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Everything posted by alyanorno

  1. because you were hoping for a good drop ;D if you droped something good you'd think "totally worth it"
  2. true dat. poseidon, zeus, ao kuang . well pretty much every char is op if u know how to use them properly. its just some are easier than others. i use mostly hunters, apollo and ahnur and sometimes hel yes
  3. alyanorno

    Novo fórum

    verdade, especialmente a maioria dos brs do server EU. cambada de mal educados :facepalm: e depois perguntam-me porque é que eu quase só falo em inglês.
  4. you assume i actually said that with ill intent. wasnt. i read her reply and that answer came to mind. she didnt have to feel offended by it. was there gonna be any dramma if she didnt insult me as a reply? no, there wouldnt. if i could not have said anything? i could and i wouldnt have if i had read the previous posts from yasir (i didnt). didnt think she'd even feel offended by that. fac is, if it came from any other person she "knows" it wouldnt have such a sad reply. (about the picture, found it on memegenerator.net, didnt make it myslef. found it funny
  5. she was talking to him as if she was experienced. she isnt. i sarcasticaly said nothing but the truth. guess its offensive to her. it was harmless till she decided to insult me. tell me again how did i insult her? edit: and if ur sick of the dramma talk to the one who actually started insulting. edit #2: luckily this is in fact a forum, google what forum means. (and i rest my case)
  6. i posted properly, then was insulted by a new mod for saying she is a new mod. makes sense to you? or do you need more simplifying?
  7. different answers to diferent people.
  8. what about my old posts? wanna see lexi's? or yours by that matter? or several other people? should the new mods analize every thread looking for past offenses? :facepalm: do you even think before you type Cal?
  9. you should've ignored in the first place, since it was nothing but an inocent remark on how you've mod for little time. now since you know nothing of my life you shouldn't talk about it. or are you like crossfit that congratulates me on facebook on my 6 months "realationship" ( ;D ) then comes to forum say that i'm a no lifer with no gf etc etc? and as mod if you want respect you also have to give it. apologies are in order (and you know im right if ur pride dont hurt too much). :spiteful:
  10. i just said she wasnt experienced. dunno what she's done or didnt do as a mod so far. but it doesnt look promissing when she takes things to heart and insults/disrespects a forum user that didnt even make a disrespectfull or hurtfull comment.
  11. didnt realize non- abc people cant post here. :facepalm: i'll post where i want ::) btw did you even join abc before i did? or knew the founding members for as long as i did? you're out of place this aint no night club. its a forum. get mod status then u can shut me up but make sure i did say something that FREEDOM OF SPEECH doesnt cover or you might lose mod status pretty fast. oh and if you even bother to read, i didnt state anything about the quality (or lack of) her moderating. i said not experienced (google what that means so you can stop embaracing yourself) :blush:
  12. a mod that starts personal atacks just for a simple statement of the obvious. she's been mod for a week or so, thus not experienced. now threatens. eheh didnt knew people cant speak their minds. i ss'd all of my posts just in case you something ;) no insult or foul language was used. but you as a mod first insulted me and now threatened me not to persue the matter.
  13. i just said that she wasnt that experienced as a mod and she talks about how i have problems and everyone knows it? yep, nice mod :)
  14. i know those guys (most of them anyway) and they all were/are mcs and gank on mc side as well
  15. lol yes, cause you know me so well ::) you wanna teach me about my problems? please enlighten me. not tolerating bullshit is a problem? and who's this "everyone" u talk about? so funny. from where i stand its just you talking (*gets ready for the cavalry to come to the rescue")
  16. because you're so experienced at being a mod
  17. most of these are mc turned elf
  18. more fun dual druids cycling roots and killing with only bees. me and juni did that to so many shamans. thats also a part of why Jayrox stalks me ;D
  19. since u gave him your answer in my quote i thought maybe you think i was him hehe
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