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Basiir Shuhir

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Posts posted by Basiir Shuhir

  1. #fact 138





    p.s I dont follow this thread and never read it for future, except someone pay me 1m gold. tq :) have a nice day ginga

  2. Four types of elves in Wedgehead:

    1. Elves who attack Wedgehead

    2. Elves who attack MCs

    3. AFK elves who often crossing between maps to avoid getting killed by Wedgehead's minions

    4. Dead elves who just use AoE skill and instantly killed by Wedgehead's minions, they ressurect in town and running to Valdemar's castle but it's too late.


    I used to be type 4 but now I'm type 3

    type 5 elves in map horror


    dont care or dont participate killing valdemar cause know the chest drop pos

  3. newbie guide for plant vs zombie (not for pro)


    time seed respawn 3:45 , 2:25 , 1:05


    from top> helper 3 > spitting 1 [in the middle] * second row *(spitting deal damage to bat to die faster) > first row tank 2 bitting (bitting must ahead to tank)


    second wave 3:45 (make sure 3:50 u ready at seed spawn)


    same strat but with 3 helper 1 spitting (2 spitting ([+1 spitting from earlier] ) help bat confuse and make it easier to kill) 1 bite



    third wave ,


    2:25 . same strat . 2 helper 1 spit 1 bite.


    and same also wave at 1:05.


    note :hp pot not necessary but if u rich .suite ur self


    2. dont aggro bat earlier when its on the way. let spitting aggro then bitting aggro that bat back. clear the zombie and rat to make bitting aggro bat easier.


    3.dont make them stack.always aggro zombie rat to the spitting if u range.


    4.when have 2 spitting attack same bat (sometime bat attack spitting ) .attack it to kill it faster.cause bat annoying as duck.but WATCH OUT FOR TIMER !


  4. The PvZ one is better, when it comes to tickets:tokens ratio, for 2 you can get 80+ if you're good, but it takes a lot of practice. I don't know about the other one but it seems less stressful and more boring, also less 3:100 ratio when you play perfect.



    agreeed pvz much easy if u knoe hoe how to.


    but 10k token take me 2-3 day full no life game degen. take me 20k gold average to buy ride tix 100g pcs.once got inferno .i feel boring and useless when wear it. but if u can sell it :0 good luck

  5. newbie guide for plant vs zombie (not for pro)


    time seed respawn 3:45 , 2:25 , 1:05


    from top> helper 3 > spitting 1 [in the middle] * second row *(spitting deal damage to bat to die faster) > first row tank 2 bitting (bitting must ahead to tank)


    second wave 3:45 (make sure 3:50 u ready at seed spawn)


    same strat but with 3 helper 1 spitting (2 spitting ([+1 spitting from earlier] ) help bat confuse and make it easier to kill) 1 bite



    third wave ,


    2:25 . same strat . 2 helper 1 spit 1 bite.


    and same also wave at 1:05.


    note :hp pot not necessary but if u rich .suite ur self


    2. dont aggro bat earlier when its on the way. let spitting aggro then bitting aggro that bat back. clear the zombie and rat to make bitting aggro bat easier.


    3.dont make them stack.always aggro zombie rat to the spitting if u range.


    4.when have 2 spitting attack same bat (sometime bat attack spitting ) .attack it to kill it faster.cause bat annoying as duck.but WATCH OUT FOR TIMER !


    5.minion can use skill at pvz. make sure ur lightning spirit put to good!


    6.when u are jacking boring.trust me u are gonna at some point.do other thing in between 5minute ride. like taking bath,shaving n have a life.luck good!

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