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Everything posted by guwer87

  1. I agree, whi devs changed this function? what was wrong with old version? :facepalm: It is so annoying to type the price in new line.. or show eq to friends.
  2. Why u didnt wrote about it anything? :cray: i would help :cray:
  3. W załączeniu przesyłam swoje tłumaczenie! Możliwe, że posiada pewne błedy i braki, wiec prosze o ewentualne poprawki. Pewna część nie jest przetłumaczona ze względu na niezrozumienie. In Attachment i sent a translation to your file. It may have some bugs so pls feel free to report:) some sections are not translated fully because of possible misunderstanding. 20866_.txt
  4. To musisz zmienic na inne rozszerzenie. Typ MIME mowi o rodzaju multimediow ktore probujesz zakotwiczyc na stronie.
  5. And always vallenteins day on chosen's lands:D
  6. No problem bloody :good: bloody, there are 4 groups called goth boys" which one is correct?
  7. Bedziemy lać swientoszkowatych chosen'ów??? :good: :lol: :tease: :yahoo:
  8. To nie moj pomysl, ktos gdzies tu na forum napisal ze to upadłe elfy... dziwne.. ale pomysl ciekawy:D
  9. Chosen'i są ludźmi, ale współpracuja z elfami, a górale współpracują z upadłymi elfami czyli FORSAKEN.
  10. THere was no vallentines day so i dont think there will be halloween.
  11. Wstepnie sie pogubilem, ale ok, juz mam. Chodzi Ci o to by tworzyc NOWE POSTACIE i ZBIERAC KASE Z QUESTOW, a zarobiona w ten sposob gotowke przerzucac na glownego chara:)
  12. I was using my camera for making videos long ago.. but it is a past now. BTW lipa, ur a good model! ;D I wish u were female :crazy:
  13. from about 5 to about 150;)
  14. Pls delete this topic.. its pointless to keep wiki that is not updated.
  15. :clapping: :clapping: wow Skadii, u showed off.
  16. Jak cos dostaniesz to sie podziel:)
  17. Wspolnymi silami damy rade:) jak cos sluze pomocą.
  18. Yes, its always safe to amp to +1, and it has 100 % rate succes.
  19. Yes Tsja, its the same quest;) so see u soon in peaceful conditions:D
  20. End of the worls is coming fast :facepalm:
  21. OMG, what a stupid topic.. Kyumaru if u have problem with the game just quit and there will be no more. Why u r always complaining? Try to make a game similar to this with noone complaining and i will salute you all the time.
  22. not odd that ur bored if u have 12 chars OMG :bad:
  23. guwer87

    Max lv

    I agree that it would help with problem of many chars made by one player.
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