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Everything posted by Blackdead

  1. full set isnt gives 4xhp bonus + 4xcritical bonus. Full bonus gives 1xhp bonus + 1xcritical bonus.
  2. warlockdan bahsesiyoruz necromancerden degil
  3. WTF 233k+792 sign on lvl2 char
  4. isnt it latest discount,is it? and urs only 7 more then me not much more:[
  5. maybe its permenant mute
  6. yanlis duasunuyosun hamstring arenada ise yarar sap ise farmlarda daha cok kullanilir sap hamstringden once gelistirilmesi gereken bir skill
  7. operatorun vodafone ise sms ile alamazsin nedenini bende bilmioyorum
  8. dodge vurma oranini azaltmak icin accuracy oranini arttirmalisin
  9. erikalt in banlanmasinda yardimci olabilecek bir foto
  10. maybe im hated by a few elfs and a lot of mcs(B2K i guess)
  11. he really banned for 2 weeks abouth 7 months ago. He was talking with others with using "Legionnn"
  12. They should add this with next update or maintenance
  13. lol u right if character is boy it must say HIS , if character is girl it must say HER. good analyze;)
  14. i agree with marsz im waiting for a reply to my ticket for 9 days
  15. gloves of berengars revenge aliyorum satan varsa bana ulassin Us-sapphire elf
  16. fatih eger ticket yazamadysan yardm ediyim aksam pm yolla bana oyundan yerdm gerekirse
  17. it isnt my problem if he hasnt any armor i only killed him when 15+ mcs atacking me
  18. lol what abouth mcoins on hassn:D
  19. try to kill me alone always kill 4vs1 *z*
  20. WTF? why closed again and thanks for giving exp for chosens
  21. how many more time do we have to wait?
  22. i am using Xperia X10 E10i too but i can switch my id. i advise you to use cyanogen mod 7
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