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Guardian of Spear
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Everything posted by Salazam

  1. There are some possible changes that have been leaked that, if real, will be a nerf to healing abilities across the board.
  2. like the BM animal and the templar's shield, which is why the value is already so high. it wouldn't be as strong, this passive skill has a low duration and isn't as practical to activate. they won't remove healing from the Beastmaster, so I guess a little more healing for the legion isn't so bad.
  3. A lot is said about the chief, how OP the class is or the impact he has on every scenario in the game. In part, many of the complaints are true, some are exaggerated, so today, I come to propose a series of changes to the class. For magic chiefs, improve their support function for allies, help them deal better with healing skills, and reduce their power to create danger zones especially in GvGs. For the physical/hybrid boss, extend your blast window. Blow of the spirit Now in addition to magical power, it also causes damage based on 40-50-60-70-80% of the character's physical strength. Ps: this change mainly aims to add another physical damage ability to the chief, to extend the damage window that the class has and reduce the possibilities of One-shots. Eagle Eye The bleeds caused by this ability no longer cause a "stopping" effect on enemies when they are moving. Ps: with the number of bleeds that the chief has, in some situations it is extremely difficult to move around and exit some important skills due to the constant hangs that the character gives. Bear's Stamina Now the healing effect based on magic damage is also applied to up to 3-3-4-5-6 allied targets within 2 meters of the chief for 35% of the original healing. Ps: Add some form of support to this skill, as well as valuing its maximization. Wolf's Alacrity movement speed increase effect reduced to maximum 35%. Ps: reduce the chieftain's power if escaping or pursuing, as well as reducing his advantage in situations that require a lot of movement. Damage reduced by 35% at all levels. (5/5 = 135% of the chief's physical damage) Ps: change aims to extend the explosion window of the physical/hybrid chief, and avoid One-shot situations Clan's help The buff effects granted by this ability are also applied to party members in the same location as the chieftain Ps: The idea here is to add a second form of support to the class, as well as increase the value of this skill. Curse of the Plague Name changed to "Cunning of the beast" (former talent name) Effect changed. Now teleports the player to the selected location, and deals magic damage to enemies within a 1m radius (3x3 area). Damage ratio 100-110-120-135%, magic power. Key Talent: Cunning of the beast Name changed to: Curse of the Plague Effect changed, now pulls enemies within a 2 meter radius closer to the chief, applies the "Curse of the Plague" penalty to them for 5s, the effect reduces their attack speed and ability cooldown by 25%. Ps: This is one of the chief's most controversial abilities since its launch, it should be a central piece of the magic chief's kit, but ends up being underused due to its various design problems. Swooping Army Now the skill deals more damage at the beginning, and decreases over time. Currently causes 60% magic damage every 1s for 5 seconds. Now the skill lasts 6 seconds, deals 100% damage on the 1st hit 75% on 2nd hit 50% on the 3rd hit 25% on the 4th, 5th and 6th hits. Final damage value unchanged. 300% of the chief's magic damage. Ps: The idea behind this change is to strengthen the magic chief in arenas when dealing with a lot of healing, as he has more immediate damage, without removing his damage over time, also to avoid situations especially in gvgs where chiefs can create a zone of great damage for a long time. Rugged Hide Now reduces 10-20-30-40% of damage taken. Duration Increased by 12s at all levels. The ability can no longer be used on allies. Ps: Reduce the strength of this skill combined with some other factors, and modify it to be a skill that will always be within the chief's reach. Also removing the ability to use the skill on allies, other changes were made to compensate for this. Frenzy Damage reduced by 10% at all levels. Ps: change aims to extend the explosion window of the physical/hybrid chief, and avoid One-shot situations
  4. now the damage reduction effect of each new jump is reduced to a maximum of -50% of the skill's damage. This would better cement the skill as an area damage skill. currently on the last targets affected by the skill the damage is so low that they sometimes receive around 10-50 damage. ps: the same must be done for the Ranger, Hunter and Rogues in the "Vengeful Shot", "Pathfinder’s Arrow" and "Ricochet" skills on one target I did 4k damage, on another 33. on this last target that the sphere would hit, I caused 251! of damage compared to the initial value is extremely low.
  5. será que vao arrumar isso, ou esclarecer esse ponto?
  6. Na verdade o nome era pra ser Mestre da Fera, mas como o nome "Invocador" se popularizou extremamente rápido no servidor BR e discord, devido em um gif de spoiler, o Nolan Optou por deixar o nome da classe como Invocador das Feras. Além disso, a fera do invocador não é desbalanceada ou OP, o alto dano dela é sobrevivência são devido a outras habilidades da classe.
  7. When using a staff you have other abilities and skill options. the same happens with the templar.
  8. you are not forced to use a mace and shield, there are many staff builds. charmer is not a singular class, it is a class that can fulfill all the functions of the game, changing it to something singular is not what most players would want, besides who guarantees that the path they would choose would be the one that do you like it?
  9. for an apple charmer there is only one skill, with some improvements in others. changing this ability so that it was usable at full power with a staff would make the use of maces obsolete.
  10. ele pede a resoluçao de um problema, mas nao existe esse problema. mas sim, a lua receber o stun é bem forte
  11. It just wouldn't be cool if only the staff were strong and the mace became obsolete. I think there are many ways to improve charm that are not necessarily these.
  12. This change wouldn't make the charmer more versatile, it would just exclude the physical version of the game entirely. Why use a mace and only have Wolves when you could use a staff and have the enchanter's full skill kit? Furthermore, Wolves already deal immense damage, increasing their damage further is questionable.
  13. the main difference between a mace and a staff today is damage. mace = damage staff = support There would be no advantage in using a mace if wolves were usable in building a staff, which still has large amounts of healing, ease of use of control skills, support power, among other advantages.
  14. There is no point in making apple construction completely useless,
  15. For a tank, a magic mace would be much stronger, due to the high healing and magic damage it would have. With these changes there is no reason for it to be physical, perhaps if the magical damage ratio of the call was much lower than the physical damage, it would be viable.
  16. Единственный способ не погибнуть коту в боях с множеством целей — считать его игроком. Уменьшение урона или увеличение исцеления не изменят того факта, что он умрет через 1 или 2 секунды.
  17. In theory the idea is interesting, but if this were done, what would be the point of using a charmer with physical damage? The entire skill kit of the class could be used at full power just by doing magic damage and using a staff.
  18. Это было бы просто УДИВИТЕЛЬНО то же самое и с питомцем повелителем зверей Было бы круто, если бы этот талант увеличивал максимальное количество жизни призываемых монстров, ведь урон они будут получать бесплатно, а жизни для этого потребуется больше.
  19. despite being strong, BMs are highly vulnerable to group controls, something that a chieftain does not need to worry about.
  20. I know you play on the Brazilian server, and the Brazilian legiao is a big joke. Completely disorganized players, without any ambition. If the legion dominates on the game's biggest server, this only indicates that the game's balance is not that bad. on the emerald server, I see guild leaders complaining about how OP the chieftain is, on the Brazilian server, I see people complaining about the templars. The problem may be mainly people. It's not, but there aren't many servers to use as parameters, other than the most populous ones.
  21. A lua herda o parâmetro stun do invocador, então ela pode te atordoar.
  22. On the biggest server in the game, Amber, the legion dominates, the failure of the legion on your server is not related to the strength or weakness of the sentinels.
  23. you can have up to 200% cooldown of skills So, 200% bônus dmg
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