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    SeaDemon reacted to Godless in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
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    SeaDemon reacted to Abi in Hunter Guide -Abi EU-Emerald   
    Hunter is a Legion Mountain Clan ranged class that specialize in Damage Dealing and Area Control

     Pros and Cons 
    One of the best DPS class in Legion and in game. Has the ability to control enemy’s movement and limit their fighting capability. A great class for mass fights and events “Guild vs Guild”.  
    Lack of survivability and defensive or escape abilities. Lack of burst “high damage in a short amount of time”. Difficult to control in terms of positioning and play-style.  
      Skill information 
    Here you can find all the information about hunter’s skills as well as demonstration.
       PvE and PvP 
    PvE As mentioned before Hunter is one of the best DPS classes in legion and they play the part of the party/guild damage dealer. In terms of build there are two main builds that we will discuss, Single target and mass.  
    Single target  mainly played for dungeons and Raid bosses that require a lot of single target damage     "Mythical sea" and "Mythical nadir" dungeons are great example to use this build for. Basic:
    Mass or group damage build is mainly played for dungeons or events that requires a lot of group damage    Castle dungeons are a great example for this build. Basic:
    PvP: Hunters are a great class when it comes to PvP, they deal a good amount of damage while also having  a helpful crowd control abilities. In terms of build there are two categories that we can divide hunter builds into, Arena and GvG/War.         
    Arena build can split into three options based on the situation or your play-style
    The standard  Offers a lot of damage while also gain a lot of stuns/control     This build works really well against opponents that rely too much on their skills whether for: Healing     Dealing Damage    Control    Keep in mind that some classes have abilities that grant them  Resistance which can ignore all control skills for few seconds making this build weak against:   Mage  Blade Dancer  Barbarian  Chieftain  
    The Dodge  Similar to the standard build in terms of stuns/control however it shifts more into surviving or withstanding damage by filling up your  Dodge stat while also having a bit of  Damage reduction. The idea of this build is to avoid as much damage as possible even against characters who has  Accuracy boost as it forces them to spend extra skill points into their accuracy skill making them lose points in other important skills thus lowering their damage or their fighting capability. Even though this build focuses more onto leveling  Dodge and Damage reduction skills rather than damage it can still deal a decent amount of damage.  This build works really well against opponents that deals a lot of burst or DPS such as:  Blade Dancer  Seeker  Warden  Mage  Rogue  Chieftain  Barbarian  Warlock  Reaper On the other hand there are some classes that have the ability to increase their  Accuracy which lower the chance of attacks being Dodge making this build a bit weaker against:  Mage  Ranger  Barbarian  Chieftain keep in mind that you cannot   Dodge Skills effect you can only Dodge the damage for example you can Dodge  Barbarian  Shield strike Damage or   Mage  Shattered Stone damage however you cannot Dodge the  Stun duration and it will still  Stun you even if you Dodge it.  Basic:
    The damage focused This build focuses on dealing an insane amount of damage    and being a threat to almost anyone against you.  This build is generally good against all classes however it works best against opponents that are hard to kill or lack defensive skills like:  Warden  Ranger  Death knight  Hunter  Keep in mind, due to the fact it lack any sort of stuns  or defensive stats  this build leaves you extremely vulnerable against opponents who has mobility skills such as:  Mage  Seeker  Blade dancer  Barbarian  Rogue  Chieftain As you've noticed this build has a lot of counters and is hard to play so if you're planning on playing it I recommend having a support class as your partner to make sure you don't die too fast like:  Necromancer  Shaman  Charmer Building a lot of  Steal Health also works well with this build. Building  Resistance could also help by avoiding stuns or control skills.   Basic:
    GvG/war This category consist of a one major build that is very effective and can be shifted between damage  and control  Hunters work really well with other control   classes allowing them to setup their group damage   skills easily. Hunters also work well together due to hunters being able to stack  "Hunter's Mark" for each other but keep in mind the increased received damage is based on your  Mark's level not the character who applied it.   Basic:
    Keep in mind that these builds are merely favored and can be changed or modified based on your preference or play-style.
    Having the correct Gears is very important, the combination of the stats items grant could amplify your hunter potential whether when it come to dealing damage, surviving or straight up enabling whatever build or play-style you have in mind. When it comes to Itemization we have two categories, PvE and PvP.
    For PvE it's important to have the right gears that will grant you the best/highest amount of necessary stats to output the most damage possible while also still having some defensive capability to not get one-shotted. In terms of itemization we can split it into two categories Early game and Late game.  
    Early game The idea of early game gears is to have cheap available gears to use until you finish your late game build while still allowing you to finish dungeons and quests at your level. The following stats are the ones you want to focus on, try getting them as high as possible.  Critical hit  Attack speed  Penetration Stacking some Defensive Stats as well as some armor amplification can help you survive a bit more so its recommend to get:  Life Steal  Solidity In early game there are many options and combinations of gears that works well but I would recommend the following build as it offers the best stats in terms gears availability and cost. I would recommend going for the crafted Crossbow or the spring Bow for they offer the best stats.  crafted Crossbow offers more  damage and  penetration.  spring Bow Grants more  Critical as well as  Attack Strength. Here you can find the stats and calculations of the build
    Late game In the late game hunters tend to shine the most with the help of their skills and combined with merman gears they can show their maximum potential as damage dealers. The following stats are the core stats these should be maxed out.  Critical hit  Attack speed  Accuracy  Penetration In the late game after having your Core stats maxed you should start filling your other offensive stats that could add up to your damage like:  Critical hit Strength  Skill Cooldown  Attack strength  Piercing Stacking some Defensive Stats as well as some armor amplification can help you survive a bit more so its recommend to get:  Life Steal  Solidity I would recommend going for the crafted Crossbow or the spring Crossbow for they offer the best stats.  Crafted Crossbow offers more  Speed.  Spring Crossbow offers  Attack Strength.  
    Here you can find the stats and calculations of the build
    When it comes to PvP you want to have as much impact as possible when it comes to dealing damage or control while also withstanding damage and not be a weak target thus having the correct items will aid you in doing your job to deal damage. The following stats are the core stats these should be maxed out.  Ferocity  Resilience  Attack speed  Accuracy  Penetration after having your Core stats maxed you should start filling your other offensive stats that could add up to your damage like:  Skill Cooldown  Attack strength  Piercing  Stun Stacking some Defensive Stats as well as some armor amplification can help you survive a bit more so its recommend to get:  Life Steal  Resistance Keep in mind that incase you decide to use a different Crossbow than the Arena one it is not necessary to have your Ferocity maxed out, however you should at least have 30% Ferocity From enchantment else your damage will drop significantly  the advantage of using different kind of Crossbow could be to boost your other offensive stats which could be more useful in different situations.  I would recommend to either use the standard arena Crossbow  or the Crafted Crossbow  Arena Crossbow offers more  Ferocity.  Crafted Crossbow offers more  Speed.  
    Here you can find the stats and calculations of the build:
     Buffs and minion 
    Buffs and Minions are generally used to aid you in your battles from amplifying your damage or stats to supporting you with extra damage or control.
    We will split them into two categories PvE and PvP
    It is also advised to always carry some essentials as they can be useful in almost all situations.
     Greater Life Potion:
    Restores 60% of the character's maximum health.
     Life Scroll:
    Allows you to resurrect your Hero in case of death.
     Courage Scroll.
    Allows you to resurrect your Hero in case of death during a castle attack and guild battles.
      Tips and advice  
    For newbies
     When you’ve just created your hunter and you’re level is still low it’s not a good idea to level  Combat stance first as you don’t have enough  mana regeneration early to maintain it so I would recommend leveling your other skills   first and leaving it for last for when you gain more  mana regeneration.  
    Getting the group damage expert skills   first once you're level 18 can help you finish quest faster as they provide more value in terms of damage compared to stats skills    
    As I mentioned before hunters don’t have the ability to tank damage without dying and they can easily be overwhelmed by mobs or getting caught by an enemy assassin, so it’s always a good idea to have a healer with you in your party whether a minion  for dungeons or a friend who plays a support class for arena or both.  Necromancer are great partner when it comes to dungeons as they provide a lot of damage boost and healing.  Shaman on the other hand are a great partner for arena and battles as they provide consistent healing and damage reduction.  Charmer can also be a great support partner if they adapt the staff build they can provide some consistent healing and also a lot of stuns/control.  
    Hunter’s can sometimes steal the aggro from the party tank which can put you in a tough spot so always watch your damage and your party tank aggression skill to not get yourself killed, it’s also a good idea to get  Tranquil Potions which can reduce your damage aggro  Hunters can be really difficult to control and play as they rely too much on positioning but once you get the hang of it hunters can become a really fun class to play.  
    This is the end of the guide I hope it can be of use to others and shine more light into hunters, if you have any question or if you've spotted any error or inaccurate information feel free to let me know
  3. Thanks
    SeaDemon got a reaction from nilozero in Leviathan | EU-Emerald   
    The Reaper  

