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    triggeredAF reacted to Maruska in Sistema de ofertas compra no market   
    Há tempos tive uma ideia que pensei ser bastante atrativa para a comunidade warspear. Perguntei a alguns jogadores o que eles achavam de um sistema onde o player fizesse uma oferta no market para determinado item e onde outro jogador interessado pudesse aceitar ou não... essa oferta poderia durar o mesmo tempo que dura os itens que colocam a venda, onde também seria cobrada alguma taxa. 
  2. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to Danfake in [2021.05.24] The “Call of Mermen” special event: hurry up to pump all the underwater talents!   
    Now that I'm only four talented to have everything complete, win a medal, they're going to increase talent. 
    These things make me frustrated, the talents are expensive to go up.. 

  3. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to Drakoslayd in About the Arena   
    And I do not regret it. I love this game despite it's flaws
  4. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to Rpk in About the Arena   
    That will do a lot more than a server and a guild leader. At least I don't need to worry about being bored because no one plays the arena. Even if I lose, I find happiness in it.Many people don't care about money, not arena tickets, but can't get real happiness from the arena. Now the server arena is just sapm,spam,spam. What if I win all the arena championships? No one is my opponent in the arena, because there are too few people in the arena.Full server arena, I think it can not only improve the fun of the arena, but also stimulate consumption. I can't figure out the reason for not doing so. This is a good game. I played it for 4 years, which cost a lot of money. If I leave this game one day, it must be boring.
  5. Like
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Fauv in Promoções da loja milagrosa   
    Eu não discordo com o que vc disse mas sign é um caso à parte porque além de ser relativamente caro fora de promo é também necessário em grandes quantidades para vc conseguir progredir no jogo. Eu acho que seria interessante em vez de ter apenas um item de cada vez aparecer logo uma lista de itens relacionados. Por exemplo, a promoção de selo teria também as esferas e a promoção da bag normal teria tmb bag guild. Isso seria mt prático do ponto de vista do jogador.
  6. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to quenster in Promoções da loja milagrosa   
    Interessante sua sugestão. Eu tenho a seguinte sugestão pra Loja Milagrosa:
    Diariamente continuar com o ítem com 50% e adicionar outros itens com desconto reduzido:
    Item aleatório com 50% (como acontece hoje em dia) Item aleatório com 30% Item aleatório com 20% Além das promoções diárias, todo começo de mês ser disponibilizado um item especial da Loja Milagrosa com um % de desconto por um período de 3-5 dias!
  7. Like
    triggeredAF got a reaction from quenster in Promoções da loja milagrosa   
    Eu não discordo com o que vc disse mas sign é um caso à parte porque além de ser relativamente caro fora de promo é também necessário em grandes quantidades para vc conseguir progredir no jogo. Eu acho que seria interessante em vez de ter apenas um item de cada vez aparecer logo uma lista de itens relacionados. Por exemplo, a promoção de selo teria também as esferas e a promoção da bag normal teria tmb bag guild. Isso seria mt prático do ponto de vista do jogador.
  8. Haha
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Speedom in Physical Charmer OP?   
    This post did age well
  9. Haha
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Ahmed Didar in Physical Charmer OP?   
    This post did age well
  10. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to LittleGod in Боты на Топазе   
    Ну получается  ты работаешь лопатой и киркой а он как умный человек работает умом
  11. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to ХОЛСМнормЧЕЛ in Толчок в спину или пве имба выигрыающий пвп персонажей+9-10   
    Прошу изменить % толчка так как 1на1 это просто зверь убийца ,баланс уничтожен ,сам играю за рога ,при пве шмоте+5-6 я выигрываю почти любого ближника в пвп от+8-10 . Для равноправия между всеми персонажами предлагаю снизить количество автатак или секунд на прокачках 3/5 и более . Честно говоря стыдно за гор что ноют на ух ,а у самих много чего имбового. 
  12. Haha
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Khrone in Palhaçada   
    Matar low é objetivamente mais divertido que perder tempo farmando. Infarto vc teria depois de farmar FF, isso sim kkkk
  13. Haha
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Khrone in Palhaçada   
    Cada um faz o que bem quiser no jogo. Acho que até é bem divertido impedir low de farmar 
  14. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to Higgings in Zone of weakness   
    Alright, let's see then everything from this point of view. 80% less def might seem extremely high, but considering that locks have got litterally 0 defensive skills (don't you even dare to consider stone body as "defensive") and that they base their strenght on pure offensive skills, I can't see anything bad with that. All you have to do after all is resisting one stun and 2 hit a lock, thing which is pretty easy to do with a class capable to obtain 40% more strength out of nowhere. Don't forget that BD is formerly a tank and not a damager. Let's even justify that "they have got no other skill to make damage with" (thing which I highly disagree with as well), but bear in mind that they pay 0 to get such potential. You can't counter that in any way, especially with a class which can't even defend itself from the most basic hits. 
    No, again, it doesn't. Because those classes are not the same, and the same skill might have a different impact if given to a different class. 
    To do that you would need to select your datas accordingly to objective criteria. Since we haven't got anything like that, any pick you'd make would be the wrong decision. The only type of selection you could try to make is the impact in many vs many scenarios and eventually deciding by answering this simple question: "what does the counterpart have to put a sort of balance?" Or "is there a way to counter this skill?" (Yes... just walk away from it...) 
    "Does the counterpart have classes who can resist this skill?" (Yes, it does. BD, Mage, Warden...)
  15. Speechless
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Fabr in ideia de melhoria para o mapa Irselnort para a proxima atualização   
    vc n imagina como era em 2013
    essa área estava cheia de elfo 24/7
  16. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to Батько in Иконки свитков в сумке.   
    Свитки дают разные эффекты, но иконку имеют идентичную.  Раздражает, потому что приходится каждый раз перекликивать, что бы понять что дают...

