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Everything posted by boiz

  1. Staffs are slow, old ans boring. Wondering if anyone has any gos on new weapons tailored to casters coming out any time soon? If not may i suggest Wands?orbs? Dildos? Maybe just make them for warlocks and mages with more damage than the average caster?
  2. Almost all of the casters' gears look half assed and make a player look noob no matter how strong. Tgis is evident in arena gears, the new gears and all that shizz in between. Take some inspiration from the lvl 16 cc gears you made a long time ago and live up to standards like those PLEAZE
  3. like how you change the casters magic attack appearances during events like Halloween and snow events, would be nice if you continue to do that and not just have 1 type of magic thingy mabob. this doesn't have to apply to all staffs but maybe the cool/rare/unique ones. e.g the ice staffs gotten from dungeons can shoot snowballs or the rainbow thingys, the casting animations could also look like the ones you see when you fight bosses in dungeons or the breath catchers in swamps. also this can be applied to crossbows and bows where they shoot differing types of arrows depending on the weapn.
  4. so log as we dont get heal skillz i'd like more of an advantage while killing enemies. also, we should get magic damage as we lvl up, just like melee dmg. THX
  5. "Warspear 6.0: The Nerfening" Please!
  6. Not sire whats so hard about changing existing costume colours. Thet already do that with skills "_"
  7. Haven't seen a decent suggestion like this in a while. Agree with pretty much everything here!
  8. Ways i reckon some skills can be improved without affecting overall stability too much... Deathknight - allow regeneration to crit, but also make it a fairly high chance to crit. Warlock- with every hit, the skill has a chance to disable Instead of just 1 hit only Bladedancer - decrease the buff and make it base damage only?
  9. Lol they give mcs (barb and rogue) good skills, only to f uck them up in the next update. Déjà vu?
  10. My guess is that they wont do shit. Better yet, they'll ""fix"" the new bd passive like they did with counter.
  11. Retribution is the epitome of shit.
  12. Surely this was suggestee before??? Like a boss can resist control skills from charscters, players should have the same ability. Theres nothing more f ucking annoying than a level 4 druid rooting you when your trying to make a break for it. No idea how it should be implemented into the game (based on level/amplification etc) but it is needed.
  13. Pleeaaaaasssseeeeeeeeeeeee..... Most of the other enchantments are useless, especially for casters. Also, cant these runes have more availability? Like sell them in cc shop or t3 boss drops. Not until next halloweeen
  14. Bds a weak, they're the only tank without a heal skill. Add pls!! xDDD
  15. Ill take your word for it... But....if it doesn't......... .. I will find you.....and i will kill you.
  16. Always the same ol discount... Spice things up for Christmas sake ^~^
  17. I just found out i missed out the sale for arena conquers runes! Plez make more sales like dis, i need great charms on everything ».« Better yet, bring back 50% on all mcoin items. Cmon its Christmas. Teehee If you do it, ill give all you devs my choc chip caramel fudge cookie!!!
  18. Yeah, I dont see that bullshit arena map in the game anymore! #peoplepower
  19. Agree alot. Gives players with actual skill a chance to win area seasons for once. People who are disagreeing are just afraidm of getting ass raped in arena from versing real players xD lel
  20. http://images.sodahead.com/polls/0/0/1/2/8/5/0/7/7/buttkisser2.jpeg
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