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Astral Avenger

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Posts posted by Astral Avenger

  1. well thank you :)


    ive played shaman for a very long time. My first char was bd on us-server, then I realized I was on us-server so decide to make a new char for eu-server. By this time I wanted to try mc-side and not redo all elf quests. Have played shaman only ever since. Think that was v1.2 or v1.3 :) anyway all classes only had 3 skills back then.


    now im at the point im trying to share what Ive learned for all to benefit from :)


    great :yahoo:

  2. :facepalm:

    ♥♥♥♥♥ first off ill shut up when I please, second off me being the rogue who wrecked you makes it my "bidness" and ill make whatever "bidness" I want my "bidness" whenever I feel like it. You got a problem with that? Wait don't answer that because I don't give a shit.


    :blush: well look at u smart ass  u spelled every word out no abrieveations wow u must be very educated stfu pathetic and keep to ur bidness. :bomb:



  3. :good: great thinking

    How is it defining melee damage as up to 2 yards?  Look at your own spell book thread:


    Description: causes a small earthquake reducing enemies attackspeedwithin2 yards. Enemies cant move during the spell.

    Type - active Cast time - 1~1.5sec Range - 5 yards Energy expense - 15mp Cooldown - 15sec


    Where does that say anything about melee range being up to 2 yards?  What it does mean is that quaking someone who happens to stand within two yards of you or perhaps within a two yard radius of your cast point....then you debuff their attack speed as well as root them.    It makes no difference if your target is melee or ranged as long as they're within two yards when you quake. 


    Some skills for melee classes are ranged skills like hamstring and charge.  This doesn't mean all melee attacks are this range...just that particular skill.


    Bottom line is Hamstring has a range of two yards.  Melee range is adjacent.


  4. :facepalm:

    Well I will take it as lag I suppose. But I also dont like the critical percentage chance. Its way to likely for a high level on low level which is unfair in my opinion because you already have better damage and defense the last thing i need is to be owned in 2 hits because the power hit seems to be always the only critical hit they get. I dont like how with arena gear comes resilience because it seems to unbalance the game. Im not much of an arena type guy I really dont like doing arena because of the levels and the partner status. I rather just wait until someone from my clan logs in so we can kill elves for fun or for chainless.Oh and my last complaint its unfair for 2 level 14s to face 2 level 15s because they always seem to have arena and bg gear which makes it completely imbalanced.  :facepalm:  Thanks for all who read this! :good:  Feel free to comment on my concerns

    PS dont say you face level 15s when its no one else to face in your level because it seems to always happen even when its 15+ requests in arena  :facepalm:


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