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Everything posted by Wantooho

  1. Wantooho

    Bug relic

    i found that this relic not working properly. it said increase critical hit 15% when skill used while under fury effect. but its not. critical still on fury effect 10% buff dmg
  2. bloodthisty skill isnt that good skill lol. skill need bleeding effect first on target. this skill is prefer pve than pvp battle. i hope death knight got some buff on that skills
  3. i hope next update reward for kill boss with 1m+ hp, increasing. not like reward kill mini boss 30k hp
  4. losing buff when solo vs monstee is not profitable for rangers, this expert skill need revamp
  5. Clearly this relic is not as good as what it says in the description, dev's habit of writing the description has always been inaccurate leaves the player confused.
  6. Please read this real bug🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  7. Until hp spawn hp 300k+ this relic wont work anymore .. And latest i try on faceless its work , but ... Only bar hp got lower not number of hp it self ,, lol .. This relic really has a problem.. Pls fix this devs 😁😁
  8. Before i test on spawn its work .
  9. I try on mons with 85k hp and 1,7m hp (faceless) this relic not working . Name relic : terrible relic of deadly infection.
  10. anyone can explain , how work this relic on dark shield?
  11. Can u guys show to me new relics and best for pve ..rare relic
  12. as a dk user, I also feel what you feel, and experience the same. please dev can consider this.
  13. Im build ls saturaion n huricane
  14. Both skill is suck combine , at least we should get 1k healing
  15. Reveinnorik promise to make this skill good ,, not increaseing energy cost.. This skill not better than before update , more riddiculus I will do everything aw aw aw , yea with increasing energy cost😅
  16. Waiting a long time just for this 😡 i smell liar here. REIVENORIK COME OUT😤
  17. wait until now, and there is no skill update yet🤨
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