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  1. Speechless
    Pliskin got a reaction from Hellprince in the memes / funnies   
    Welcome to the
    "just in case your new here"
    Over the past year we have seen some funny pics and countless memes
    Now we have a place to gather them all
    Please feel free to add your own or past ones or your favorites
    *If you are one of those who say *hi* ya finally pliskin wont spam my favorite topics.......

  2. Like
    Pliskin got a reaction from wolfdragon99 in the memes / funnies   
    Wow there has been so many memes ive seen since i last posted here.. i wouldnt know where to start

  3. Like
    Pliskin got a reaction from wolfdragon99 in the memes / funnies   
    Happy Halloween y'all!
    Yes i am a Wizard, don't act like you Gnomey either. (My first attempt at a non traditional Jack o' Lantern.

  4. Thanks
    Pliskin reacted to nabnecro in [2017.08.24] Update 7.1: Guild Castles. Release.   
    Making alliances is not cheating, it's a way of auto-balancing the game when lower level guilds get enough of higher level guilds taking the castle over and over.
    This feature is also present on other mmos like ragnarok online for example (it even has an interface to add other guilds as alliance).
  5. Like
    Pliskin got a reaction from Necromaa in [2017.08.24] Update 7.1: Guild Castles. Release.   
    so doing exactly what your guild wanted but failed at is cheating... so maybe you should get devs to make the game so only you can win failproof. It sounds like the only thing that isnt cheating to you.
  6. Like
    Pliskin got a reaction from Necromaa in [2017.08.24] Update 7.1: Guild Castles. Release.   
    Please glad respect your moderators wishes. I deleted mine to avoid this endless drama. Save your tears
  7. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Gladiator in the memes / funnies   
    Though I was super lucky in the last amp session.

  8. Like
    Pliskin got a reaction from Hansh in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
    The new Point Shooting is pretty good

  9. Haha
    Pliskin reacted to Gladiator in [2017.08.24] Update 7.1: Guild Castles. Release.   
    Not starting any drama here. It's important to let devs know what's going on in their game. 
    It will help them develop the game better. I think it's the best thing I can do to help this game survive as an old player and a community member.
    We're talking about unfair gameplay here, it's important to be addressed because it kills the fun for a new content, and if you have anything to defend your cheating, then you're free to say it.
  10. Haha
    Pliskin reacted to Baryon in Top Players Overall In 2017 - US-Sapphire   
    U forgot alejan
  11. Haha
    Pliskin reacted to Morgana in Top Players Overall In 2017 - US-Sapphire   
    Soo my nominees are
    -Nessah (though he's quite inactive atm)
    -Trumpsty (dunno how to spell him)
    Of course I don't know how well everyone is playing so I just nominated people that I really know for their playing style who are mostly from my guild .-. And since I'm not a MC player I can't judge them too well as well.
  12. Haha
    Pliskin reacted to Urscrewed in Gz Huey and Perni   
    oh wow unbelievable amounts of skill and intelligence, i wonder how you could have won all of those matches by playing such a difficult character like bladedancer. 
    If only i had the brain capacity to master the art of point and click. 
  13. Haha
    Pliskin reacted to Gladiator in Battles for castles. General discussion.   
    Back to topic: What do you think about guilds "teaming" inside the castle? The commander party of a guild helps defend the commander of another guild.
  14. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Daria in Battles for castles. General discussion.   
    This topic is really dedicated to battles for castles, not guild events. 
  15. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Hazelnut in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
    Cute ranger's skill bug xd

  16. Like
    Pliskin got a reaction from Hazelnut in SCREENSHOTS FROM THE GAME   
    The new Point Shooting is pretty good

  17. Like
    Pliskin reacted to PoleyKathi in Old pvp video montage just found   
    Have fun watching :) 
    Old times missing 
  18. Like
    Pliskin reacted to TheCabbage in the memes / funnies   
    Not sure if middle means
    a) I'm very pro person that, while lacking the ability to understand and produce high-quality memes that win Oscars, is however able to entertain and laugh at the masses without being completely ignorant of what makes a good and unique meme, and maintains a healthy balance between laughing at holocaust and making people feel good,
    or b) I'm dull.
  19. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Gladiator in [2017.07.06] Guild Castles. Part II   
    It could be a Commander, as Google translate showed me from the Russian post.
  20. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Nosotraes in the memes / funnies   
    Trump memes? Trump memes. Actually, make it general election memes.
    Credits to the all time top posts on r/dankmemes.

  21. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Hamstring in the memes / funnies   
    youve mastered application of trump
  22. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Daria in [2017.07.06] Guild Castles. Part II   
    1. Presumably, leader of the guild and heirs.
    2. We plan that there will be a special warehouse where all produced items will be automatically stored.
    3. Also, presumably, leader of the guild and heir.
    But there also may be added some more ranks within a guild specifically for these castles activities. We'll see if they will be really needed.
  23. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Gladiator in the memes / funnies   
    So the event is over and I was little mad that I spent too much time spamming (around 300 runs) and got no troll costumes, still got drops that covered up the costs though.
    But now I wanna calm and the best way to do it is to laugh at it.

  24. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Daria in tournament no 4x gp   
    Thanks for reporting! We've already fixed it.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
  25. Like
    Pliskin reacted to Pliskin in tournament no 4x gp   
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