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Everything posted by Poggers

  1. XD, nah its too hard, why cant we all have things for free? 😂
  2. Will the achievment times for guild events remain at 15 minutes, because they seem impossible as of late.
  3. The achievement "Underwater exploration" is impossible to complete because of your garbage game servers causing my entire guild to be kick out of EU Emerald literally every 20 minutes. How do you expect to maintain this already pissed off player base with such insane connection issues. Can we get an explanation for what is happening? Thank you.
  4. yeah no chance lmao, i much prefer they make lots of things underwater 😕
  5. sucks doesnt it, stick with t3/t4 get some amping done, make a party and maybe you can get to the end game 😉
  6. wait.. so it will bring people from outside chaos invasion into the gvg event? or only inside the area.
  7. So now you can use guild unity inside chaos of invasion? There are new experts lol.
  8. Poggers

    Bot army

    its a bot 100% they do this so they have enough accounts to spam world chat.
  9. We need to not spend merman reputation in order to get the speed/oxygen buffs?
  10. Hey, I'm pretty sure that you've heard of these lags already but just in case you haven't, we've been experiencing some rather radical server lags on EU servers lately (for past few days). These lags have already taken a rather big effect in the recently released guild events for example, not to mention all the other smaller activities that have been going on during those times. P.S Wasn't sure where to write this since the "report bugs" button is still unavailable in game and official site doesn't have a bug report function either, therefore I thought that this would be the most suitable place for such report. XD
  11. @Akasha i think i may have found a bug, unless it is intentional I currently have 5.3k mermaid reputation but 4.8k i used on talents. Yet i do not get the 70% move speed or the 17 oxygen that i should have gotten at 5k+ reputation. Do i have to leave reputation unspent to get these buffs?
  12. 100% agree and can we get more variety with food? One other thing.. why the hell are the pots that drop from the new chests not actual hp pots...? assault of the ship + 5mins.
  13. Stood on this plate for so long with 30+ people and it didnt work at all...
  14. Good changes but please consider increasing time limit for assault of the ship and also making chaos of invasion a little more rare (not daily).
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