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Everything posted by crnoss

  1. yeah useless Inner Forces Changed skill mechanics. Lowers incoming damage by 2% for each 12-10-8-6% of missing health. how is this skill work ı dont understand.
  2. hi peony i want to create new char at ru amber can ı find help there ?. when skylore relase btw.
  3. maybe need different purpose for seeker and paladins.paladins can do faster craft for example ,collector (craft resourcues) for seeker , ,accounting for bots . ???.maybe its bring justice for classes...
  4. 16 hours ago and 15 hour ago when higgins reacted
  5. interesting.And new guild skill flying fortress, no one can see guild...
  6. yeah its big problem nowadays.need range attack skill for seeker maybe.Ranger good for pve and pvp.Seeker?maybe good for standing at town...
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