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Posts posted by Jswaaz

  1. yes, same that I used on fortythief which I loaned to snowkath which she didn't have permission to sell ]:>

    that's because that axe is old enchants xD belonged to my barb.


    funny this happened to more than one person




    And what's the problem if cyber has gf in-game? Sapp was timeus's gf  jesenia is turtle's gf, if cyber has 1 or + gfs is cuz he knows how to get girls lmfao  :D and know how to do it in real life, not like sapp and turtle who can online date ppl via online cuz they are too ugly.




    My 6th sense is telling me that you're wrong and sapp is a boy.




    When you say that, you just make me remember about turltle and jesenia relationship lmao!


    Cybernem I heard that Obama take cares of sapp's 29 kids.



    not to mention your 3-4 posts saying sapp is 58 years old and not a girl?


    harassment will not be tolerated, you claim you "read" the thread 1000 times and dont know what you did wrong. well there you go

  3. alright, had enough of this. questioning my authority believe it or not is against the rules, and i already warned you. moderator report shows which posts you made that were the reason for such punishment, continue harassing me and/or sapphire and you wont be welcome back.

  4. you deserved the warning point and the one day ban, acting innocent only further proves my point


    questioning my motives is also against the rules, you had one warning prior to suspension


    any further harassment will lead to another punishment, your suspension was due to harassing sapphire calling her a slut no life etc etc. grow up


    and dont worry about admins not knowing what you posted, i left evidence in the report itself. continuing to harass other forum members will lead to the same conclusion. 

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