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darkwill's Achievements

Rookie I

Rookie I (1/27)



  1. Adm of the game I think I speak for all Brazilians, we would like to be able to purchase M.coins plus there is no way except in a credit card, I would ask for FOSE made ​​a payment by phone or cell phone, and that be paid in local currency, real, please try to get in touch with Brazilian operators, tim, live, hi, clear to us that Brazilian players also enjoyed to the maximum we can thank you for your attention and expects a reply
  2. Bom Galera to criando esse topico pra quem tem duvida no warspear, assim como eu gostaria de saber se atualmente e possivel compra m.coins por sms aqui do brasil ? vlw se soube porfavor me falem como obrigado
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