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Posts posted by Kamisama

  1. On 5/27/2023 at 10:08 AM, LeeLoo said:

    частич метамор.png Partial metamorphosis

    Now the skill "Demonic Appearance" does not turn the character into a demon. The skill now applies the “Partial Metamorphosis” buff to the character. The effect increases the “Attack Strength” parameter by 20%, and the character's auto-attacks under the effect have a 20% chance to deal damage twice, but no more than once every 2 sec.

    if this be like 18 sec buff then 14 sec cd , then its trash. just a weaker version of seeker for 18 sec 

  2. 1 hour ago, OasisPony said:

    Agree nerf dk, not just dk, nerf lock too. this two class full with control, they always say pala pala pala, as a pala player, i cant even use any skill in so many control,nerf this two class make gvg and arena more balance!

    Yes, while you are at it please nerf hunter too, too mqny controll effect, also dont forget reaper, in demon form they can stun 6.5 sec which is a lot, and pls nerf charmer too they have many cc skills, as and pls buff druid and templar and bd, they lack control skills, like a lot. Completely useless in gvgs, tnx

  3. 1 hour ago, ashour said:

    Does “double damage“ means it crits or just double our auto dmg? Meaning will it do double dmg even against resilience stat or only in pve situations? @Holmes @Dr Strange

    its literally double amount of your normal auto attack , for example if you do 1k dmg it will deal 2k , and yes it should work in pvp since it wont count as crit , 
    but for pve its just weaker version of crit 

  4. first of all , you should have posted this in class suggestion not in general , and second no class in this entire game can outdmg seeker as of right now(in pve) . and third , 3 class in elf have attack str skill while mcs still have 0 

  5. to be honest i think if warspear just adds raid party like many other mmo rpgs it would fix the problem , like limit party to 10 or 20 ppl (raid party cant enter dungeon) 
    this would stop a group of 5 friends full dps to get boss drops 90% of times , would improve gvg battles.

    my other suggestion is that they add contribution point , for example if you deal dmg to the boss or heal tank you will get contribution point , and if you have over certain amount , you will have a chance to get drop from boss , this will stop ppl to abuse low lvls and will also stop ppl to abuse 5 dps party.

    in the end there are many ways to fix this problem which i dont think we get anytime soon, since they are busy with new map

  6. 1 hour ago, SaltyCoffe said:

    I already suggested this but in the end talents don't have a limit like "skill points" so you can unlock all slowly without any limitation.


    PS: I know that for new players this can be a bit frustrating if you mess up, but in the end you can unlock all so just be patient and you will achieve what you want:pirate:

    Aigrind wont lose anything by adding this , and i dont really think its difficult to add

  7. 1 hour ago, pawned said:


    No, it has 0 effect on a PvP players at all. Damage is still the same. Auto attacks or skills deals exactly same damage, doesnt matter if you are using Talent or not.



    So how does Rogue talent "Surely have effect" ? 

    i beleive this must be a bug and needs to be fixed @Nolan.
    resilence should reduce crit dmg by maximum 60% , not entirely .
    if its entirely removing crit dmg , then how is it that reaper annihilation still do large amount of crit dmg ?

    edit : can you test charmer and chieftain with rage relic that if under rage their skills do crit dmg ?, and if they both had increased dmg on someone with 60% resilence, help me report this 

  8. 12 hours ago, pawned said:

    Rogue talent has 0 effect, because you will deal same damage no matter if character is under 20% hp or not since people are using resilience. 

    it surely have effect , the crit chance is 100% no matter if target have high resistance or not , the crit dmg will be reduced yes (max 60%) but thats +40% dmg , which is a lot 

  9. I dont know about you guys, i play mc side, my main char for now is reaper, and i gotta tell you this talent is not broken in pvp atleast, remember they only get -55% dmg reduced only when their hp drops to 30%, which means if they are at 31% hp, me and many other good pvp chars can literally 1 shot them, especially reapers, devs always told us that thia game is not about 1v1 its a group fight, every class has its owm counter. Just like how seekers remove warlocks from exictance in 4 seconds, reapers can remove seeker from exictance in 2 sec. 

    Drop seekee hp to 20% and even rogue with talent will be able to easily kill it, because of crits. Seekers are not much of threat in gvgs, because they dont have any long distance skill like rogue and they also dont have resistance skill, so all they do is just get permanent stunned to death, and if they do resistance build they will be too soft and easy to kill, as for arena like i said every class has its own counter. See stupid seeker in arena? Bring a good reaper with you and you will win. In my opinion devs are doing their best for both sides, and ppl keep complaining no matter what they do xd

  10. it would be great if you make Ancestors's Power skill not actually nerf you .... 

    i undrestand it should remove Thirst for life (mm first skill) but why it removes every other single buff including resilence and ferocity and also PERMANENT skills ? why its named permanent skill then ? xd

    if you use it you will lose your dmg and pene ,and accu buffs . so with that 80% attack power you do same auto dmg as before . but you lose your crit and good stats and cant use ability :) 

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