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Daniel Partelli Henker

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  1. Historia versão PT-BR: Enraizado Tudo começou quando um grupo de magos sedentos por conhecimento e sabedoria ouviram um caçador de frogol em Zeneth-Haf nos Pântanos de Norlant enlouquecendo afirmando ter visto um castelo surgindo em meio aos musgos e lamas do Pântano. Como o grupo era formado de experientes aventureiros que já viram de tudo em suas aventuras, resolveram se aproximar do velho caçador que estava indo a loucura. Chegando perto, os magos fizeram uma proposta que se o caçador levasse o grupo no lugar onde ele afirmava ter visto o castelo, levariam o velho para longe do pântano, sem negar o pedido, o caçador logo se apressou indo até seu pequeno barco. Quando o grupo chegou ao desejado lugar, puderam avistar uma das torres do castelo, surpresos a veracidade da fala, ficaram ansiosos no mesmo instante para explorar o lugar desconhecido. Ao entrar no pátio do castelo, perceberam que ninguém pisava ali a seculos, as paredes todas cobertas por raízes espinhosas e arvores antigas cresciam em meio a construção. Caminhando aos arredores da fortaleza, um dos quatro magos podia jurar que uma voz enfraquecida que vinha de dentro de uma porta implorando por ajuda. Os outros três magos logo perguntaram de qual porta vinha a voz, o mago logo apontou o dedo para a porta. Entrando pela porta que a voz sussurrava se depararam com uma sala cheias de plantas carnívoras e pilhas de ossos, nesse instante surgiu do meio do monte de ossos um bruxo que prendeu o grupo em um circulo impedindo que usassem quaisquer habilidade, logo em seguida usou uma magia de sono e todos os quatro magos entraram em um sono tão profundo que seus corpos ficaram imóveis no meio do salão. A armadilha funcionou perfeitamente como os donos dos ossos caíram, os quatro magos imóveis no meio da sala ficaram a mercê do tempo e das plantas carnívoras que foram se aproximando com os dias até infectarem um por um do grupo assumindo o controle de seus corpos como uma parasita.
  2. by: Magistral TU-Tourmaline Rooted It all started when a group of magicians thirsting for knowledge and wisdom overheard a frogol hunter in Zeneth-Haf in the Norlant Marshes going crazy claiming to have seen a castle appearing amid the moss and mud of the Marsh. As the group was formed by experienced adventurers who had seen everything in their adventures, they decided to approach the old hunter who was going crazy. Getting close, the magicians made a proposal that if the hunter took the group to the place where he claimed to have seen the castle, they would take the old man away from the swamp, without denying the request, the hunter quickly rushed to his small boat. When the group arrived at the desired place, they could see one of the castle towers, surprised by the veracity of the speech, they were immediately anxious to explore the unknown place. Upon entering the castle courtyard, they realized that no one had stepped there for centuries, the walls all covered with thorny roots and ancient trees growing in the middle of the construction. Walking around the fortress, one of the four magicians could have sworn that a weakened voice that came from inside a door begging for help. The other three magicians soon asked which door the voice came from, the magician soon pointed his finger at the door. Entering the door the voice whispered, they came across a room full of carnivorous plants and piles of bones. At that moment, a wizard appeared from the middle of the pile of bones, trapping the group in a circle, preventing them from using any skills. sleep magic and all four wizards went to sleep so deep that their bodies were immobile in the middle of the room. The trap worked perfectly as the owners of the bones fell, the four immobile wizards in the middle of the room were at the mercy of time and the carnivorous plants that were approaching with the days until they infected one by one of the group taking control of their bodies as one. parasite. Composition and Explanations When it settles in the victim's body, the carnivorous plant on the magic of the supreme wizard takes control of the character, his eyes shine like fire and his sanity becomes wild. The suit armor is fabric armor, consisting of tunic, boots and bracelets. The species of the carnivorous plant until then is unknown, it can be said to be a mutation susceptible to spells, which are found in unexplored areas of Norlant.
  3. The sentry side has lately revolted at the unfair fight in the dominions over territory that take place every Tuesday and Friday. The reason? Death knights are simply earning capture points without being on the spot using a low level account on the enemy side as an aid, this gives legions a big advantage as they do not need to leave their positions to capture the points, please analyze "knight's curse" skill
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