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Malik Campbell reacted to Shax in Last hope & Thoughts on rogue rebalance
This will most likely be my last post here, It just seems useless to further say anything about rogue as rebalance just showed alot of issues have not been addressed. For a class that has been complained about pretty much the most, people had much higher expectations in terms of buffs/reworks
Just gonna talk about main buffs and the problems they didnt fix as rebalance is still going:
1st. Absolute reflexes: decent addition to rogue's survivability, basically mage barrier but with dodges. However the numbers are slightly off. You are able to gurantee dodge 1 hit and that dodge lasts 0.7 sec after that, there is a 4 sec cd, that is enough for rogue to be finished. the issue is 0.7 sec is not enough to dodge significant amount of dmg as rogue doesn't have any dmg reduction skill or shield to help with it, so after dodging, needs to atleast stay for 1.5sec and its talent increase that duration by 0.5 sec.
2. Tirelessness talent: the worst rework I've ever layed my eyes on. It's one of the main 3 talents for rogue and needs so much grind to get -5 accuracy on enemy's hits lol Absolutely a joke. -5 accuracy makes literally no difference as anyone can put 1-2 accuracy enchants in gears and that talent is useless. Even if they dont, -5 accuracy wont make much difference and for a talent thats suppose to be a main talent, this is a good way to give a trailer to starter rogues that this class isn't worth it. The previous talent was useless and you had 1 whole year only to replace it with another useless talent. Needs immediate change to 10% dmg reduction or raising that accuracy decrease to -15%.
These two are my most concerns about the rebalance. Furthermore alot of issues remains about rogue that you have again neglected and will send rogue into another year of being behind such as:
-Dodge skill is still stuck at 10 secs when it needs to be 15 secs. This was in every suggestion post but wasn't fixed
-kick in the back skill is just outdated now and needs another debuff power to it like dmg reduction debuff or perhaps make it that it increases dodge duration if dodge is active. Atleast it will fix dodge duration being short and make kick useful again.
-Poison skill animation is still ridiculously long and people said to decrease animation time yet remains a problem
-Rogues heal being 15% makes no sense, as lifesteal gives you more heal, its just useless, you can literally test how weak that heal is. Increase to 20-25% heal atleast
Those are my main thoughts on the rebalance and issues that still remains with rogue. I thought to share them here while rebalance is still in progress. Otherwise if no any additional fixes would be made, this will be my last post here and will slowly stop playing the game and supporting it financially. I do wish the game the best and to be more vocal and transparent in the future when it comes to these rebalances as people are leaving more and more due to the lack of response from concerns and cold shoulder
Malik Campbell reacted to Khrone in [2023.12.13] Update Warspear Online 12.2. Announcement. Part I
That's what we call "traitors"
Malik Campbell reacted to Zofia-US in [2023.12.13] Update Warspear Online 12.2. Announcement. Part I
Guys, no matter elf or mc side get buff or nerf, always have ppl blame it unbalance. Sometime feel bad also for the game team, If you feel unbalance just uninstall the game, why still playing and blaming?
All class and character have own play style, so just enjoy the PVE part. Enjoy.
Ps: Now I start playing necro sincce I like the design of the character, I dont mind it OP or not, I just like the character.
Malik Campbell reacted to hugomedeiroswg in [2023.12.13] Update Warspear Online 12.2. Announcement. Part I
@Dr Strange
Malik Campbell reacted to Drakoslayd in Priest in 1v1
Warspear Online appears to balance in accordance to the 3v3 or 5v5 arena setting and the War setting.
No class is balanced for 1v1 as classes such as Reaper and BD would be the dominant classes.
Priest is a support class and they play to that well.
I do think Necromancer and Priest should be buffed to have a better role in arena and other parts of the game but we will have to see if the devs thinks the same as us
Malik Campbell reacted to Higgings in Priest in 1v1
And the game won't be balanced in accordance to any 1vs1 scenario; it has never been balanced this way.
Malik Campbell reacted to Higgings in Death Knight: skills and talents Information
You described a heaven. Ahh... how cozy and warm
*wakes up*
Malik Campbell reacted to Dr Strange in [2023.12.08] We are accepting applications for closed testing of update 12.2
Spread the glad tidings, as we’re announcing the two initial tests of the upcoming update! These are going to be closed tests – which means that we’ll only pick a deliberate selection of applicants.
If you wish to be one, you’re good to apply here:
We’ll only accept applications up until 07:00 CET 11.12 – so waste no time, as the numbers are limited!
You’ll get a special role on the Warspear Discord server by 21:59 CET 13.12 once we accept your application. Additionally, you’ll get an amount of Miracle Coins for your efforts once the testing is done.
Please note that you MUST either have an Android smartphone or a Windows PC to apply for the testing.
The test server will be running on 14.12 and 15.12, starting at around 13:00 CET.
