help! a close friend of mine had recently transacted a friend ( pretending to be good for weeks already. a wolf in sheep's clothing). He borrowed items but did not return it. this items worth 500k+gold +10 staff lvl13 and +6 staff lvl12
his chars:
Hope you will take actions on this. please.. we cant afford to lose a friend because of this incident whos time and money spend in this game. hope the above names will be banned cp and accounts. yes we all commit mistakes . hope you will not just say its all the fault of the person who let the items borrowed. but we need justice for the victims. :cray: :cray: :cray:
wish i can big bro :wacko: . my bro i think found a new game also and soon retire :( . he is asking if anybody wants to buy his chars :D
woi they are not filipinos.. lol. except kervince & shyleen . di ka nila maiintindihan. :wacko: