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Everything posted by Kaworu

  1. I'm confused.. because there's no Pvprange/Pvpshaman #1 Pro Player option.
  2. The force(dodge) was with him. Despite 19.8 acc :pardon: Luck happens.
  3. :give_rose: :give_rose: :give_rose: reu
  4. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  5. Light armor bd, kw/revenge mix. One crit dodge enchant + one old dodge enchant. Important to note is the low hp and suicidal def(not shown ;D )
  6. There are many kinds of pride out there. You can be proud of the delicious eggs and toast you made for breakfast or you can be so proud in your deeds to the point it becomes vanity. You can be proud of your country for (insert whatever awesome cool thing your country does/has) and then there's some who are proud of their country for going to war. Enjoying some damn good eggy and toast - good pride Loving yourself in excess - bad pride ..and so on. Love and selflessness can be got from many things. I would sooner harm myself than see danger come to my cat. I like bramms stories. Many circles is op.
  7. ahaha, will do my best! salute!
  8. Assez bien ca semble, felicitations quand meme. La chance que t'avait une pro tel que pvpshaman dans ton coins...
  9. Urowak 1, Tylerrogue 0 just sayin..
  10. I agree with kohy I had parry lv5 for a few weeks and loved it. About the duration, I was able to run from eastern caravans to pvp cave on one skill use which I thought was pretty impressive.
  11. wew..200? 300? I do just fine on 75 slots. You guys have too much junk :D
  12. ??? Could you please rephrase...
  13. I'm sorry but ws is dead easy compared to most mmo.. mobs+bosses dont even have skills or special attacks.. Sorry to hear your frustration.. Good luck in other games.
  14. New arena maps, yes please!
  15. Simply giving my opinion based on my experiences in a generalized answer for any bd who stumble onto this thread. Of course you can use whatever skill builds/gear you feel is best for you, happy blading.
  16. I'm pretty sure there are international laws against quoting multiple screens :unknw:
  17. In the game today where more than 50% of your potential opponents will not be affected by your parry% I'd say losing max sap potency for a 2% boost would not be the wisest choice. However, again, if you love your parry build and are only up against melee for pvp or phys farms then go for it.
  18. The issue I have is with players who know very well what the cave is used for and continue to disturb regardless. You're right though, there are no rules against open killing in any map.. There are also no rules against people being complete douchebags.. it's an unfortunate thing that one of the best maps for pvp is overrun with hordes of gankers and disturbers, most of which are just players afraid to engage in pvp for fear of losing. Anyone who has spent any amount of time in sapphire cave in the past can paint a very different portrait of how it was then compared to now. It just further increases my hopes of seeing a 1v1 instance, something like arena, for the avid pvp'ers. On that note: Muertelati Cataclysms Gomugonoobo Axecute Execute Techslash Reaperbr And of course still, my biggest fan, xdrhousexx QQ All cowards, all butthurt for one reason or another, ganking in teams who they can't kill solo.
  19. ahahaha I love this thread! It's what area chat in cave would look like between factions. Moar! and xdrhousexx is still mad, still ganks my low lv bd but doesnt touch kaworu :D:D what does that say? Drnoob! Where are you? Speak up man!
  20. I've been receiving a lot of attention from the following potting gankers: Xdrhousexx - because i opened with aggro once ahahah Aroon - because i didnt reply to his message on fb Vosfow - because this one thinks pvp = pots and call for help Wapakhupaw - this one im not sure why, he was always running away or already dead and let his ganking parter talk for him.. I could list 4-5 new names everyday of who is disturbing.. it's the nature of the cave.. Not much to do about it but laugh and let them waste pots/time/effort.
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