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Everything posted by alyanorno

  1. finally decent mods in this section. grats
  2. acording to you, i do. does it even matter Jayrox? several other people dont play but use the forum.
  3. i saw it and apreciate it. sorry i didnt stay for the people who somewhat apreciated my presence at abc. u should come play Smite ;D like LoL but 3rd person and Gods as chars
  4. sulla n caza arena buddies now? :facepalm:
  5. much underline :good: much fail editing
  6. i really took it to heart when i felt like no one had my back after jess kicking me out of the blue and saying she would kick me every time i was in the guild, warlunatic even let her use her char for kicking me. those things werent cool at all. and jamie's "good riddance" after i deleted the rogue was also truly disapointing. overreacted for sure but i only raged at people who were in fact ridding jess's wave of hate and not caring for a moment that i had left the guild before for a reason, the sake of the guild. not to desert them. when u try so hard to make a point and make people care about the guild and in the end people hate you for it.. it's time to go. and like i said i leveled that rogue for abc alone. since i lost all will to be in abc after feeling unsuported and having been pushed to leave, deleting the rogue was the obvious solution for me. as for elf side deletion it was just the end of the game for me. a way to make sure i wouldnt come back. all enjoy the game and next time when u all gang up on someone make sure you arent taking the wrong side cause might doesnt make right. sorry bout the drama revival
  7. > says its a waste of time and repairs > keeps on hunting > cries himself to sleep > shaves unibrow in his dream > wakes up, crawls into mother's bed saying he's had the worst nightmare ever
  8. u just crack me up, back to smite
  9. its piccolo, alone in the desert, looking at his myspace page and Tom is his only friend
  10. i can always count on you tom (think this is what he says)
  11. are you a yoshi? can i ride you?
  12. what do u call ganking low levels in pvp cave? :facepalm:
  13. i didnt really waste more than 5 minutes looking at it but it seemed like one of those cases i often came across where u have to blindly chose. anyway, +1 for ur luck ;D
  14. 50% odds on both. good job :D or did you come by logic solution that i couldnt?
  15. yep. gotta risk in 2 squares. 1 wasnt enough. both the 2 vertical down and the 2 across up could make it possible. been there, frustration
  16. impossible to know for sure, since more than 1 solution is possible. just risk it.
  17. so you think you're good at moba games cause you play decent LoL? try playing a game where you cant see your back ;)
  18. too lazy to search for another thread. not really animé. but a decent movie based on dante's inferno game (based on dante's inferno literature work) the story is awesome but i dislike the fact that they change artwork like 5 times during the movie, being that the first part artwork is awesome. anyway, enjoy Dante's Inferno
  19. well he's less of a douche than some.
  20. gay. good luck to you, dodge those natural disasters
  21. anal on aproach (or army of apocalipse, ur choice)
  22. not yet. every version i found was in japanese. by the end of the day there should be one
  23. i dunno. raw versions come out on sundays but may take up to 1/2 days fr subtitled version to reach the websites. maybe thats the reason ;)
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