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Everything posted by Raizel

  1. The game is okay like other rpg game that I play but the control doesnt like that. Please change the control! Make it easier like other game. This game was great. Atleast I found a game like this but it felt so different than other, so please make : new control mode ( dont erase the previous control, someone may like it), exp gained from monster ( exp gained after killing a monster), more gold drop ( its hard to get gold in this game, so please make it more easier!), change the conversation ( please, change it into like other to, I was wanted to read it but I need to scrool it every time, it make me tired), and olso the drop system, its make me tired, I need to tap it and tap it again to claim it drop from monster. its all that I want you to change first. Thank you very much to make this game. But I getting bored because I cant leveling.
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