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Everything posted by Jcbref

  1. We have more reason to want permanence for 12 hours than double xp
  2. They should make smaller pots, not make offline pause to them
  3. Or atleast 8h because most peoples cant play 12h
  4. Dont use it if youre not sure that you can be online for most of its duration
  5. You are supposed to use minions or xp pots when you know that you can play most of its time
  6. So, some other magic chars have less stuns
  7. From +0 to +1 its safe For +1- +10 you should/must use signs
  8. Jcbref


    Buffs from young witch's potions?
  9. Jcbref


    How much would be 2 handed with buff
  10. So he gets newbies to give their phone numbers to him and send phototshopped screenshot?
  11. What did ypu expect when most of these complainers are elfs
  12. Jcbref

    Abyss Guards

    They are four guards of abyss If there even are 4 of them
  13. The problem is your data, nothing else
  14. Sponsored
  15. Buy if they couldnt leave the area how would they get back to map 2
  16. Everyone who is lvl 10+ prior to this event
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