Malik Campbell reacted to Khrone in Death Knight: skills and talents Information
Of course the DK did a lot of damage, he stayed alive for more time, so he had more time to deal damage
Also, he was the only one on his team, so there wasn't anyone else to deal damage to the Shaman and the Charmer besides him
Using that logic, we should buff Warlock since on this print, it only dealt 2K damage compared to the other 3 classes
Also, using that logic, we should nerf both Charmer and Shaman defense and healing skills since both could tank 134K damage for 5 minutes without any problems
And in the end, the DK's team lost, so i don't really understand what are you complaining about, it is just a tank doing its job: receiving lots of damage
Malik Campbell reacted to Heinaj in Death Knight: skills and talents Information
It was 29sec lol warden easy
God is just noob user dk but dk class is so op, wait ill send abt a dk 0 books +8 gears & can hold 3ppl easy. Its annoying how dk can be dmger & never die it should be nerf honestly not cz u are dk u want buff it more, 1dk can hold 2ppl or 3 for 6-7min is sucks , also if wardens can do same its unfair for everyone Dk should be nerf.
Malik Campbell reacted to Higgings in Death Knight: skills and talents Information
In none of my words you might get that you are low amped or such. From my words you might get (maybe) that I am assumig you're trolling; In which planet would someone request a nerf for a class he/she can already kill duo, exactly as the game requires?
Besides, if you state that you can kill Wardens and BDs easily and that you had more troubles vs a class incapable of counting on any defensive stat besides the ones given from the equipment, allow me to say that you haven't faced very good Wardens or BDs (but mainly Wardens).
Malik Campbell reacted to Higgings in Death Knight: skills and talents Information
Yea, definitely an invincible class. Definitely deserving a nerf since you couldn't kill it in 2 minutes; you had to fight for (brace yourselves) 3 more intense minutes where that DK just stood doing nothing but eating your stuns. Clearly the fact that he might have invested tons of money and gold (not to count time) for that kind of equip just to survive 3 more minutes against 2 CC classes is irrelevant, isn't it?
Malik Campbell reacted to Drakoslayd in Death Knight: skills and talents Information
Your two party members are low armored, possibly not +10 Amp arena gear.
God on the other hand is a +10 pvp specialized magic dmg tank with full merman gear.
He is the exception not the norm
Malik Campbell reacted to Heinaj in Death Knight: skills and talents Information
Death knights become never die+make dmg more than shaman/charmer together should nerf dmg/def of death knights it took 5min to kill death knight + he made 134k dmg & charmer/shaman just make 88k/66k how this is possible, i think death knight have a bug & have to fix or should be nerf cz that over react
Screen_Recording_20231204_074442_Warspear Online.mp4
Malik Campbell got a reaction from Drakoslayd in Examples of how abusable chieftain is
Dude no, I do not want such a thing for chieftains or any other damage dealer class, that's not fair for a damage dealer to be tanky like a tank, but I believe that damage dealers who can equip heavy gears should be able to go toe to toe with tanks (aka Reapers and Bladedancers) but shouldn't have health on par with them, which would help bridge the gap between the both, but I could be talking nonsense right here. Feel free to call me out on that if you want.
The first quote is about me (being a death knight) who is amped to +2 or isn't in a high-level guild at the moment with guild buffs and a ton of event buffs like you rich folks in Map 5 giving the benefit of the doubt that tanks who are well equipped with the very best gear sets are as killable like that chieftain that had a guild laying a beat down on him.
Malik Campbell got a reaction from Drakoslayd in Examples of how abusable chieftain is
Tanks should be able to give damage dealers a hard time, but to do damage like one? is complete nonsense and I don't support that.
Malik Campbell got a reaction from Filipe Ramon in A way to balance seeker class
I don't know about that one chief, the seeker (in its current state) is capable of dismantling tanks, imagine the other damage dealers being able to do the same, if that happens then the devs will have to increase the health points of the tanks very high to be able to play their role as a tank.
Malik Campbell reacted to Sandels in Suggestions on Changes to Seekers
To be fair, only chief due to resist, being able to eat a few hits and heal can tank a good seeker for even few seconds and perhaps hunter if its not in invis, can even tank a top tier seeker for even the duration of their stuns, barb can probably tank till the stuns are over but has no dmg to outdmg a seekers heals from ls, skills or pots scrolls. Aswell as if you dare to stun the seeker, they heal FULL amount from distos, making the job even harder.
Malik Campbell reacted to Khrone in Life Scrolls cooldown on Battles.
The whole game is won with money
Malik Campbell reacted to hugomedeiroswg in Beastmaster or Godmaster?
This class urgently deserves a rebalance, everyone suffers from this, especially new players.
The game administration considers her a damage hero, so she can only do damage and logically won't have much defense.
Currently beastmaster has a lot of damage, a lot of healing and a lot of defense, it is completely broken.
I come here to propose some changes.
Proximity to Nature: Currently skill heals ALL players within 2 meters of it. (This is broken, since no class in the game has unlimited healing).
It now heals a maximum of 6 players within 3 meters of the character.
Now the beast is also unable to attack while the summoner is under the effect.
Healing reduced from 45% -> 35%
Here shows the 4k healing of SINGLE beastmaster in GvG
Forest Symbol: With a single use, the skill imprisons the same target several times.
Now the player who is imprisoned will no longer be imprisoned.
Malik Campbell reacted to hugomedeiroswg in Chain Lightning Change
I've never seen a summoner's dog with 7k hp, stun or be invulnerable like the beast.
Nerf beastmaster.
Malik Campbell reacted to Gladiator in [2023.11.29] Game servers restart
Increase the quest limit to 100 quests