    Complete guide (PvE, PvP, Tips, Builds)
    The Reaper is one of the new classes added to the game, with its offensive potential and acceptable stamina it is one of the classes if not the class with the highest burst in the legion. Now what should we take into consideration when deciding to start one?
    The reaper has a slow start, due to the fact of only having a damage ability, in addition to this, it will not be cheap at all. Being able to equip one in a decent way, is not a recommended class for players with little experience or for beginners, in addition to this it is a complex and difficult class to use it will not be enough to simply spam abilities, you must know when and how to proceed in each combat. You should always be on top of so many things at once in order to bring out the high potential this class has to offer. So if you still want to become a master reaper you should first know your strengths and weaknesses
    - high ability damage
    - Acceptable endurance
    - decent mobility
    - extremely strong in duels
    - resistance capacity
    - limited area damage
    - limited stun capacity
    - lacks ranged abilities
    - lacks control abilities (stun, silence, fear...) in area
    - has a "limiter" that blocks the mechanics of some of his abilities
    - high difficulty
    Reaper Constructions:
    PvE Guide (Player versus Entity)
    Recommended Build:
    Basic Skills:
     Evisceration 5/5
     Demonic appareance 3/5 
     Otherworldly Boost 1/5
     Indulgence of Chaos 5/5 
     Chains of the underworld 1/5
    Expert Skills:
     Exaltation 4/4
     Annihilation 4/4
     Hands of the Underworld 4/4
     Explosion of Chaos 3/4 (+2 talent skill points)
    if you don't like this skill you can redirect the extra skill points to some other skill of your choice
     Demonic appareance
     Otherworldly Boost
     Indulgence of Chaos
     Chains of the underworld
    item selection:
    This section is based on the opinions of various reapers who use or used these objects and my own.
    Gear Options:
    Accessories Options:
    The accessories have a little more freedom due to the great variety that there is and their availability, it is already a little more up to your preferences but I will recommend that those that in my opinion have better synergy with the previously mentioned armor constructions.
    Weapon Options:
    again here the great variety of weapons that exist allow all kinds of combinations, it will depend on the game style of each person, even so I will show the most used builds for this class
    Tips when leveling up: 
    at the beginning of your adventure use the transformation only to heal yourself and recover energy, activate and deactivate the ability quickly so as not to lose so much hate the reaper has very little damage at the beginning so it will cost you much more to kill enemies. Keep that in mind do not use any of the minions that they give you, they will be extremely helpful later the first skill you should improve is Evisceration  It's your only damage ability at start when you leave the first island use the Dummy to fill the hate so you can heal yourself when you transform farm all the "knowledge" you can, talents are an indispensable part of a reaper and will serve you both for PvE and PvP The first expert ability that you should acquire is Annihilation  since it will allow you to eliminate enemies much faster, then it would be the Hands of the Underworld  which will have the same objective in addition to stunning the enemy I don't recommend getting Exaltation  until you have a decent amount of energy, although the damage bonus looks attractive you are a class that relies heavily on skill spam so running out of energy will be common  
    Tips on using skills and acquiring talents: 
    I recommend directly acquiring the key talent of expert skills, then the improvement of demonic appearance and finally the skill points, after that you can go acquiring in the order you like The talents of this class are extremely useful, especially the demonic appearance upgrade but to increase your damage it is preferable to acquire the expert upgrades first, in which case you prefer to focus on pvp first, then get the Demonic appareance  talent first  If possible use Annihilation  only in demonic form this to take advantage of the 25% more damage of  Exaltation  in combination of the guaranteed crit. This can be done by activating the demonic form and after using the deactivate the transformation. And yes, the demonic transformation can be deactivate so if you are not fighting something or there are no enemies nearby, turn it off! you must save hate to be able to activate it faster later Due to the activation delay that the Explosion of Chaos  has, I recommend using it before jumping towards a group of enemies, so you can eliminate them or not be exposed when activating the ability in the middle of the fight but only do this in case you don't have enough hate to be able to transform, in case you can transform simply activate the demonic form use Otherworldly Boost  to reach the center of the group and use Explosion of Chaos  to destroy the group faster to fight bosses it is preferable to fight without activating the demonic form, while when fighting against mobs or mini-bosses it is advisable to use the demonic form to eliminate them quickly  
    PvP Guide (Player versus Player)
    Here the guide expands much more because there is still no perfect build for this class, opinions are divided and the debate continues, so I will recommend the build that has worked for me personally, the build that many reapers use and a build in my opinion will be quite good after the balance in some skills of this class
    Recommended Builds: 
    Most used build:
    My personal build:
    New personal build:
    Note: Since the class is still very new, don't be afraid to try new builds if you feel that one ability is better than another.
     Demonic appareance
     Otherworldly Boost
     Indulgence of Chaos
     Chains of the underworld
    item selection:
    Gear Options:
    Accessories Options:
    If you don't want to see math and just skip to the recommendation, just ignore the text and go to the images
    Weapon Options:
    How to deal with every class (except legion classes) 
    Tips for arena
    These are more general tips that will help you with the reaper or playing any class, for the most veteran players it will possibly be something normal but for someone just starting this may be useful
    Always check the area you should always check the area when entering the arena, your way of playing will not always be the same, you should always change and adapt to the compositions that exist both in your team and in the opponent, in one you can play very offensive if your team has good initiators (barb, dk, chief) or very defensive if your team lacks one but has better defensive capacity (warlock, hunter, charmer, shaman) Use buffs! in arena this is very important, a person with buffs will be much stronger than a person who does not use them, if you want to increase your chances of winning always use buffs (potion, scroll, food) Go with a partner preferably a support. the reapers have limited healing capacity, it will also be of great help since sometimes the return of damage from delayed death is very large Don't start the fight! the reaper is a very bad initiator, you don't have a stun in the area (which you can use without activating demon form before) nor a reliable damage reduction ability (delayed death will return the damage received, don't trust that ability) let others take the enemies attention and jump to their supports or damage dealers so you have a chance to kill someone and reduce their healing/damage if you manage to kill one learn to select enemies It won't have the same impact using all your attacks in a tank than in a support or a class that gives damage, look for who is your best target, is there a support and full tanks? focus on the support, are there damage classes without a support? focus on him, memorize the names of each enemy you face and ask yourself "does he have good damage?" "Does he is very endurance?" "He's good playing?" if you always remember that, you will know who to eliminate first, always go for the weakest or least experienced first, they will be easy prey  
    Tips on masive fights
    the ideal way to proceed in a fight of this magnitude is to first fill the hate meter in any way possible, your top priority when fighting is to fill this meter until you are able to activate your demonic form and try to keep it until the fight starts.
    Once you have managed to fill the hate and go to start the battle do not rush, reaper is still one of the classes with less endurance among the melee, to be efficient in battle you should stay a little away from the center of the fight or stay hidden in the crowd, after a few seconds that all enemies have used their abilities aoe, it will be time to activate the demonic form and start using aoe abilities.
    Although it should be clear that this only works in battles where the number of enemies is not very high, the resistance charges are very easy to remove and due to the nerf with the heavy mm, hold in the center of a fight is no longer possible, so try to kill anyone who approaches from the sides, anyone who enters the middle of the crowd or anyone who tries to kill the supports, focus on defending the back line, when you see that the enemy numbers are down, jump to eliminate all the enemies you can.
    Maintaining hate in wars is extremely easy thanks to the large number of mobs that are in the area, now something that you may not have thought about when defending or waiting for a unit, is the use of the Dummy to maintain hate at a level optimal and without leaving the town  
    Like the wars, keeping your hate will be easy thanks to the number of mobs around these bosses, except for some exceptions or situations, a good way to keep your hate at an optimal level is using the "revenge" ability in the boss and returning the formation  
    Although in most GvG there are mobs that will allow you to manage the hate, there are others in which it will be impossible for you to gain hate without fighting, so it is best to stay behind attacking anyone who enters the group in order to fill the hate  
    For this type of fight I recommend using the talent Devastating Flash  in case you want to focus on this type of fights, I recommend the following build
    To conclude I would like to add a final note to this guide.
    As I said before starting this guide, the reaper has enormous potential but due to certain mechanics it is not a popular class, it is flashy, yes, but it is not a class that many people use as their main class so the information and the limits that it is class can reach are still unknown, as far as I have tried a very good class and although it is not very complex or difficult to understand, once you study it.
    Mastering it is really the challenge since being strong is not the same as being good, even having all the amplification, all the books, all the talents there have been and will be, if you don't take your time to study this class, practice and experiment , possibly you will not get the results you expect or you will not take full advantage of the potential that this class has to offer. This class demands time, dedication, conviction and above all patience, you won't get results in a day, a week or a month but sooner or later you will, don't be afraid to try skills, equipment or strategies. You never know if what you tried out of curiosity will end up being the build that hundreds of new reapers will use later.
    If you want to add any information, suggestion, opinion or doubt about this guide or the class, do not be afraid to add it in the comments, I will be more than willing to answer them since, like many, I learned arguing with other reapers and with that I went acquiring knowledge that after I was testing until I found the best result. With this said, I hope that it can be of help to you at the beginning of the journey that this new class will be, I hope you have a good day and a pleasant experience with this class.
    Thank you for reading
  4. Thanks
    SeaDemon got a reaction from Venk in Leviathan | EU-Emerald   
    The Reaper  

    Complete guide (PvE, PvP, Tips, Builds)
    The Reaper is one of the new classes added to the game, with its offensive potential and acceptable stamina it is one of the classes if not the class with the highest burst in the legion. Now what should we take into consideration when deciding to start one?
    The reaper has a slow start, due to the fact of only having a damage ability, in addition to this, it will not be cheap at all. Being able to equip one in a decent way, is not a recommended class for players with little experience or for beginners, in addition to this it is a complex and difficult class to use it will not be enough to simply spam abilities, you must know when and how to proceed in each combat. You should always be on top of so many things at once in order to bring out the high potential this class has to offer. So if you still want to become a master reaper you should first know your strengths and weaknesses
    - high ability damage
    - Acceptable endurance
    - decent mobility
    - extremely strong in duels
    - resistance capacity
    - limited area damage
    - limited stun capacity
    - lacks ranged abilities
    - lacks control abilities (stun, silence, fear...) in area
    - has a "limiter" that blocks the mechanics of some of his abilities
    - high difficulty
    Reaper Constructions:
    PvE Guide (Player versus Entity)
    Recommended Build:
    Basic Skills:
     Evisceration 5/5
     Demonic appareance 3/5 
     Otherworldly Boost 1/5
     Indulgence of Chaos 5/5 
     Chains of the underworld 1/5
    Expert Skills:
     Exaltation 4/4
     Annihilation 4/4
     Hands of the Underworld 4/4
     Explosion of Chaos 3/4 (+2 talent skill points)
    if you don't like this skill you can redirect the extra skill points to some other skill of your choice
     Demonic appareance
     Otherworldly Boost
     Indulgence of Chaos
     Chains of the underworld
    item selection:
    This section is based on the opinions of various reapers who use or used these objects and my own.
    Gear Options:
    Accessories Options:
    The accessories have a little more freedom due to the great variety that there is and their availability, it is already a little more up to your preferences but I will recommend that those that in my opinion have better synergy with the previously mentioned armor constructions.
    Weapon Options:
    again here the great variety of weapons that exist allow all kinds of combinations, it will depend on the game style of each person, even so I will show the most used builds for this class
    Tips when leveling up: 
    at the beginning of your adventure use the transformation only to heal yourself and recover energy, activate and deactivate the ability quickly so as not to lose so much hate the reaper has very little damage at the beginning so it will cost you much more to kill enemies. Keep that in mind do not use any of the minions that they give you, they will be extremely helpful later the first skill you should improve is Evisceration  It's your only damage ability at start when you leave the first island use the Dummy to fill the hate so you can heal yourself when you transform farm all the "knowledge" you can, talents are an indispensable part of a reaper and will serve you both for PvE and PvP The first expert ability that you should acquire is Annihilation  since it will allow you to eliminate enemies much faster, then it would be the Hands of the Underworld  which will have the same objective in addition to stunning the enemy I don't recommend getting Exaltation  until you have a decent amount of energy, although the damage bonus looks attractive you are a class that relies heavily on skill spam so running out of energy will be common  
    Tips on using skills and acquiring talents: 
    I recommend directly acquiring the key talent of expert skills, then the improvement of demonic appearance and finally the skill points, after that you can go acquiring in the order you like The talents of this class are extremely useful, especially the demonic appearance upgrade but to increase your damage it is preferable to acquire the expert upgrades first, in which case you prefer to focus on pvp first, then get the Demonic appareance  talent first  If possible use Annihilation  only in demonic form this to take advantage of the 25% more damage of  Exaltation  in combination of the guaranteed crit. This can be done by activating the demonic form and after using the deactivate the transformation. And yes, the demonic transformation can be deactivate so if you are not fighting something or there are no enemies nearby, turn it off! you must save hate to be able to activate it faster later Due to the activation delay that the Explosion of Chaos  has, I recommend using it before jumping towards a group of enemies, so you can eliminate them or not be exposed when activating the ability in the middle of the fight but only do this in case you don't have enough hate to be able to transform, in case you can transform simply activate the demonic form use Otherworldly Boost  to reach the center of the group and use Explosion of Chaos  to destroy the group faster to fight bosses it is preferable to fight without activating the demonic form, while when fighting against mobs or mini-bosses it is advisable to use the demonic form to eliminate them quickly  
    PvP Guide (Player versus Player)
    Here the guide expands much more because there is still no perfect build for this class, opinions are divided and the debate continues, so I will recommend the build that has worked for me personally, the build that many reapers use and a build in my opinion will be quite good after the balance in some skills of this class
    Recommended Builds: 
    Most used build:
    My personal build:
    New personal build:
    Note: Since the class is still very new, don't be afraid to try new builds if you feel that one ability is better than another.
     Demonic appareance
     Otherworldly Boost
     Indulgence of Chaos
     Chains of the underworld
    item selection:
    Gear Options:
    Accessories Options:
    If you don't want to see math and just skip to the recommendation, just ignore the text and go to the images
    Weapon Options:
    How to deal with every class (except legion classes) 
    Tips for arena
    These are more general tips that will help you with the reaper or playing any class, for the most veteran players it will possibly be something normal but for someone just starting this may be useful
    Always check the area you should always check the area when entering the arena, your way of playing will not always be the same, you should always change and adapt to the compositions that exist both in your team and in the opponent, in one you can play very offensive if your team has good initiators (barb, dk, chief) or very defensive if your team lacks one but has better defensive capacity (warlock, hunter, charmer, shaman) Use buffs! in arena this is very important, a person with buffs will be much stronger than a person who does not use them, if you want to increase your chances of winning always use buffs (potion, scroll, food) Go with a partner preferably a support. the reapers have limited healing capacity, it will also be of great help since sometimes the return of damage from delayed death is very large Don't start the fight! the reaper is a very bad initiator, you don't have a stun in the area (which you can use without activating demon form before) nor a reliable damage reduction ability (delayed death will return the damage received, don't trust that ability) let others take the enemies attention and jump to their supports or damage dealers so you have a chance to kill someone and reduce their healing/damage if you manage to kill one learn to select enemies It won't have the same impact using all your attacks in a tank than in a support or a class that gives damage, look for who is your best target, is there a support and full tanks? focus on the support, are there damage classes without a support? focus on him, memorize the names of each enemy you face and ask yourself "does he have good damage?" "Does he is very endurance?" "He's good playing?" if you always remember that, you will know who to eliminate first, always go for the weakest or least experienced first, they will be easy prey  
    Tips on masive fights
    the ideal way to proceed in a fight of this magnitude is to first fill the hate meter in any way possible, your top priority when fighting is to fill this meter until you are able to activate your demonic form and try to keep it until the fight starts.
    Once you have managed to fill the hate and go to start the battle do not rush, reaper is still one of the classes with less endurance among the melee, to be efficient in battle you should stay a little away from the center of the fight or stay hidden in the crowd, after a few seconds that all enemies have used their abilities aoe, it will be time to activate the demonic form and start using aoe abilities.
    Although it should be clear that this only works in battles where the number of enemies is not very high, the resistance charges are very easy to remove and due to the nerf with the heavy mm, hold in the center of a fight is no longer possible, so try to kill anyone who approaches from the sides, anyone who enters the middle of the crowd or anyone who tries to kill the supports, focus on defending the back line, when you see that the enemy numbers are down, jump to eliminate all the enemies you can.
    Maintaining hate in wars is extremely easy thanks to the large number of mobs that are in the area, now something that you may not have thought about when defending or waiting for a unit, is the use of the Dummy to maintain hate at a level optimal and without leaving the town  
    Like the wars, keeping your hate will be easy thanks to the number of mobs around these bosses, except for some exceptions or situations, a good way to keep your hate at an optimal level is using the "revenge" ability in the boss and returning the formation  
    Although in most GvG there are mobs that will allow you to manage the hate, there are others in which it will be impossible for you to gain hate without fighting, so it is best to stay behind attacking anyone who enters the group in order to fill the hate  
    For this type of fight I recommend using the talent Devastating Flash  in case you want to focus on this type of fights, I recommend the following build
    To conclude I would like to add a final note to this guide.
    As I said before starting this guide, the reaper has enormous potential but due to certain mechanics it is not a popular class, it is flashy, yes, but it is not a class that many people use as their main class so the information and the limits that it is class can reach are still unknown, as far as I have tried a very good class and although it is not very complex or difficult to understand, once you study it.
    Mastering it is really the challenge since being strong is not the same as being good, even having all the amplification, all the books, all the talents there have been and will be, if you don't take your time to study this class, practice and experiment , possibly you will not get the results you expect or you will not take full advantage of the potential that this class has to offer. This class demands time, dedication, conviction and above all patience, you won't get results in a day, a week or a month but sooner or later you will, don't be afraid to try skills, equipment or strategies. You never know if what you tried out of curiosity will end up being the build that hundreds of new reapers will use later.
    If you want to add any information, suggestion, opinion or doubt about this guide or the class, do not be afraid to add it in the comments, I will be more than willing to answer them since, like many, I learned arguing with other reapers and with that I went acquiring knowledge that after I was testing until I found the best result. With this said, I hope that it can be of help to you at the beginning of the journey that this new class will be, I hope you have a good day and a pleasant experience with this class.
    Thank you for reading
  5. Thanks
    SeaDemon got a reaction from Bromancé in Leviathan | EU-Emerald   
    The Reaper  

