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Posts posted by Phoneguy

  1. Trocando em miudos, pegue todas as daily quests (azuis) e va completando porem nao pegue somente o item de quest do mob, e sim colete tudo , entao quando for entregar a quest ja aproveita e vende o loot, as vezes algumas quests lhe darao poções,que voce poderá usa-las ou vende-las, já que cada uma vale 70-80 g voce fara em torno de 300-400g por loot (sem contar o gold da propria quest rsrs) ;)


  2. Hi, i have some questions, ive sent mail to support using the website to recover.my account, i got replied to send info about numbers which i used to buy mcoin, then i sent, and i didnt got replied again, so i sent another ticket, now i dont know, is it ok to take so long for the support reply?i dont know what to do now.. do i need to do something else? thanks.

  3. Dont lie.... i know uu used Paint.shop heheheehe ...,,, u got to explain about the sword meaning and oother items there... hurry before too late :blush:

    didnt pretended to doeble post but my phone brOwser sucks.. its a sheet sorry:( xDDDDDDDDDDD

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