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Everything posted by koodpl

  1. Tj w temacie, pisac najpierw kto jest zainteresowany
  2. We got an idea to go there only we for fun because its hard to fimd ppl with 640 reputation. enjoy Reward 2x common catalyst
  3. Wpadlismy na pomysl by wpasc tam sami ofc dla beki ale powod byl taki ze nie mial prawie nikt 640 reputacji Nagroda pocieszenia to 2x common catalyst
  4. i found this: Kuzmitch - Просим прощения, в тему случайно закралась ошибка по невнимательности нового сотрудника. Пока что речи ни о каком обновлении 4.0 не идет. Но получилось забавно
  5. Michael Kuzmin (Kuzmitch)
  6. w 2 tygodnie idzie ale to dla no life-ow. Ale jak chcesz to masz tu sposob: bijesz non stop mobki z zielona flaga np guardingi czy inne takie drop sprzedajesz do shopu oprocz tego wartego 1g bo ten mozesz sprzedawac w markecie np po 30sztuk 400-700g. Oprocz syfu dropia tez kulki ktore tez sellasz w markecie
  7. koodpl


    dla dk macka op ja mam endlessa i dps jak przecietny rogal xd
  8. ok teraz podpowiedz najslynniejszy z ws
  9. warcry daje psychiczny def? hmm chyba uzyje tego skilla przed ampem xd (ps. popraw na fizyczny ;p)
  10. Grey color have one stat Green color have two Blue color have three Purple color have four Red color have four with two extra stat set bonus
  11. koodpl

    LVL up Button

    awesome option for events
  12. Im sure but something like 3% chance
  13. it cant back to shop because this way u can get purple catalyst from it to easy
  14. Remember ppl amplify by mc only 10lv weapons for twinks and lv 9 amp with using mc its pretty useless
  15. Zwlaszcza jak nas Elfkiller (chyba marcin nick rogala) bil xd ehh stare czasy :P
  16. im using portarait mode two years and i think its still working good but eventualy i agree with u because sometime i have problem with switch to fast pot use or skill ;p
  17. Change level 9 items to status none because this items are to expensive from update with deleting it from shop
  18. Tak szczerze od pewnego czasu mialem ochote pograc prejem to mozna cos pomyslec :D jk
  19. Ok but sometime u forget to disable it.This change character button is optional for all if you do not want this to use, just do not use. I think many ppl will be happy with this. I hope it takes just little time to do it and will be added soon as possible in game
  20. This button is in many games so why not there?
  21. in game click menu settings and logout there should be new button change character thats all i want
  22. Explain simpler: Add new button change character
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