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Everything posted by Tannex

  1. Typical response from one who has no game. No worries, you do provide me with comic relief though. Not everyday one can meet celebs like Zac Efron/justin Beiber. :drinks:
  2. I have a job, that I worked and studied for. Unlike Jayrox, daddy's boy at his auto shop. Why, how I spend my time is a waste to you, cracks me up. How it bothers you so much I use Photoshop. I think you are just a sorry jealous ass. HAHAHHA playing warspear is more of a waste of time than using Photoshop dude. You can earn real money using photoshop. Warspear, you cannot. I now see why you work at daddy's shop, you cannot think for yourself, before you speak fool.
  3. Seems Jayrox is now the contest judge? Get real Justin. BTW grats on getting on Seventeen mag. LOL
  4. I posted that pic awhile back. I'm waiting to see how creative you can be :)
  5. Discostew and Gapingvag are two cool names I've seen :) Oh, Ihatepoo is another
  6. Sonofman. Didn't know he was a celebrity did you?
  7. Who cares if your bow is lvl 18. You still get beat by arena swords. That tells me you must be half brain dead to farm for days or weeks just to get that bow. I'd rather have fun pvping than farm for hours each day with no drops. Their reason for locking my picture thread is because it's not really me. I did it for the humor. I don't agree with asking people to post their real photos, as that is a security risk. Nice attempt at the pictures Kos, but you are nowhere near my level in that respect :)
  8. LOL what you don't know is that sono don't duel legitely like all the other players. he starts before his opponents are even in place and have given the signal. Since he don't know how to duel properly, I'll just keep on ganking him and you on a dailey basis. All in good fun of course :)
  9. Tannex


    Is your toon name 'SeriousSam' in game?
  10. Tannex


    When I went through back and forth emails with support last year, they said I can still play but it would have to be new account on different device. The truth of the matter, that I don't deny, is that I exploited AIGrind's flawed code. I used my own legite paypal and my own legite closed bank account. AIGrind's 'software' didn't properly check to verify funds, and just gave me the mcoins. So that's not hacking, that's exploiting their flawed code. They fixed that when Lab came out. Personally one shouldn't get banned for THEIR flaw in the code. Code developers need to fix THEIR flaw, and bite the bullet in anything they lost. In this case, they didn't lose anything. Mcoin are not a material object, they are a virtual currency only to be used in game. You cant buy a burger with mcoins. As far as how Perez or Radio exploited, I don't know their method. In all honesty, this happened at the end of last year. Whoever is still dwelling in that, needs to seek serious psychiatric help.
  11. Do kill quests with another person, to kill the mobs quicker. Collection quests, have a second person not in a party with u, help kill the mob, after you hit first. Unless of course you are highly amped and can kill things quickly solo. The drop rate for collections seems to be lower the more in your group. Althought i had one other with me, that was a higher lvl, and he got more of the drops than me. Then just handed them to me. Do each town in order, either starting at T5 or T1, and do all XP quests in each town before moving to the next. If you have inventory room, save drops for the next days collections. After doing them so many times, you learn that the collections rotate. One day you might need fir cones from Ogres, and the next skulls. Both being dropped from the same ogre. You can follow this method and get all xp daileys done in 3 to 4 hours. (this is without buying items from miracle shop) This leaves you the remainder of the day to pvp and/or farm bosses. Or like some unnamable elves like to do, sit in riff and chat. :)
  12. Tannex


    Find more evidence? You had none in the first place. Get real Mr. Unibrow. LOL
  13. Tannex


    Yes alonso. It's called having a job and buying them. Unlike you getting that xbox and laptop from your parents. Besides that incident happened last year, get over it. There was a flaw in their code that gave mcoin easily. Personally noone should have gotten banned over 'virtual coin' that has no material worth. Admit to the faulty code, and fix it, end of story. I got an email from support saying i can still play, but on a new account. Snorlax, any chance of getting cry babies like koskiller perma banned for whining so much?
  14. you still butthurt. I know, and feel bad for you. Thus why I posted the inspiring pictures to give you hope >:)
  15. Yea, Callie is just as big of a coward as Sonofman.
  16. MC taking over Camp Gashpel. Took awhile for elves to come help defend. Sonofman wasn't one of course :)
  17. Kos, wheres your pic for the contest? I know you can do some photoshopping.
  18. I think its a bit unfair to ask people to post their real picture. Too many crazy people out there. But the toilet part is true hahah
  19. Yes your pathetic comment was shameful. Its meant to be funny fool. Funny you took the time to research the picture LMAO, dude named after a dog. BTW, the whole picture is not fake. I photoshoped the cell phone,warspear on cell screen, and chat bubble myself.
  20. Dude, you always got a negative comment? Why don't you use your brain and create something. Saint, good job.
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