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Everything posted by Morpheous
So who wants to pick up from where we left the last convo ?
Yeah thread pado sab log http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=69092.30. koi maderchod hamarae ladikiyo ko pig bula raha hai. Sab hamae ghar ko jalanae ko bhol rahae hein. Aap log kuch nahi bologe ?
Yeah thread pado sab log http://forum.warspear-online.com/index.php?topic=69092.30. koi maderchod hamarae ladikiyo ko pig bula raha hai. Sab hamae ghar ko jalanae ko bhol rahae hein. Aap log kuch nahi bologe ?
Paladin owns dk hands down every time. The astral damage of paladin on stuns is just mad damage. Paladin for life.
kuzmitch good nice update. Add a brengar fullset box to miracle shop item for 1999 miracle coins. Right now the high level are camping and no chance for us to get the brengar set. Add brengar level 20 red weapon item to miracle shop for 1999 coins. That way we blow more signs and pvp more fun. Miracle shop items are boring man give us some pets or mounts. Overall good job. Please work on this brengar thing boss.
I think the book is over priced. The main reason is cause the skill do not have detailed description. I do not know how much shield will improve at level 2 and so on. So it takes level 14 to understand how skill works. What i suggest is give a free book to everyone as a quest item at 14 and increase the book cost to 2k mcoins.
You share your login id and dont want to get hacked what a moron.
Its about time you guys make a new universal server. The old ones are camped by constant high levels giving new players no chance to grow powerful unless they blow on coins. Additionaly i would like new hair styles new hair colours new items in miracle shop for level 15 players. New server is a must. Do something.
When you use the skill you can see the tears falling but the priest does not lift his hands or move his staff. So basically zero cast delay. I was not refering to the tears falling animation. This bug is related to the movement of the priest while casting.
There is no casting animation for the tears of harald skill. Zero casting delay. Please fix.
The paladin skill purification special effect astral damage over time does not increase with astral power. The skill description says its astral damage please let me know how this works.
Unable to enter gold mine to accept quest. Character is stuck. Name is cerenis level 11 please fix
I am sending sms from my mobile my balance gp getting reduced but no mcoins in my account. I have sent these messages. if w1375084 and this 515 10642 1375084. I am in india please fix this.
See if this helps. Warspear Online v.3.0.0 Log created 27d 7m 2012y at 15:44:49 Running on: © Nokia NXX User locale: en Free heap: 20868876 System memory pool size: 1259520 Free heap after system init: 19347208 Display mode: EColor16MU Opening pack file: C:\data\Warspear\warspear.pak Opening pack file: C:\data\Warspear\warspear.pak.1 Pack file not found. Init render Free memory before Render2D init : 18009580 Init Render2D : width=240 height=320 bpp=16 Render2D system memory pool size used : 441296 Free memory after Render2D init : 18007524 InitSoundSystem: freq=16000, bps=16, mod_channels=2, wav_channels=8, free_memory=16941428 Loading weapons.dat Data loaded. Loading armors.dat Data loaded. Loading jewelry.dat Data loaded. Loading quest_items.dat Data loaded. Loading craft_items.dat Data loaded. Loading consumables.dat Data loaded. Loading rune_items.dat Data loaded. Loading crystal_items.dat Data loaded. Loading guts_items.dat Data loaded. Loading outfit_items.dat Data loaded. Loading simple_service_items.dat Data loaded. Loading item_packs.dat Data loaded. Loading expansion_items.dat Data loaded. Loading amplifier_items.dat Data loaded. Before loading ui background. 8231132 bytes are available. Traffic @ Total Read: 0 Total Write: 53 Total packets: 1 Account ID: 1376791 Start cashing file '/filez/diff_2012-07-18_2012-07-25.pak' from 'diff_2012-07-18_2012-07-25.pak' Finish caching Move PAK 'C:\data\Warspear\partially.tmp' -> 'C:\data\Warspear\warspear.pak.1' Caching completed Traffic @ Total Read: 0 Total Write: 152 Total packets: 6 Opening pack file: C:\data\Warspear\warspear.pak Opening pack file: C:\data\Warspear\warspear.pak.1 ERROR: pool alloc failed. no more memory. failed to alloc 200004 more bytes. ERROR: decompress failed ERROR: PackDir::ReadDeleted cannot load file. Loading weapons.dat Data loaded. Loading armors.dat Data loaded. Loading jewelry.dat Data loaded. Loading quest_items.dat Data loaded. Loading craft_items.dat Data loaded. Loading consumables.dat Data loaded. Loading rune_items.dat Data loaded. Loading crystal_items.dat Data loaded. Loading guts_items.dat Data loaded. Loading outfit_items.dat Data loaded. Loading simple_service_items.dat Data loaded. Loading item_packs.dat Data loaded. Loading expansion_items.dat Data loaded. Loading amplifier_items.dat Data loaded. Before loading ui background. 7900012 bytes are available. Account ID: 1376791 Start cashing file '/filez/diff_2012-07-18_2012-07-25.pak' from 'diff_2012-07-18_2012-07-25.pak' Traffic @ Total Read: 0 Total Write: 102 Total packets: 9 Free memory after system deinit : 20779412 looks like pak.1 is the problem
Thats sweet little me trying to act like a cute harmless rogue with my pet cat. It took me 30 minutes to get him on my shoulder, hope you like it. ↲i tried to upload but could not so here is the link http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/8172245/img/8172245.jpg
Selling all miracle shop items at the following conversion. 1 miracle coin = 100 gold. 10item pack will be at discounted price. If anyone needs anything from the miracle shop do message me.
I think the amp system is perfect. In other games you will loose item if you fail to amp it. The sign gives you insurance. What more do you need. If you cant afford to amp dont do it. The only change i would like is the amp system being 2x harder for 2handed weapons. Why do i need to blow twice as much on my weapons being a rogue compared to a player with a two handed weapon. Peace
Hi this is my first post here. I been playing this game for 2 months now and love it. Here are a few suggestions and feedback to the developers. 1. When i come from arena sometimes health and mana is half. 2. I play on phone and sometimes its hard to move mouse. Can you add button to auto target monster close to us. 3. Can we have new feature like pet to heal us or improve energy regen or do damage. Maybe cost 1k miracle coin. 4. Can you add new feature mount. Walking takes too much time. Mount can make us move faster maybe add more defence or damage with battle mount. Make it miracle shop item. Can you add instant heal potion to gold shop. Its very expensive as miracle shop item and makes us very dependant on healer. Overall keep up the good work. Waiting for update 3.0