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About nightmerr

  • Birthday 02/09/2003

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  1. Sorry, I didn't understand what you meant, maybe it's because of the translation.
  2. warlock stack 5 damage absorption buff, every successful attack stack 1 buff that absorbs 2% damage, every auto attack or instant skill received loses 1 stack. Each skill level increases by 2%. I wanted to know your opinion, I saw many posts wanting to put more healing for the warlock when you don't need it. I wanted to know your opinion, I saw many posts wanting to put more healing for the warlock when you don't need it. I don't know if putting the skill to activate in periodic attacks would be too strong since warlock has many skills like that, so I didn't even comment on that.
  3. yes, because the skill would not be very appealing, since it is for 1 attack that the buff stays, but it would help the warlock's survival a lot not to die fast.
  4. warlock stack 5 damage absorption buff, every successful attack stack 1 buff that absorbs 2% damage, every auto attack or instant skill received loses 1 stack. Each skill level increases by 2%. I wanted to know your opinion, I saw many posts wanting to put more healing for the warlock when you don't need it. I wanted to know your opinion, I saw many posts wanting to put more healing for the warlock when you don't need it. I don't know if putting the skill to activate in periodic attacks would be too strong since warlock has many skills like that, so I didn't even comment on that.
  5. Ficou top de mais lary, bora pegar primeiro lugar Confio nas suas habilidades de miss kk
  6. Você fala pra usar " resistir" colocando runas, no elmo, colar e bota, dificilmente vai pegar alguma coisa, " ah, mas tem set resistir pra isso" blz então a pessoa vai ter que usar set resistir ficar muito mais papel do que já é, só pra poder quebrar combo do druid ou relíquias? Eu citei combo do druid aí por que, se você for ver esse vídeo do boog druid lvl 20 Full grandeza matando vários lvl alto alguns Full grandeza, com combo infinito, " coloca set resistir que mata" sim pode até matar mas e um druid lvl alto como fica? Tá meio ridiculo esse Full stun do druid, se você ver o que eu falei aqui, vai entender o por que dele ter falado sobre relíquia no druid, já não basta ter Full controle, combo infinito, e ainda tem relíquias de controle, Quebrado isso.
  7. Armadura velha branca e cinza e um manto azul rasgado e sujo que usa em baixo da armadura, e em seu capacete pequeno tem um cabelo azul e longo igual a de um damurai, Astoras é uma alma presa na armadura. A imagem só está cortada deu um problema quando foi feita, mas as duas são de frente. 😂
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