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Jcbref last won the day on July 21 2021

Jcbref had the most liked content!

About Jcbref

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  1. Video of the situation is always helpful for the support team
  2. I would say that if someone is willing to play 20 characters and do all dailies on them everyday then they deserve to earn alot of gold for that kind of determination
  3. Jcbref


    Lets start with the fact that the reason why different servers exist in different regions is so that everyone can play on a server that is based somewhere "near" them
  4. sounds logical that detection potion should detect everything that you cant otherwise see
  5. congratz to all and happy new year to each and everyone here
  6. What is this video meant to show A party going to dungeon?
  7. harmful effect should be any effects that have a red border around their icon
  8. Jcbref

    Is this bug?

    Revered is the next tier of reputation after friendly
  9. You should see a green dot on your map on where the cave is and its in there
  10. You can disable battle pass buffs from showing up because i doubt that you need to see them in dungeons
  11. Jcbref


    what do you suggest they do people can ruin a game by not playing as intended but its not against any rules
  12. Doesnt make any sense unless you share your account which is not allowed
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