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Posts posted by MrSeby

  1. Congratz Frone :clapping: :clapping: . You said :,, You are  the highes noob and weak wk you cant event kill me'' . Seriously? I killed you many times, but i was on phone so no SS. But seriously? 2bd with good amps and novice cant kill a wk with novice and a dk without novice? And after you went out? Uff Frone, uff..



    P.S: Next time dont gank my wk when i pvp, bcuz i will kill you again with my rogue and you will start to cry . ;)




  2. Guys searchmon google Beta Server Metin2 :) . Its same thing. Only new maps you can test. You cant go town . You just go to farm new bosses, see new drops etc. But they can make for players.. And they can open it before updates to let players test bugs etc.

  3. You will use  beta acc only for some days to test, after accounts will be deleted. Beta server will work only before official server, and for sure  will have bugs so you can report it till official  update.

  4. Guys, what do you think about a Beta Server? A server where you have items +10 and max lvl, where you can test new mobs/bosses/maps before official update. And this server should be open 2-3 times a year, or before a new update.

  5. полусэт это еще нормально)))) видел тебя седня на арене с рея )) действуешь норм, только выходишь первым рано и поздно


    пи си я бы не смог отходить 4к боев ;D




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