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Everything posted by guwer87

  1. Hi ment , we met in game, i helped u with sir Kevin :tease:
  2. guwer87


    :drinks: :drinks: Tsja, good to see u again, ur a nice girl who wanna play peacefully, and for that u have my RESPECT :give_rose:
  3. Guys, its summer, its free time, u must remember that theyre not sitting in front of computers all days. Be patient!
  4. MI brakuje chainless od marakshy, ale chetnie pomoge od poczatku:) takze mozesz na mnie liczyc. Barb 17 lvl, noobek, ale zawsze chetny do pomocy.
  5. guwer87


    But there are more forsakens than chosens! Heil Forsaken! I need Maraksha, and i cant wait for forsakens to come :diablo:
  6. Great work! Ty Devs:) Now its more than half of the year since i started playing WarSpear, and im still having fun.
  7. Yep, chop dmg x2. Thx for that Aigrind.
  8. I've never heard of something like warspear in browser.
  9. Dziala normalnie, wielu polakow korzysta:)
  10. IM not elf so cant help, sorry:(
  11. Devs wrote that we can drop items in diffrent places. Where are these places? And what are these "items"?
  12. Eh kolejny ktory nie zrobil sobie hasla.. wyslij ticketa do supportu, bo tu Ci nikt nie pomoze niestety link do supportu: http://warspear-online.com/en/support Napisz im tam jak najwiecej sdzczegolow dotyczacych konta, ilosc golda , jakie itemki miales, ile kupiles mc, jesli kupiles , ewentualnych znajomych, oczywiscie nazwe postaci, lub kilku itd itd A potem zostanie CI czekanie, nawet do kilku dni. Taka jest procedura odzyskiwania kont.
  13. Stop spamming, do u see here any dev? no? then stop spamming:/ jeez, nolife's here on forum..
  14. I like so much ur suggestions!! Great Job Bloody;) I would like to see this scroll in mc shop too! great idea.
  15. Which weapon should i choose? Spear, 1h sword, or 2h sword? What do u think about it?
  16. Ja mam straszne lagi, przy bnraniu questow, przy przechodzeiu na nowa mape, przy ogladaniu mapy itd itd, takie 5 s zaciecia. Poza tym gra wlacza sie jakas minute, albo i dluzej.. na pewno dluzej bo zdazylem sobie popatrzec na gwiazdy i wrocic.
  17. guwer87

    Explain this.

    U can chop death trees ;D
  18. One of the many examples is quest "new bag": -go get 10 items, then -go get 10 items, then, then, then,... And this all for 3rd lvl..
  19. Serious? SO high prices? hmm i must check that.
  20. Same here, i must report the same issue. Freezing most the time:( when getting quest, when changing map, when... almost all the time when action is taken. But I like this upgrade :good:
  21. I saw u going to gg or another place, i was walking naked, my char name is "Tarcza".
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