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Everything posted by Kaan

  1. Snorlax's first karma goes too...... yorae
  2. Kaan


    They are dragon costumes, Surprise Chest drop them if you are lucky.
  3. Probably a bladedancer wearing rogue items :D
  4. Sanirim oyun ve telefonun arasinda bir baglanti olmasi gibi bir seyler istiyorsun. Yani oyundan telefondaki muzik dosyalarina bakarak bir muzik secmek gibi?
  5. Kaan


    Suanda en iyi secenek farm yap - cikan itemleri sat - sign al.
  6. Bu sorunun cevabi normalde o sinifi oynamayi bilene gore degisir, ancak oyunun yapimi tam tamamlanmamakla beraber Shaman ve Ranger onde gelen siniflar.
  7. Can't find Ashy vultures. When I click Menu - Quests - Choose quest - Show on Map I don't see the place to kil them.
  8. So I just learned that bg or level 18 sets are useless like if we get 400 defence and 200 health for a bg set a high amplified player can still easily kill us... Items useless :( ?
  9. Kaan

    bg gloves and boots

    We seem to have a new newbie troll here. :facepalm:
  10. nvm. Snorlax you are right, so I get 463 bonus if I get full set?
  11. Check.these; My friend also has disame problem with bg endurance gloves. Its %100 a bug. Personal. fix fast :)
  12. Trolling? I also don't get any bonus. 1st pictire without divine set, 2nd picture with divine set
  13. Hello, I have Divine defence boots and gloves level 18. I should get the first bonus but I don't. The other people who have boots and gloves get it. I think its a personal bug. The boots just droped and I didn't amplify nor enchanted it.
  14. I want to add something; You don't get your items durability decreased if you are at Arena or at PvP. While you're doing PvP you should not be attacked by any creature for your durability to not decrease.
  15. Sometimes its also a problem when you give your ID to somebody for buying miracle coins. So I suggest for you to not believe everyone.
  16. Yararlı bilgiler olmuş, teşekkürler moderatörüm.
  17. So if we will get atleast 40 levels; We currently get 1 skill point per 2 levels and 2 skill points every 10 levels. So we should get new skill or skills.
  18. Bu resmi yapıştıran kişinin her gün aynı olayı yapması ne de kötü değil mi? Sanırım sizin yaptığınız bu olay hakkında bir video olacaktı. Bulduğum zaman yayınlayacağım.
  19. Kaan

    Ban,Mute request

    No he was actually banned I think. But then he got unbanned.
  20. Kaan


    Türklere, Allah'a, Ruslara ve herkese küfreden ırkçı Erikalt süresiz olarak banlanmıştır.
  21. Kaan

    Ban,Mute request

    Thank you after all those fights on trade chat... Its over now I hope :)
  22. They have said that clans are still under development. We hope to get it soon. Maybe on the 3.0 Warspear Online Update?
  23. But at the moment there are no clans in the game that can be opened officially. I think we should first wait the update for the "clans" and then we can comment on this suggestion. I think its a good suggestion.
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