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Everything posted by Jcbref

  1. We dont know those requirements for sure but most likely it takes into consideration your account age, bought miracle coins and other trustworthiness
  2. Most likely your account does not fill the requirements to be able to gift it
  3. I think its just base hp without any guild buffs, item buffs or hp boosting enchants on gear
  4. Requiring approval makes it easier for moderators and admins to remove spam and other content that does not belong here
  5. its anything but low damage for properly geared damagers if enemy doesnt have aoe damage
  6. Playing with more than 1 account on 1 device at once has always been bannable offense
  7. Does this mean it will stay there even after anniversary event
  8. Im pretty sure this item is in mound you can interact with
  9. Aigrind might eventually make the characters name available again but they wont remove anything so someone has had access to your account or you deleted the gear yourself
  10. I have ever done one or two mythical tree runs so i cant
  11. You need to get lucky with the teleport in addition to having enough dps
  12. we dont know for sure what they are but most likely atleast account age and whether or not you have any previous restrictions also plays a role
  13. your account needs to fulfill certain trust requirements
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