    Complete guide (PvE, PvP, Tips, Builds)
    The Reaper is one of the new classes added to the game, with its offensive potential and acceptable stamina it is one of the classes if not the class with the highest burst in the legion. Now what should we take into consideration when deciding to start one?
    The reaper has a slow start, due to the fact of only having a damage ability, in addition to this, it will not be cheap at all. Being able to equip one in a decent way, is not a recommended class for players with little experience or for beginners, in addition to this it is a complex and difficult class to use it will not be enough to simply spam abilities, you must know when and how to proceed in each combat. You should always be on top of so many things at once in order to bring out the high potential this class has to offer. So if you still want to become a master reaper you should first know your strengths and weaknesses
    - high ability damage
    - Acceptable endurance
    - decent mobility
    - extremely strong in duels
    - resistance capacity
    - limited area damage
    - limited stun capacity
    - lacks ranged abilities
    - lacks control abilities (stun, silence, fear...) in area
    - has a "limiter" that blocks the mechanics of some of his abilities
    - high difficulty
    Reaper Constructions:
    PvE Guide (Player versus Entity)
    Recommended Build:
    Basic Skills:
     Evisceration 5/5
     Demonic appareance 3/5 
     Otherworldly Boost 1/5
     Indulgence of Chaos 5/5 
     Chains of the underworld 1/5
    Expert Skills:
     Exaltation 4/4
     Annihilation 4/4
     Hands of the Underworld 4/4
     Explosion of Chaos 3/4 (+2 talent skill points)
    if you don't like this skill you can redirect the extra skill points to some other skill of your choice
     Demonic appareance
     Otherworldly Boost
     Indulgence of Chaos
     Chains of the underworld
    item selection:
    This section is based on the opinions of various reapers who use or used these objects and my own.
    Gear Options:
    Accessories Options:
    The accessories have a little more freedom due to the great variety that there is and their availability, it is already a little more up to your preferences but I will recommend that those that in my opinion have better synergy with the previously mentioned armor constructions.
    Weapon Options:
    again here the great variety of weapons that exist allow all kinds of combinations, it will depend on the game style of each person, even so I will show the most used builds for this class
    Tips when leveling up: 
    at the beginning of your adventure use the transformation only to heal yourself and recover energy, activate and deactivate the ability quickly so as not to lose so much hate the reaper has very little damage at the beginning so it will cost you much more to kill enemies. Keep that in mind do not use any of the minions that they give you, they will be extremely helpful later the first skill you should improve is Evisceration  It's your only damage ability at start when you leave the first island use the Dummy to fill the hate so you can heal yourself when you transform farm all the "knowledge" you can, talents are an indispensable part of a reaper and will serve you both for PvE and PvP The first expert ability that you should acquire is Annihilation  since it will allow you to eliminate enemies much faster, then it would be the Hands of the Underworld  which will have the same objective in addition to stunning the enemy I don't recommend getting Exaltation  until you have a decent amount of energy, although the damage bonus looks attractive you are a class that relies heavily on skill spam so running out of energy will be common  
    Tips on using skills and acquiring talents: 
    I recommend directly acquiring the key talent of expert skills, then the improvement of demonic appearance and finally the skill points, after that you can go acquiring in the order you like The talents of this class are extremely useful, especially the demonic appearance upgrade but to increase your damage it is preferable to acquire the expert upgrades first, in which case you prefer to focus on pvp first, then get the Demonic appareance  talent first  If possible use Annihilation  only in demonic form this to take advantage of the 25% more damage of  Exaltation  in combination of the guaranteed crit. This can be done by activating the demonic form and after using the deactivate the transformation. And yes, the demonic transformation can be deactivate so if you are not fighting something or there are no enemies nearby, turn it off! you must save hate to be able to activate it faster later Due to the activation delay that the Explosion of Chaos  has, I recommend using it before jumping towards a group of enemies, so you can eliminate them or not be exposed when activating the ability in the middle of the fight but only do this in case you don't have enough hate to be able to transform, in case you can transform simply activate the demonic form use Otherworldly Boost  to reach the center of the group and use Explosion of Chaos  to destroy the group faster to fight bosses it is preferable to fight without activating the demonic form, while when fighting against mobs or mini-bosses it is advisable to use the demonic form to eliminate them quickly  
    PvP Guide (Player versus Player)
    Here the guide expands much more because there is still no perfect build for this class, opinions are divided and the debate continues, so I will recommend the build that has worked for me personally, the build that many reapers use and a build in my opinion will be quite good after the balance in some skills of this class
    Recommended Builds: 
    Most used build:
    My personal build:
    New personal build:
    Note: Since the class is still very new, don't be afraid to try new builds if you feel that one ability is better than another.
     Demonic appareance
     Otherworldly Boost
     Indulgence of Chaos
     Chains of the underworld
    item selection:
    Gear Options:
    Accessories Options:
    If you don't want to see math and just skip to the recommendation, just ignore the text and go to the images
    Weapon Options:
    How to deal with every class (except legion classes) 
    Tips for arena
    These are more general tips that will help you with the reaper or playing any class, for the most veteran players it will possibly be something normal but for someone just starting this may be useful
    Always check the area you should always check the area when entering the arena, your way of playing will not always be the same, you should always change and adapt to the compositions that exist both in your team and in the opponent, in one you can play very offensive if your team has good initiators (barb, dk, chief) or very defensive if your team lacks one but has better defensive capacity (warlock, hunter, charmer, shaman) Use buffs! in arena this is very important, a person with buffs will be much stronger than a person who does not use them, if you want to increase your chances of winning always use buffs (potion, scroll, food) Go with a partner preferably a support. the reapers have limited healing capacity, it will also be of great help since sometimes the return of damage from delayed death is very large Don't start the fight! the reaper is a very bad initiator, you don't have a stun in the area (which you can use without activating demon form before) nor a reliable damage reduction ability (delayed death will return the damage received, don't trust that ability) let others take the enemies attention and jump to their supports or damage dealers so you have a chance to kill someone and reduce their healing/damage if you manage to kill one learn to select enemies It won't have the same impact using all your attacks in a tank than in a support or a class that gives damage, look for who is your best target, is there a support and full tanks? focus on the support, are there damage classes without a support? focus on him, memorize the names of each enemy you face and ask yourself "does he have good damage?" "Does he is very endurance?" "He's good playing?" if you always remember that, you will know who to eliminate first, always go for the weakest or least experienced first, they will be easy prey  
    Tips on masive fights
    the ideal way to proceed in a fight of this magnitude is to first fill the hate meter in any way possible, your top priority when fighting is to fill this meter until you are able to activate your demonic form and try to keep it until the fight starts.
    Once you have managed to fill the hate and go to start the battle do not rush, reaper is still one of the classes with less endurance among the melee, to be efficient in battle you should stay a little away from the center of the fight or stay hidden in the crowd, after a few seconds that all enemies have used their abilities aoe, it will be time to activate the demonic form and start using aoe abilities.
    Although it should be clear that this only works in battles where the number of enemies is not very high, the resistance charges are very easy to remove and due to the nerf with the heavy mm, hold in the center of a fight is no longer possible, so try to kill anyone who approaches from the sides, anyone who enters the middle of the crowd or anyone who tries to kill the supports, focus on defending the back line, when you see that the enemy numbers are down, jump to eliminate all the enemies you can.
    Maintaining hate in wars is extremely easy thanks to the large number of mobs that are in the area, now something that you may not have thought about when defending or waiting for a unit, is the use of the Dummy to maintain hate at a level optimal and without leaving the town  
    Like the wars, keeping your hate will be easy thanks to the number of mobs around these bosses, except for some exceptions or situations, a good way to keep your hate at an optimal level is using the "revenge" ability in the boss and returning the formation  
    Although in most GvG there are mobs that will allow you to manage the hate, there are others in which it will be impossible for you to gain hate without fighting, so it is best to stay behind attacking anyone who enters the group in order to fill the hate  
    For this type of fight I recommend using the talent Devastating Flash  in case you want to focus on this type of fights, I recommend the following build
    To conclude I would like to add a final note to this guide.
    As I said before starting this guide, the reaper has enormous potential but due to certain mechanics it is not a popular class, it is flashy, yes, but it is not a class that many people use as their main class so the information and the limits that it is class can reach are still unknown, as far as I have tried a very good class and although it is not very complex or difficult to understand, once you study it.
    Mastering it is really the challenge since being strong is not the same as being good, even having all the amplification, all the books, all the talents there have been and will be, if you don't take your time to study this class, practice and experiment , possibly you will not get the results you expect or you will not take full advantage of the potential that this class has to offer. This class demands time, dedication, conviction and above all patience, you won't get results in a day, a week or a month but sooner or later you will, don't be afraid to try skills, equipment or strategies. You never know if what you tried out of curiosity will end up being the build that hundreds of new reapers will use later.
    If you want to add any information, suggestion, opinion or doubt about this guide or the class, do not be afraid to add it in the comments, I will be more than willing to answer them since, like many, I learned arguing with other reapers and with that I went acquiring knowledge that after I was testing until I found the best result. With this said, I hope that it can be of help to you at the beginning of the journey that this new class will be, I hope you have a good day and a pleasant experience with this class.
    Thank you for reading
  6. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to LeeLoo in [2023.03.11] Update Warspear Online 11.3. Lost Arcaniсum. Announcement   
    Dear friends!
    There are only a few days left before the start of the new school year at the School of Magic! Very soon, novice sorcerers and sorceresses from all over Arinar will rush to the Blissful Isle and, in anticipation of magical knowledge, will fill the classrooms. And although the teachers, headed by Wickedora, always warmly welcome students, this year there is anxiety in the walls of the School. Perhaps the reason can be found in the special edition "Herald of the Blissful Isle"?
    (special issue)
    The astonishing news shook the magical community just a couple of weeks before the start of the new school year. Arcanicum, the lost city of technomages of the past, which many thought was only a legend, has been rediscovered! We owe this amazing discovery to Hunter Grass, a famous portal traveler and enthusiast for the revival of the forgotten art of technomagic. It is reported that Grass’ first expedition to the Arcanicum ended unsuccessfully, but the second exceeded all the wildest expectations! One can only guess what discoveries await researchers in the city of technomages. There is no doubt that Arcanicum will soon become one of the new wonders of Arinar.
    The extraordinary popularity of technomagic this season is a real phenomenon! By personal order of Wickedora, the director of the School of Magic and the illustrious wife of His Majesty, new courses in this subject will be introduced into the curriculum from the new year. And if the teacher of basic technomagic is still little known in scientific circles (this is a certain Sarah Viardot, a recent graduate of the School), then the candidacy for the professor in advanced technomagic did not raise questions from anyone. After all, this is Hunter Grass himself, the discoverer of the Arcanicum! It remains only to envy the students who will have the honor of comprehending the wisdom of ancient science under the guidance of such a brilliant mentor.
    To say that undergraduate students are full of enthusiasm before the start of the new year is to say nothing! While some are studying manuals for designing the simplest automatons (assistants created with technomagic), others have gone even further, and now comprehend the intricacies of creating technomagic suits. Our correspondent tried to interview a student dressed in one of these suits, but the dialogue did not work out due to some communication problems. We hope that young and inquisitive minds will soon bring their technomagic research to new heights!
    Holiday Quests
    As you may have guessed, four incredibly busy semesters are ahead! You have to master the Basic and Advanced courses of Technomagic, each of which will take 2 semesters, as well as pass a test and an exam for each course. Learning will not be limited to theory alone, because successful students will be able to explore the mysterious Arcaniсum and penetrate the most hidden corners of the city of technomages. To access credits and exams, you will need a certain amount of reputation with the Masters of Technomagic.