  17. Confused
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Khrone in O que o dk(cavaleiro da morte se tornou?)   
    Como falei, se vc não aguenta 1 combo do bd - problema seu, fizesse build decente. Agora, DK realmente precisaria de levar buff, para uma classe tank está bem papel
  18. Haha
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Khrone in ideia de melhoria para o mapa Irselnort para a proxima atualização   
    essa escada é icónica 😞 
  19. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to hugomedeiroswg in Guild Information   
    Hello players.
    I come here to suggest that in the "Inspect the player" tab, also show information such as the name of the guild in which the player is a member. I know it is a simple and useful thing. I invite colleagues to also suggest improvements in this regard.
    An example in the following image:

  20. Thanks
    triggeredAF got a reaction from Ahmedic in Timing system   
    That would be very good. No idea why they didn't add this already... such a basic feature...
  21. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to XzzzX in Игра и ОС   
    На андроид есть достаточно популярная фишка - открытие статус-бара(шторки) свайпом от верхнего края экрана. Однако при таком жесте персонаж начинает движение, что не очень удобно. Если это возможно, то было бы неплохо, что бы данный жест игнорировался игрой 
  22. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to LittleGod in Рефералка и код партнёра   
    Абуз? Абуз.. Да.. Абуз!
  23. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to Gabriel Goes in Bloqueio de itens na Mochila   
    Tenho certeza que algo assim já ocorreu com alguns de vocês, estar tão apressado para usar um item na bag que ao abrir ela se erra o click e usa o primeiro item da mesma, muitas vezes sendo um item de uso rapido e importante como reparos ou livros de esquecimento, e isso sem duvida é bem frustrante. Então venho aqui compartilhar minhas sugestões para esse problema bem inconveniente. 
    Bloquear o uso de itens especificos na bag

    A possibilidade de travar itens para que não possam ser usados sem desbloquea-los ou uma segunda confirmação. 
    Outra opção seria destinar a primeira linha toda da bag a itens bloqueados, só podendo usa-los ao mover eles de linha. Essa seria uma solução bem mais trabalhosa mas traria uma mudança interesante, que seria o deslocamento de itens entre os slots na mochila.
  24. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to Vinagre in Creation of a new section GvGs   
    We all know that the game have evolved lots on the last years and i don't think the current sections can hold all the information's that need to be discussed.
    I suggest to create a new section at the forum to discuss the Guild vs Guilds events.

    Why? i know they involve pvp, but they still involve lots of pve aspects and strategy's to be discusses that are not the same as used at arenas or wars.

    So how can we discuss a GVG event at the ''PvP and Arena'' section when its not really a Pvp battle its more a Guild team battle that includes strategy, pvp and pve.
  25. Like
    triggeredAF reacted to sea rpg in Предложение от игроков сервера sea-pearl   
    Уважаемые разработчики онлайн-игр Warspear, я ваш верный игрок. Я из Китая и играю в эту игру уже 4 года. Это очень хорошая игра. В нашей стране нет такой хорошей игры. Но мой сервер морской жемчужины грозит смерть. Китайские игроки один за другим покинули игру. Мои друзья и я оказались в ловушке на этом сервере. Мы не можем быть с игроками из других стран из-за языковых проблем. Если в этой игре нет друзей, я просто потеряли удовольствие от игры. Я искренне надеюсь, что разработчики смогут предоставить услуги по передаче ролей за определенную плату. Я хочу перейти на сервер ЕС или США, чтобы найти своих китайских друзей. В то же время миграция ролей также может позволить друзей из своих стран, чтобы они собирались и играли вместе. Я считаю, что у многих игроков есть такая идея,  Возможно, вы позволите нам воссоздать новые роли на этих серверах, но вы не знаете, что мне потребовалось 4 года, чтобы практиковать все мастерство до полного уровня. Вы позволили мне отказаться от роли, которую я культивировал в течение 4 лет, что эквивалентно позволить мне отказаться от себя, как и ваш ребенок.
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