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Everything posted by Bluic

  1. Does anyone know how much the mana cost of every skill per skill level is? Or just an example of what you have now at your skill's current level? I am trying to figure out which skills to upgrade first at the early levels since mana management is much harder than on the late game. Thank you.
  2. I was able to login to the main server for a while ahehehe... was opened at 1PM CEST
  3. I hope achievements will not reset after update
  4. Now I don't think I can play mage without Life Steal... those guys that attack in groups and the regular mobs in T3, T4, and T5 in Map 4. Yeah I get that they encourage not soloing but the players are just too toxic.
  5. I am active during weekends but only at night in weekdays. Philippine time. Level 13 Druid
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