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Everything posted by Fynn

  1. Do you want the legionnaires to go crazy?
  2. His heal was alrdy nerfed past rebalance...... Also my chieft can recover full health..... And is supposed to be a dmg class. ( I compared these two because, they have the same conditions in terms of physical and magical damage.) I do not want to sound rough, but I am not interested in what happens in other people's servers, I am also not asking that it stay as it is, I don't care, instead of asking NERF to other classes, ask buff to yours. This type of nerf, always affect the pve area of those who are just beginning to play
  3. Agree, legion players are pissed off, as if is our fault. I also asked for a defensive skill instead, not that glass canon skill Either way they would complain, if this skill had been given to the rogues, they would be complaining about the amount of hp and the reduction of healing, But of course, just bcuz is for "elves" is automatically broken 😂
  4. devs added a lot dmg buffs, Before that skill release i was asking for any defensive skill like dodge or parry Im okay with that nerf, it should be reworked instead
  5. Don't assume that the t5 book is something everyone has. Also, do not ask for fixes based on a book, it is not even part of the character
  6. Honestly, healers are very little used lately, but they are used for their healing not for their dmg, also if you want more dmg and little heal, you should play wlock instead, no offense
  7. Agree, that bleeding only works for defeat, nothing more And its dmg is uhmm, pathetic for low dmg players
  8. 1:¿¿¿¿????? We're talking abt palas why u mention seekers?? xd 2: c'mon, magic palas cant one combo kill, phy maybe yes 3: palas are easy kill, and yes heals a lot, i dont discuss that, just put logic on that, dont jump to complain without argument more than the typical "elfspear" vibes, like every "one side" player here.... Yes i play both sides, i dont care of buff/nerfs
  9. Paladin high heal with high cd Priest/necros has pretty low cd on heal skills obviously, While paladin heal skill is in cooldown, you can heal x3 times. You are comparing a healer with a tank-support, Which is not very smart, the "support" part is not there for simple luxury. In any case, the "tank" part is the one that stands out the least.
  10. Skill: "shield strike can stun, and deal phy dmg, but a shield is obviously necessary" Player: understandable *proceeds to cast with a 2h sword*
  11. As elfs are more popular, they immediately become omnipotent to them, it is easier to ignore the fact that it is possible to counteract the skill, and directly ask for nerf.
  12. I don't think all seekers are full book, but I understand
  13. Ok, devs decide to hear you and nerf every "elf"... But, what if players keep liking sentinels?, what if they doesn't come back to legion side?.. What you suggest? Keep nerfing elf?!? You should advertise the legion then.... lmao, as well as warspear should advertise to attract more players....
  14. Yes, i like it Yes, But I think it should work like the paladin, beyond level 4 of the skill I like it, but I do not know why it needs strength, even with a lot of speed the chieft is very slow, besides that his way of working is spamming skills, more than auto-attacks I guess it's fair, removing many more effects would be annoying I really can't imagine any buff for this skill, maybe a little more time in the positive effects after accumulating x3 stack Uhmm, I would have preferred something else xd Good Uhmm... good.. Maybe xd
  15. That's what I thought, but then remember that there are people who gets anxiety if they see that the bd gets something decent.... Or in general speaking that the elfs get some buff Sonic blow should be fixed, lower a bit the 1st dmg and increase dmg on adjacent targets, maybe - 30% and increace aoe dmg for 50%, A sweep that does real dmg to those in front of bds
  16. Change basic aggro to for example: - A skill that increase critical hit chance + pene And remove aggro and stun from rush and add aoe dmg + decreasing dmg, or aoe dmg + decrease attack speed Not too much dmg maybe 40/45/50/55% and reduce its cooldown , so they can use in dgs like techno or idk Because let's face it, the bd only works for pvp and to damage the final boss in dungeons I imagine, that some will not like the idea even if it is not something so exaggerated
  17. I saw a rogue on eu emerald with 2.2k dmg base, without stealth skill... He has that amount of damage all the time, or he probably have thousands of dmg scrolls idk, Now imagine him using some variation of Exacerbation + speed Damn boi
  18. Dodge is not useless, just no one use it bcuz vamp runes. You have a great obsession against seekers, Well... I also play seeker, and From experience I can tell you that... - a weakness for seekers are the stuns/cc skills, you stun them first you have a great advantage... a seeker need stay on lvl 12 guild + disappearance talent + attraction talent, to luckily counter that -im pretty sure that nobody waste points on inner rage, ppl just buy it bcuz talent (dmg reduction) so, yea its a 55% less dmg against the character and 10% of increased dmg (I haven't learned that talent yet) -the shield, yes, is useful against mobs...in pvp.. Uhm, only if you have learned the inner rage talent, the shield works greatly in pvp, if you're poor like me thats useful instead of amping to +10 your gear/ weapons. i saw u suggested a dmg % reduction instead of a shield, as a chieftain user, that would be good but not better, that shield can be destroyed/cancelled easily, so i can nuke them while shield is on cd,, % reduction together with inner rage talent, should be worst bcuz is just like the 80% reduction that reaper has on his experts (maybe more than the reaper) -no, a single hit on pvp does not recover full hp (vamp), thats ridiculous. In pve, a powerful single hit recovers a lot of hp -no, a pve seeker can't kill a pvp character, you need at least: war buff + castle buffs + dmg scroll + dmg pot + steroids, to kill a pvp dk/barb/warden, or even other light armor users, against cloth users is 60/100 and thats bcuz casters arent supposed to fight 1v1 against a high dmg class, and cloth users are not characterized by having a good defense against melee. I Personally sucks fighting against casters - No, we all have not books to abuse of low hp. We all have not mm gear +10, mostly seekers relies on their dmg, so their defense is a crap... Maybe 10% of seekers in eu server have everything mentioned before -yes, a seeker can outdmg a rogue, And that doesn't mean that the rogue is garbage, is not a competition Finally, Yes.. Inner rage talent is a bit stronger, But consider that seeker lose half of what he heal by vampirism, and of the healing he receives, and 80% of the full health, It's a pretty heavy Punishment for 55% reduction and a bit more dmg. (personally I consider the attraction talent more useful)
  19. Literally Both can "perma" stun, There is no point in complaining. nobody waste points on attraction even if it has silence, so its like 10% of working, It's as if you put a relic of fear in 'kick in the back' and count it as cc skill Now, almost all seeker skills are terrible , only speed makes a seeker a "godlike" If what you want is to destroy the seeker Usefulness, easy..... nerf the attack speed.... , but I guess it would also affect the legion characters who also use attack speed, and to vary, blame the elfs for this Literally that chief skill did what a x3 today chieftains/mages do, But since it belongs to the legion and also one of your characters, who tf cares!! No? 😂
  20. I think it would be much better if it were like the "help clans" of the chieftain Every 3 skill used, accumulate 1, (3 max) In demon form, clean all debuffs and accumulate 3 instantly Also demon form should be updated, and decrease incoming dmg at least 10%/15%/20%/25%/30% Or maybe it's very op idk...
  21. I also hate that phrase, and it's not like they made it easy for you lol
  22. There is no better tank, dps, aoe "stunner" in the game. It all depends on how you build the character, None of them starts out being the best in their role, Now, everyone with mm gear obviously will do its role x10 times better, There is no doubt about that. I don't want to sound very rude, but you just complain about how bad your class is, when it's not true. If you think it's so bad, why are you still playing it?
  23. If your balance It's about only on nerfing elfs and buffing mc, keep looking for it dude. You contradict yourself
  24. I also played on both sides, but Apparently, more than balance, they want everything to be the same, exact copies on both sides. Imagine using "you are elf" "you only play on elf side" "elfspear" in a derogatory way, for not agreeing with them They like to assume wrongly, And if we assume that they are new players? Xd
  25. To say that they are first in the sight of new players, is the literally the stupidest reason to complain about the game.
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