    Reputation with Masters of Technomagic
    The teachers at the School of Magic are well aware that the actions of inexperienced wizards can lead to devastating consequences, so take care of your reputation to advance in the storyline! You can earn valuable reputation points in solo dungeons, when completing dynamic and daily tasks, as well as for killing raid bosses and bosses at a GvG-event. The daily reputation limit in the Dungeons is 600 points, and the maximum amount of reputation that each student can earn is 15,000 points.
    Once you've fully completed the studies, you will gain a skill that allows you to use the influence store for reputation! Magister Avaris will offer you unique goods - character experience, knowledge, event spring currency, craft experience and reputation with all factions of Arinar!
    Weekly guild tournament “Technomagic League”
    The rivalry between the guilds of Arinar does not stop even on the Blissful Isle! In the weekly spring tournament, all guilds from level 2 and above are accepted. With the start of the tournament, your combat alliance will be divided into a group corresponding to the level of your guild and without regard to belonging to the alliance, so you will have to compete in the amount of reputation gained within your division.
    Guild Distribution
    EU-Emerald, US-Sapphire, BR-Tourmaline
    Division A: guilds from level 9 to 12
    Division B: guilds from level 6 to 8
    Division C: guilds from level 2 to 5
    Division A: guilds from level 4 to 12
    Division B: guilds from level 2 to 3
    Division A: guilds from level 10 to 12
    Division B: guilds from level 6 to 9
    Division C: guilds from level 2 to 5
    RU-Topaz, RU-Ruby
    Division A: guilds from level 9 to 12
    Division B: guilds from level 6 to 8
    Division C: guilds from level 2 to 5
    Earn reputation points to support your guild and get unique rewards! Please note that if a player joins and leaves a guild during the same tournament, then all points scored by the player will be deducted from the total score of the guild. And now you can find out how many points your comrades have scored in the Activity Center! "My Guild Statistics" button is available in the Guild Tournament menu.
    Event currency “Grains of magic”
    The domain of the Spring King is rightfully considered to be a true center of magic! Only on the Blissful Isle you can get the event currency “Grains of Magic”! You can get it for completing the following activities:
    Completing story and daily quests (90 units, no more than 900 per day) Completing dynamic tasks (50-65 units, unlimited) Completing dungeons (90 units, no more than 900 per day) Participation in killing raid bosses (100 units, unlimited) In addition, you will receive this valuable currency as one of the rewards for participating in the guild tournament, as well as in the guild events! The maximum number of "Grains of Magic" that you can store in your bag is 35,000! You can track the progress of receiving currency in the “Currencies” section of the main menu.
    Talent branch “Spring King”
    Once you've collected the magic currency bit by bit, exchange it for unique spring talents as soon as possible! Remember that the learned talents will stay with you forever, so try to study the entire branch completely!

