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Everything posted by Waheed

  1. Waheed


    Make drama so that someone important will answer you
  2. I think u shouldn't be able to own every passive skill anyway Fero,resi 4x new Pene,attack speed,cd Def and magic def Criti dmg and accu Maybe i missed some idk but that would be 13 passive skills which would already take all ur slots. As u said the only way to be able to own more than 4 passives to delete expert skills or to make a different slot for passives
  3. Good bye daria and good luck Thank you for everything
  4. I have 2x awards just missing rings and its pvp set skill I do hit him 300-400 but he does 800-1000 and i am a tank Necro,warden,shaman need buff
  5. Sorry this is wrong vava hit me 800-1000 xd normal dmg
  6. I give u now my last answer and because gm would bann this topic There is a reason why people join my guild and not their own chinese ones Etea provides guild with arena tickets for free spamming 3x3 Gzme aint even playing And i am the sponsor of guild for upots stamina Haters gonna hate 😄
  7. And why u say then people amped me ? There is really 000000000 point talking to you coz u say random stuff and lie about everything 😄 i can say vla amped u and vla can just say yes he did Did he amp u then ? 😄
  8. I think in pvp cases its not possible to have over 10k def without a def book as a dk with heal and the heal got nerfed already In pvp perspective dk is fine to me and pve as well with the heal If the heal would get more nerfed then its just useless and bad coz we are supposed to be tanks In my opinion wardens should get a buff because they are just good on pve and have too less dmg
  9. Dks heal is op yes but its passive and doesnt activate always or very very late coz u are dead already If there wouldnt be stuns then in my opinion bds will dominate pvps
  10. So u are again lying and u are kingkhan ahahahhahah see i knew it Your statements are complete bullshit How can u know who amped me ??? People said berserk got lvled by mohamed and i prooved wrong You are just a typical liar who needs to hide from the truth lmao Just coz u lose vs my pve set skill it shows us how much u of a noob u are Show me some proof that someone amped me I remember u got amped by Dimvit People who have to run this ??? A company has always people to run something for marketing,research,produce Wtf is wrong with ur education
  11. 😄 Rip ur brain sorry but true
  12. lmaooooooooo hiring someone ??? Damn rip google It can be made by a company itself or by social media and media platforms Stop reading from google without understanding lol I see you are a butthurt elf who loses pvps vs everyone so you have to cry yourself out here lol when someone lacks on content and thinks that forum posts are read by all the players in warspear Btw : i dont need to advertise anything on forum coz there are many people who buy relics So tell me who u are in game Maybe i know then why u hate me so much lmao If u are a bd then take a example at vavavi who kills me easily 1 vs 1 and beats vla sometimes as well So dont talk about unbalance if ur own character is not amped or u play like kinghkhan as bd 😄
  13. There are 2 types of adverstising Normal advertising : You advertise for products,services Public Relation : advadvertsing over an Reputation And what are you doing ?? Dont talk without education kid instead of lying that mc side is selling scrolls because no one is sellling them yet lmao
  14. Subject is about what ? Balancing and unblancing So u advertise to get mc debuffs ?? Lmao I dont even have those scrolls or yet crafted the tower Just stating what will change in game
  15. Ask any op bd how long it takes them to kill locks,dk,barbs and they will say max 10 seconds if the stuns fail lmao I am not saying u are depending on them but keep it in mind that people will use them so there will be 5 castles and just try to guess then how many of those scrolls will be at market
  16. Elfs = aoe stuns > pala,bd,mage, mc = aoe stuns > charmer,lock Elfs buff dmg 4% Forsaken buff mana 3x Bd boost dmg kill u 1 combo if any stuns fail to any char which any op bd can show u And on top there is a new relic which makes stun 25-40% longer on basic skills depending on the people on ur pt Elfs = bd,mage,pala,druid,priest,ranger, warden mc = barb,warlock,hunter,necro,shaman, charmer This is where unbalancing will start Necro,Locks will perma stun you coz locks could do it anyway and with this necro can sleep u forever. But palas and mages can stun everyone longer based on aoe which makes war even more shit for mcs. Which will lead to this A scroll addding 20% resisstance and if i remember correctly there was a resisstance scroll as well. So resis scroll + pot + equip + if u have guild lvl 12 passive = rip all locks,barbs,charmers,barbs So what i want to say is in the end elfs dominate from this the most so stop complaining
  17. Isn't the anniversary on the 12th june ? That's a big delay
  18. It should be higher coz a guild would lose everything when they lose their castle
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