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Angel Blade

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Everything posted by Angel Blade

  1. This creature was once a rogue. One day he made the mistake of stealing an unknown artifact from a powerful wizard. He utilizes the artifact's magic in hopes of gaining power, but without any knowledge of magic it was impossible to control such power. The rogue was cursed to become a hybrid creature, very powerful but with no control over its animal instincts. (Ravager Chimera is a human-lion hybrid with goat's horns and legs and a snake in place of its tail.)
  2. When you are about to sell an item on the market , you can't change the recommended price… (Android )
  3. Why everything is small (chat, skill icons, menu… ) ? Do you intend to leave it or go back as it was before ? Particularly I prefer as it was before ... Mainly skill icons Is realy frustrating to touch the wrong skill all the time (Android)
  4. Consegui! Muito obrigado! Faltava só 2 medalhas pra desbloquear o 'sorriso chunga-changa'.
  5. "Esses itens nem mesmo existem. Apenas pacotes com arquivos dentro" -r0land, sobre os itens 'null'
  6. Não estou conseguindo fazer 'Volta ao mundo'… :/
  7. Alguem pode me dizer como faço a quest 'A new enemy' no Lab. Astral? Obg!
  8. I'm new on this forum… Can you let me know what is 'warning points'? Thx!
  9. Fiquei sabendo da existência desse pot ha pouco tempo…
  10. Obrigado! Mas tipo, posso desvincular um item que nunca foi 'Equipando' e sim 'Recebendo'? (Ex.: Um traje comprado com CC ou um equip da Liga Sem-Correntes)
  11. Hey, Sou novo no fórum. Alguém poderia me explicar o que são 'warning points'? Obg!
  12. Can you answer me some questions about 'Unbind'? 1- Can i unbind arena equips? 2- If i unbind an equip, i will lose it's amp? Thx!
  13. Poderiam me tirar uma duvida sobre 'Desvincular'? -Quais os tipos de item que podem ser desvinculados? Obg!
  14. Apoio! Sou noob no WS (jogo a uns 3 meses) e eu estava vencendo mts batalhas na arena no lvl. 18-19, mas upei pro lvl 20 e me arrependi muito. —Angelblade (BD, lvl.20)
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