     Critical lethality: Rank I 
    Increases the character's auto-attack critical damage by 1 / 2% when attacking “Normal” monsters, with a chance equal to the value of the “Attack Strength” parameter.
     Critical lethality: Rank II
    Increases the character's auto-attack critical damage by 1 / 2% when attacking “Strong” monsters, with a chance equal to the value of the “Attack Strength” parameter.
     Critical lethality: Rank III
    Increases the character's auto-attack critical damage by 1 / 2% when attacking “Elite” monsters, with a chance equal to the value of the “Attack Strength” parameter.
     Critical lethality: Rank IV
    Increases the character's auto-attack critical damage by 1 / 2% when attacking mini-bosses, bosses and raid-bosses, with a chance equal to the value of the “Attack Strength” parameter.
     Critical lethality: Summons 
    Increases the character's auto-attack critical damage by 1 / 2% when attacking enemy’s minions, with a chance equal to the value of the “Attack Strength” parameter.
     Attack Strength of Helpers
    Increases the “Attack Strength” parameter of the character's minions by 2 / 4%.
     Enchanting High Shoes of Lethality
    Increases the bonus of high shoes enchantment from the “Crystal of Lethality” by 1 level.
     Enchanting Amulet of Lethality
    Increases the bonus of amulets enchantment from the “Crystal of Lethality” by 1 level.
     Killer prolongation
    Increases the duration of control effects from skills applied to enemies by 1.5 / 3 / 4.5% with a chance equal to the value of the “Attack Strength” parameter.
     Agile maneuver: Rank I
    Increases the character's chance to avoid critical hits from “Normal” monsters by 1 / 2% with a chance equal to “Skill Cooldown” parameter.
     Agile maneuver: Rank II
    Increases the character's chance to avoid critical hits from “Strong” monsters by 1 / 2% with a chance equal to “Skill Cooldown” parameter.
     Agile maneuver: Rank III
    Increases the character's chance to avoid critical hits from “Elite” monsters by 1 / 2% with a chance equal to “Skill Cooldown” parameter.
     Agile maneuver: Rank IV
    Increases the character's chance to avoid critical hits from mini-bosses, bosses and raid-bosses by 1 / 2% with a chance equal to “Skill Cooldown” parameter.
     Agile maneuver: Summons
    Increases the character's chance to avoid critical hits from enemy’s minions by 1 / 2% with a chance equal to “Skill Cooldown” parameter.
     Skills Cooldown of Helpers
    Increases the “Skill Cooldown” parameter of the character's minions by 2,5 / 5%.
     Enchanting Helm of Agility
    Increases the bonus of helms enchantment from the “Crystal of Agility” by 1 level.
     Enchanting High Shoes of Agility
    Increases the bonus of high shoes enchantment from the “Crystal of Agility” by 1 level.
     Enchanting Ring of Agility
    Increases the bonus of rings enchantment from the “Crystal of Agility” by 1 level.
     Sorcerer's Extension
    Increases the duration of debuffs from skills, excluding control effects on enemies, by 1.5 / 3 / 4.5% with a chance equal to “Skills Cooldown” parameter.
    The results of studying hard will not be long in coming! After successfully passing tests and exams in Technomagic, each student will receive special bonus skills available only during the Homage to the Spring King!
     Basic Technomagic: Apprentice (passive skill)
    Technomagic is a unique fusion of the two powerful disciplines of science and sorcery. Even just touching the basics of Technomagic, you can achieve unprecedented success!
    allows you to open the Treasury of a Student of Basic Technomagic in a dedicated dungeon; reduces the seeker's stamina recovery time by 1 hour.  Basic Technomagic: Expert (passive skill)
    Having mastered the basics of Technomagic to perfection, the wizard gets the opportunity to breathe the flows of magical energy into mechanisms and turn them to their service!
    allows you to open the Treasury of a Basic Technomagic Expert in a dedicated dungeon; reduces the seeker's stamina recovery time by 1 hour. unlocks access to the School’s Warehouse.  Advanced Technomagic: Apprentice (passive skill)
    Technomagic is a complex discipline, its comprehension will open new horizons!
    allows you to open the Treasury of a student of Advanced Technology in a dedicated dungeon; reduces the seeker's stamina recovery time by 1 hour.  Advanced Technomagic: Expert (passive skill)
    Technomage experts are specialists in both science and magic, freely combining the two to suit their will.
    allows you to open the Treasury of an Advanced Technology expert in a dedicated dungeon; reduces the seeker's stamina recovery time by 1 hour. opens access to Telluria; allows you to use the services of Magister Avarice.  Magical Repair (active skill)
    Technomagic is the art of transforming metal constructs into living creatures subject to your will. The ability allows you to repair technomagic minions scattered around the world, to  breathe life into them and to use their services! The skill only works on the Blissful Isle.
     Portal Stabilization (active skill)
    The portal opened to the Forbidden Area is an unstable and complex portal, it will require special concentration. You can enter it only once, and you can open it again only after a good rest! Even the most powerful sorcerers cannot stay on the territory of the Forbidden Region for a long time, the influence of blue mercury is too strong there. The skill only works on the Blissful Isle.
     Technomagic Suit (active skill)
    Technomagic is at the same time the art of turning yourself into a machine. The mechanical body does not feel pain and does not tire. With it, you will be able to penetrate blue mercury-infected places and gain unprecedented power! The skill only works on the Blissful Isle.
    Restoration of mechanisms
    With the beginning of the school year, bizarre technomagical objects began to appear throughout the Blissful Isle... And while the townsfolk are at a loss about the purpose of these objects, students of the School of Magic reveal their mysterious properties! The “Magical Repair” skill will allow you to turn an immobile object into a useful mechanism and make it your reliable ally! You can recreate mechanisms of three different types: some are able to take most of the damage from enemies on themselves, others will heal wounds and help in combat, and still others will inflict as much damage as possible on your enemies.

    The skill will become available for use if there is a technomagical object available for interaction within 5 yards of you. You can only enlist the support of one mechanism at a time, and the lifetime of the restored creature will be limited to 45 minutes. The technomagic mechanism will accompany you throughout the territory of the Blissful Isle, but its help will not be available during battles in the arena. Restore as many mechanisms of different types as possible and enlist their support in your adventures!
    Technomagic Suit
    Thanks to the “Technomagic Suit” skill, graduates of the School of Magic will be able to transform into an armed exoskeleton! The type of costume will be selected depending on the equipped weapon, so it will not be possible to change the equipment during the skill. The skill will also increase a number of parameters of a character and will be available for use during the battles throughout the Blissful Isle (and is not available in the arena). The duration of the skill is 5 minutes, so try not to waste a second!
    Portal territory “Forbidden area”
    The Forbidden area is a place where a novice technomage cannot enter, but for those who pass the Advanced Technomagic course, access will be open! The “Portal Stabilization” skill will allow you to open a teleport to the portal territory anywhere in the Blissful Isle. There is a limited duration of time for entering the restricted area, so be sure to keep an eye on the individual timer at the top of the screen. In addition, there are no Rebirth Statues in the portal area, and the guild's teleportation skill will be inactive. You will also be able to return to the Blissful Isle by using the reverse teleport without waiting for the timer to expire.
    Dynamic Tasks
    It seems that those who want to use the power of technomagic for destruction and mayhem have settled on the territory of the Forbidden area, but it is in your power to prevent this! Just remember that the mechanics of dynamically changing the level of a playable character will be applied throughout the area. A change in the virtual level will be indicated by the color indication of the game level in the character widget and equipment slots, a special icon to the right of the character widget, as well as a hint window when entering such a territory.

    Don't waste any time and complete dynamic tasks: close mercury veins, rescue survivors, fight crazy machines, destroy the mercury miner, try on the technomagic costume and get blueprints of technomages in the secret building! Also, don't forget to take on the bosses of the portal territory, as Indrios Best Creation, Virzamel Created to Protect, and Mal Batris Grandmaster have been languishing for too long waiting for worthy opponents! 
    Tasks for killing bosses and closing mercury veins will be available to complete every 24 hours, and the rest of the tests will be divided into 2 groups, which will replace each other once a day.
    Solo Dungeons “Refuge of the Technomage Survivor”
    Technomagic can be extremely dangerous, and the story of Abaris Survivor is a prime example of this. A disfigured technomage lurks in the vast underground quarters of Arcanicum and has closed the passage to his hideout with a special portal that will open in the initial room, but only after you solve 4 tricky puzzles!
    Before the catastrophe that destroyed the Arcanicum, Abaris was revered by the technomages as the chief archivist of the Learned Council. He knew better than anyone else about the structure of the Arcanicum - that's why Abaris volunteered to become the operator of the Abraxas and seal the well in the Telluria reactor. Abaris fulfilled his mission, after which he disappeared without a trace. No one knows how he managed to survive in the Telluria rector, filled with poisonous fumes of blue mercury. And yet he returned from the depths to Arcanicum several centuries later, no longer resembling his former self. What is his mission now? Apparently, Abaris Survivor will take the answer to this question with him to the grave.

    First of all, keep in mind that in order to solve each of the riddles, you will need to go through three rooms. Solving each puzzle will not only bring you closer to meeting the boss, but will also allow you to instantly return to the starting room using the portal. When going to the dungeon, remember that not all the inhabitants of the Abaris hideout need to be destroyed immediately, but it is better not to ignore the technomagic mechanisms placed in the rooms and in the boss's hideout!
    All dungeon time limits have been lifted, so enjoy your walk! As always, at the exit you will find 4 treasuries of masters (one for each academic semester), which will open only to those who have completed their studies.
    World event “The Heart of the Machine”
    The inhabitants of the Blissful Isle are in grave danger, because blue mercury is about to spill beyond the borders of Arcanicum! It is up to you to prevent this threat, but this will require joining forces!
    I stage “Ancient Prototype”
    The blue quicksilver bursting from all the cracks in the Arcanicum will soon become a threat to the Blissful Isle as well. Professor Grass has found blueprints for a mechanism that should seal mercury holes. It's time to start building it! Deliver the parts of mechanical creatures that arrived to the Blissful Isle through portals to the magic workbench to create a Threat Eliminator.
    II stage “The Ins and Outs of Battles”
    LIQUI-83 is already assembled and ready to fight the infection. However, its combat systems need tweaking. Escort it to the training dummies to fine-tune the robot's mechanisms!

    III stage “Сharging the Core”
    Combat systems LIQUI-83 have been debugged. It remains to recharge the energy core. Lure electric creatures into charging zones. But hurry up, the mercury contagion is expanding!
    IV stage “Cult of Mercury”
    The crazed technomages, subordinate to mercury, are going to destroy LIQUI-83! They must be stopped as soon as possible, otherwise the mercury will make its way to the Blissful Isle! The battle for the fate of the island begins, can you stop the technomages and destroy the mercury threat?

