They are shown in 'facilities' category instead of 'Items for Skills' category.
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