    V stage “Patch up the Holes”
    Finally, LIQUI-83 can start its work! Guard it while it seals the blue mercury holes. However, be careful, mercury is dangerous and you never know what can happen!
    VI Stage ”Quicksilver”
    It remains to seal the largest vein, but it  managed to give birth to terrible creatures — Quicksilvers. It is necessary to destroy them so that they cannot prevent LIQUI-83 from sealing the hole!

    Event restart time: according to the schedule.
    Guild event on GvG territory "Secrets of the Forbidden Courtyard"
    The School of Magic occupies a huge territory, and a significant part of its courtyard has been closed for a long time. But with the opening of the portals to the Arcanicum, something strange began to happen behind the closed gates of the Forbidden Courtyard. Above the walls, huge blocks of stone rose to the sky, a menacing roar was heard, and if you listened, you could hear indistinct whispers ...
    The Masters of the School call on the guilds of Arinar to enter the Forbidden Court in order to overcome the evil that has awakened there, having heard the call of blue mercury. Don't be afraid and join the fight! Only the most resilient guilds can defeat the cursed School Golems or the dread Skull Cube!

    To successfully complete the event, your guild must deal with the main boss - Skull Cube, or the three side bosses - Storm, Azalea and Azure Golems. Please note that monsters and bosses in the event area will have a PvP status, which means they will take into account the player's PvP characteristics.
    The main boss is hiding behind the ramparts in the heart of the Forbidden Courtyard, so you'll have to destroy one of the seven gates first to get to the boss! To the left and right of Skull Cube's hideout, as well as near the military camps, stone golems lurk in one of three possible locations. With the start of the event, both the main boss and side bosses are ready to fight, but the revival of stone idols after their death will occur at a random time.

    Join forces with the guild and engage in boss fights, but remember that the Skull Cube and Golems are immune to a certain type of damage (physical or magical). The type of immunity will change as the bosses are weakened, and the change will be indicated by blue or red orbs flying around the bosses. And don't forget to deal with the PvP monsters that will appear immediately after the destruction of the bosses, because killing them will bring you additional benefits. Defeat the stone monsters of the Forbidden Court and bring victory to your fighting alliance!
    Please note that this event will use a new scoring system for killing bosses: the destruction of the boss will be credited to the guild whose players dealt the most total damage to the boss at the time of his death and there is at least 1 live player of this guild who dealt any amount of damage to the boss at the location where the boss died.
    Event restart time: on schedule.
    Guild event on a dedicated territory “Technomagic Hospital”
    The Arcanicum holds many exciting mysteries, and one of them is the dramatic events that unfolded in the technomagic hospital. And although the hospital stopped accepting patients a long time ago, the hospital staff did not leave their post. It's time to gather brothers in arms, visit the hospital and reveal its secrets! Your goal is the Healing Construct, the main boss of the event, and in order to successfully complete the event, you need to complete the task in each of the two stages.
    I stage “Healer's Repair”
    The old technomagic hospital could be a good base for exploring the Arcanicum. Many artifacts have been preserved there that can help in the treatment of those who were injured in the city during the search. In addition, there was almost a whole construct left that was used to treat the sick, only it needs a little repair!

    At the first stage, you will have to fully restore the health of the Healing Construct, which you will find in the emergency room, at a location not far from the entrance to the event. There are three ways to heal the boss:
    On locations above the location of the main boss, you will find angry monsters, as well as the mini-boss “Broken Corpsman”. As long as the mini-boss is alive, he will bring to life more and more new monsters. Each kill of a monster will heal the Healing Construct, and killing the mini-boss will give a significant increase in health of the boss! To the right of the location with the boss is the “Technomage Mechanism”, which will restore the boss's health for each “Gear” impact that you bring to the mechanism. Gears can be obtained by attacking the “Hospital Technobot” mini-boss, but the task will be complicated by circular saws that can not only slow you down, but also damage you! Hit the mini-boss to get an impact, then carry him to the mechanism! To the left of the location with the Healing Construct, there are “Alchemical Mechanisms”, the healing of which can quickly restore the boss’s health, but not everything is so simple! Monsters present at the location will interfere with the healing process. Choose a mission depending on the class and abilities of your character and try to restore the Healing Construct to its full health before the end of the stage. But don't forget to also protect the boss from the attacks of aggressive monsters, so as not to lose progress!
    II stage “Healing Construct”
    Years of confinement and blue mercury exposure have damaged the Healing Construct program! He came to the conclusion that if there are no living people, then there are no sick people. It seems that you should not count on his help. It will have to be disassembled for parts.

    The Healing Construct experiment has been declared a failure, and now your guild has to deal with the consequences! Fight with the boss, but keep in mind that the Healing Construct will call on the mini-bosses you already know to help, but they will demonstrate new combat abilities.
    Conditions of activation: complete 15 times any dedicated dungeon on the Blissful Isle.
    Restart time: 16 hours after the event ends.
    Raid bosses
    The battle with the first raid boss requires special knowledge, so only those who complete the full course of Basic Technomagic will be allowed to the Mercury Minebot. Keep in mind that this boss is very agile and has a really explosive temperament!
    Mercury Minebot
    The gigantic minebot was designed specifically to work in the depths, where a human would never have survived. However, the blue mercury vapor that powered the mechanism had an irreversible effect on the steel giant, turning it into one of the most powerful and unpredictable inhabitants of the Arcanicum.

    You managed not only to fully master the courses of Basic and Advanced Technomagic, but also to get close to unraveling the main secret of Arcanium! Every year Vesperian seeks to gain more and more power, but you will be able to stop him!
    The strongest dark magician of the generation managed to move into the most perfect of artificial bodies, built by skilled technomages of the past. Once "Abraxas" saved Arcanicum and the whole Arinar from disaster. Now, having fallen under the control of Vesperian's evil will, he has become a truly terrible threat to the School of Magic.

    And once again the fate of the School of Magic is in your hands! Vesperian, who acquired a technomagic body, gained unprecedented strength and is able to strike dangerous fireballs and generate waves of deadly discharges that you have to dodge!
    This year, the entrance to the raid bosses will be divided into Alliances: each Alliance will be allocated a separate location for the battle.
    Holiday skill
    Only during the Honoring of the Spring King, a new unique holiday skill will be available to all players! However, remember that during the capture of the castle, the battle on the Arena and the events of "Secrets of the Forbidden Courtyard", "Invasion of Chaos", "Trials of Tritons", the help of the techno fox will not be available.
     Techno Fox's Help (active skill)
    These small foxes are bright representatives of the semi-aggressive techno-fauna of Arinar. They become attached to their master, help in battles, but quickly go about their business.
    The 15th Season of activities
    The new Season of activities will begin shortly after the release of the update! Daily and weekly missions, matched to your character's level, and dozens of rewards await you in the Activity Center!
    And for owners of the Battle Pass, an additional branch of unique rewards will be available, including a technomagic suit! Battle Pass holders also receive:
    additional slots with daily and weekly missions; an additional slot with a reward upon completion of all levels of the Season; access to personal warehouse and guild warehouse from the quick access menu; the possibility of a free hairstyle change at a personal hairdresser. In addition, you can give the Battle Pass to any player from character level 6 within your Alliance and game server!
    It is customary in the School of Magic to celebrate the success of students, and this year will also be no exception! As a reward for your exploits, 14 new individual achievements await you, two of which will be legendary! Take part in festive events and boss battles, complete dynamic tasks and dungeons, defeat other players, learn talents, and don't forget to earn and spend reputation points! None of your activity will go unnoticed! And don't forget about the 4 Legendary guild achievements that will forever inscribe the name of your fighting union in the history of Arinar!
    Changes in the mechanics of character skills
    Common changes
    fixed a bug due to which moving allied targets with the help of skills could go into the “Resistance” parameter; fixed a visual bug due to which when using movement skills, the character could be in the wrong place.
     Ancestors' Power
    now the delay between the monster's auto-attacks will be calculated depending on the weapon equipped on the character at the time of using the skill.  Paladin
     Sun Seal
    fixed a bug due to which the skill did not deal damage to PvE-targets when the effect went to "Resistance" parameter.  Mage
     Ethereal Barrier
    now the cooldown of the protective barrier begins at the moment it ends.  Blade Dancer
     Spirit of Resistance
    skill cooldown increased from 35 sec. to 40 sec. the duration of the “Resistance” effect on the character has been reduced: it was 10 \ 12 \ 14 \ 16 sec., now it is 8 \ 10 \ 12 \ 14 sec. fixed a bug due to which ignoring control effects by a skill did not trigger the working relics.  Rogue
     Trickiest Technique
    now if the target is under the effect of the “Poisonous Blades” skill, the damage of the skill is increased by 10 \ 15 \ 20 \ 30%.  Barbarian
     Berserker Power
    fixed a bug in the work of the key talent “Fury”, due to which the bonus from the talent was preserved after activating another key talent.  Chieftain
     Eagle's Eye
    fixed a bug due to which the "Bleeding" effect did not stop the enemy when dealing damage.  Death Knight
     Dark Shield
    now the effect of the skill reduces the damage taken by the character only from basic attacks and attacks with skills that deal instant damage.  Sharp Shadow
    skill cooldown increased from 14 sec. to 16 sec.  Secret Reserves
    skill cooldown reduced from 120 sec. to 90 sec.  Warlock
     Arrow of Darkness
    adjusted the mechanics of the skill's bonus damage from the character's maximum energy. The bonus now begins to decay at high maximum energy values. The damage bonus decays more slowly if the attack target is a monster, and faster if the attack target is a player. The damage bonus no longer depends on skill level.  Shadow Sphere
    adjusted the mechanics of the skill's bonus damage from the character's maximum energy. The bonus now begins to decay at high maximum energy values. The damage bonus decays more slowly if the attack target is a monster, and faster if the attack target is a player. The damage bonus no longer depends on skill level.  Reaper
     Black Mark
    now the character accumulates the “Hate” resource on any auto-attacks or attacks with the skills of the target, and not just on auto-attacks or attacks with skills on the Reaper.  Unwavering Will
    fixed a bug due to which ignoring control effects by a skill did not trigger the working relics; now the character does not accumulate the "Unshakable" effect when receiving DOT effects.  Delayed Death
    the mechanics of the key talent “Rise Above Death” has been adjusted: now the talent removes the negative effect from the character when transforming into a demonic form, regardless of whether the character has the “Delayed Death” buff.
    In-game chat
    added a button to quickly jump to current messages: the button is displayed if there are 4 or more messages in the chat that the player does not see; fixed a bug due to which the position of the scrollbar was reset when a new message was added by another player, when re-entering the chat, as well as when closing/opening the keyboard and resizing the game window.  
    That's all for now, and information about rewards, gifts and other changes will be announced on the day of the release of the update!
    See you in the game!
  7. Wow
    SeaDemon reacted to Shadowmon in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
    One thing I'll say is that I'm not against nuke builds and damages for pvp. I'm just against the damage nerfs. What i'm getting at is that there are highly skillful players and their class can't output nuke damages due to nerfs. Prime example is the DK. We all agree on maxing high potential for endgame. It's really fun. However, when that potential are taken from you, especially pve players, it takes away the enjoyment of your favorite class. I played many mmorpg games. Seeing high damage and defense is sexy. BD damage should stay. The rest of the class should've kept their high damage output as well. This will turn the table and make players rely highly on skills. It's just my opinion. My ideas my requires a lot of thinking. 
  8. Speechless
    SeaDemon reacted to Raislin in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
    Everyone seems to forget that berserk also gives penetration for some reason. Wonder why.
    Barbarians are also a complete class with everything. Well scaling damage skills, aoe debuff, aoe damage, stuns, anti stun, healing, buffing and tanking.
  9. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to Mewtwo in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
    Finally, as always, someone appears on the elf side to justify the theft that is on the elf side, I have elf friends who even recognize that elves in this last update are very stronger, than the mcs, either proves just go to the arena a pt elf +10 full greatness being paladin mage invoker and bd, vs a pt mc full +10 greatness any class whether barbarian dk or chief among others and you'll see what many people come here to talk about balancing, there's nothing about balancing, but it's no wonder that the fame continues, gms are elves that's why the side there are always buffed and mcs nerfed
  10. Confused
    SeaDemon reacted to emmmmmm in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
    I have always wondered why you insist on playing MC camp.Is it because you like being abused?You could have had a better choice.Change a game or play ELF camp.
  11. Speechless
    SeaDemon reacted to vavavi in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
    I mean the barb who posted this is using a very low resilience setup. Heavy mermen, before stacks, is paper. On top of that he is using a 2 handed weapon, with probably a more offensive than a defensive build. He would get nuked when caught by any damage class the same. Number of books doesn't change these things.
  12. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to Mewtwo in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
    why do you always say the same things when we post here against the elf class? what is this forum for? I did a post recently about reviewing, those updates that always disfavors the MC class, and the vices answered me almost the same thing they gave to the player who posted this video, it's no wonder that the fame of the gms is that they are elves, the rod with 15 book op arena, and you give an answer that the guy's barbarian is poorly set up, so my account is wrongly set up full +10, that of other players is wrongly set up, for love bro, give a sensible and convincing answer, elves it has always been more worked on and is appealing whether in pvp or pve, interesting and elves all have a shield and stun in the area, and then there are other classes but still stolen, it creates a character that in addition to stun still casts the guy away, they gave an animal to the summoner that hits almost the same thing as the one that invokes, I of hunter full +10, receives 1435 damage from the summoned animal while the summoner only looked at the animal at me hits, the seeker gave a talent that the cbow +10 guy has to give 10 15 hits to kill the seeker while the seeker de. dagger and that's right dagger 2 .. 3 hit kills you, ahh please ae the guy post the video for you to see, the robbery that these updates that the developers make and favor only one side, it's not normal for the guy to give 3 k + in a barbaro, the guy with 15 book 
  13. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to Drakoslayd in GO "BUFF" BD , SMART BALANCE   
    BD needs a damage nerf. Otherwise in a good spot. 
    I don't know how but BD always either pretty squishy or ungodly tanky and hits harder than a semi
  14. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to nabnecro in Some relics don't work until you switch off and on and save   
    I have relic of magic reaction on my necromancer's nightmare and sometimes it doesn't activate when it should.
    It started happening after one of the recent updates.
    To fix this, I always have to go to skill menu, turn off magic reaction relic (select another relic instead), save, select magic reaction relic, and save again.
  15. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to Gladiator in Seeker's Stamina ... why?   
    I think (8hrs?) to regenerate a stam is a bit much, it'd make sense to reduce it a bit.
  16. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to Kaleidoscope in Seeker's Stamina ... why?   
    Because once you are high level and do various stuff, you can pretty much afford stam pots.
    It can't be removed since it is one of the incomes the game needs to remain online.
    Everyone would be happier but you need to look at it from the dev's side of view.
  17. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to SaltyCoffe in Talents Knowledge Discount   
    Yeah, I was wondering because I recently came back playing and as I said before in another post, I got "scammed" by the wrong typing in the new seek talent block skill ; this way I lost 42k on the "remaining acceleration talent", so I was farming knowledge like a mad man xD.
    So yeah I was wondering if there was anyone who knew as I still need 70k more knowledge total to reach talent block 🥴
  18. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to SaltyCoffe in Talents Knowledge Discount   
    Is it possible that some admins who know the answer just make a post in "Question and answers" section so people (especially new ones) know about this opportunity? It can really help everyone
  19. Speechless
    SeaDemon reacted to Dono da verdade in Healing Totem: opinions and suggestions.   
    I researched, and played with shame. I know very well what I'm talking about
  20. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to Dr Strange in [2022.12.29] 2022 results in infographics   
    We're gladly presenting the long-awaited infographic for 2022. To summarize, we have highlighted the most interesting and memorable moments.















    Share your impressions and gather your strength, because next year will be full of surprises!
  21. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to SaltyCoffe in Seeker Stamina Time Left   
    I think that after all these years of warspear online 1 more thing that really needs to be added is the time left until you get 1 more stam; only thing is that you can check it when you have 0 stam and go check from dgs, but still there is no other way to check the timer
  22. Speechless
    SeaDemon reacted to 100xp in How about a VIP system on ws?   
    I was here thinking how great a vip system in Warspear would be and so I thought I'd share my idea with you my beautiful friends!

    It would be a monthly subscription system where subscribers could enjoy some benefits 
    Dungeons 5 times for free per day 
    Resurrect your character 5 times for free per day 
    Use unlimited teleport
    Amount of Items doubled in dungeons 10 times a day
    enter dungeons without needing reputation 
    Activate white flag whenever you want, the "white flag" when active makes it impossible to interact with the enemy outside the arena and gvg events
    And you would also gain exclusive access to the new "VIP deposit" system, a special deposit where you can deposit items with "personal" status and withdraw using other characters in the same he counts 
  23. Confused
    SeaDemon reacted to Fynn in Change the skill , Reverse Flow   
    As elfs are more popular, they immediately become omnipotent to them, it is easier to ignore the fact that it is possible to counteract the skill, and directly ask for nerf.
  24. Confused
    SeaDemon reacted to Radagast in Change the skill , Reverse Flow   
    That's easily avoided by not walking into the vortex, and it's easily resisted with so little resistance parameter.
  25. Like
    SeaDemon reacted to Reywolf in Change the skill , Reverse Flow   
    Since Templar class been arrived, arena matches turn waste of time for legion players,
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