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    Danfake reacted to Jorge Zor in O Mestre dos Espíritos   
    O Povo de arinar sempre amou a chegada do Circus e suas atrações, mas nos últimos anos a sua chegada trouxe consigo vários perigos e grandes vilões, poderosos chefões. 
    Alguns corajosos guerreiros partiram para a luta, porém poucos retornaram.... Você vai se surpreender com os gritos de ajuda, gritos de questionamentos... um desses valentes guerreiros está preso, algo quer tomar conta de sua mente.... é uma luta contra o relógio... Você deve protege-lo dos espíritos que estão presentes no local, eles viram até ele e você deverá matar antes.... Caso os espíritos consigam o dominar  por completo será tarde demais, um espírito levará a morte todos os guerreiros presentes na área.
    Os mais fortes guerreiros serão capazes de impedir todos os espíritos e irão descobrir a verdade por trás de tudo, quem é que sussurrava e invocava os espíritos para controlar o guerreiro perdido. 

    Ele é o mestre dos espíritos, alguns dizem que seu poder vem de um antigo conhecido em arinar o Demonologista, ele é a sua vontade de vingança em espírito... Fragmentos da foram deixados durante todo esse tempo, mortes, desespero... a cada vilão derrotado ele se fortaleceu mais e mais... até que que adquiriu controle sobre si mesmo, ele se aproveitou da fraqueza dos guerreiros e agora quer controlar a todos nós!

    HABILIDADES :  Por ser um espírito não se sinta incomodado, pois por algum tempo ele irá se esquivar bastante. 
    Ele irá demarcar áreas, guerreiros que não se movimentarem receberão o debuff do mestre dos espíritos,  o de buff troca seus status principais de lugar, dano físico para dano mágico, dano mágico para dano físico. 
    SERVOS E LACAIOS: Os espíritos continuaram sendo invocados mas dessa vez com menas frequência e causarão um alto dano, uma % do dano causado por eles irá curar o mestre dos espíritos ... então aconselho que os guerreiros levantem seus escudos e protejam aqueles que não podem usar armaduras pesadas.  

    OBS: Na área do mestre dos espíritos a morte está sobe o controle dele, então guerreiros aliados não poderão ser ressuscitados no local. 

    Boa sorte guerreiros, lutem por todos aqueles que estão esperando para descansar em paz ! 

    By: Iffz    Br- Tourmaline

  2. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from lallouss in The Mercs (Lvl 12) <This is Mercs>   
    The leader of this guild is from the United States? 🤔
  3. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from Konditer in Игра сломалась.   
    Отключить игру, Google. 

  4. Like
    Danfake reacted to Akasha in [2019.10.04] Competition of stories "Secrets of horror"   
    Dear friends!
    We're glad to announce the start of a new contest, dedicated to the upcoming event celebrating the Median Night, that is coming to Arinar soon!
    Not long ago, we were visited by our old friend Barker. He said that the Median Night is near, but alongside the grace of this autumn celebration, he also brought some bad news. Minions of the Horror Circus have started their preparations for the holiday. All was going well, until in one too quiet day, the clouds were torn with thunder and the skies darkened. A resounding human-like laugh boomed and only a few words could be made out -- "Sam Hain... I am coming for you!". An unbelievable evil came either from the world of the living or the world of the dead. And this time the brave defenders of Arinar are to defeat an undescribably powerful foe and not let him shroud the rest of the world in darkness. But who can it be? Barker has come to ask your help. Assist him in unveiling this mystery and expose the villain that is just about to invade Arinar!
    Conditions of the contest:
    Your goal is fantasize about the main villain of the Median Night holiday and describe its story. Who is that? How and why have it appeared in Arinar? What should Sam Hain be afraid of and why is the celebration under threat again? You will need to write a coherent story, using literary features (similes, metaphors, epithets and so on). Your story must contain a plot, closely related to the Horror Circus.
    The following criteria will be taken into account:
    Description of the main villain (their appearance, abilities and so on) Description of the story in Arinar (the purpose of arriving to the Horror Circus) Descriptions of minions, assistants and servants wouldn't hurt either. Rules for writing your story:
    Try to fit your story into 5000-6000 symbols. Fewer is okay, more isn't recommended. But if you're feeling particularly inspired and want to write more - be our guest.
    Prohibited content:
    1) Obscene words and phrases, even in veiled form
    2) Political or nationalistic themes
    3) Descriptions of sexual actions
    4) Insults of non-fictional characters (players, other people)
    Remember: 1 player - 1 story!
    Submissions breaking any of these rules will be disqualified from the contest.
    How to participate in the contest?
    To take part in the contest, post your story in the special topic here on forum by 24th of October. Your post should also contain the name and server of your character, to redeem your prize if you win.
    Rewards for the winners:
    For the authors of the most beautiful and interesting stories, Barker prepared some wonderful gifts:
    1st place - 50 Seeker's Stamina Elixirs
    2nd place - 40 Seeker's Stamina Elixirs
    3rd place - 30 Seeker's Stamina Elixirs
    4th place - 20 Seeker's Stamina Elixirs
    5th place - 10 Seeker's Stamina Elixirs
    Additionally, for the author that gets the closest to describing the main villain, their goals, appearance, minions and servants, we've prepared an additional reward - the villain's own costume! 
    We wish you good luck and inspiration!
  5. Like
    Danfake reacted to Higgings in [2019.09.11] Important news from the Underwater world!   
    I gotta say one thing though: I hope you guys won't take until the next summer for a class balance/new skill set: an update like this is needed before anything else before even a new PvE environment imo. 
    Another advice is to split these updates in several more little updates, in order to keep a sort of continuity in updating the game. 
  6. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from XreaperX in [2019.09.11] Important news from the Underwater world!   
    I think Ayvondil will only make it to T5...
  7. Like
    Danfake reacted to necrotp1 in [2019.09.11] Important news from the Underwater world!   
    And about t5 map4, please pay attention to all of us don't test the game changes on modded chars since its not a realistic situation. The game is already almost pay-to-win don't make it pay-to-play too.
  8. Like
    Danfake reacted to Capellan in Capellan BR-Tourmaline   
  9. Like
    Danfake reacted to Huntercito in BR-Tourmaline, Huntercito   
  10. Haha
    Danfake reacted to Akasha in Danfake BR-Tourmaline   
    P.S.- We do not support any act of vandalism and we take no responsibility for damage to public or private property due to this contest 
  11. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from акм in Danfake BR-Tourmaline   
    I wanted him to turn on the water but the manager was not there, September 21 is the beginning of spring in South America and Youth Day :3
  12. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from lallouss in Danfake BR-Tourmaline   
    I wanted him to turn on the water but the manager was not there, September 21 is the beginning of spring in South America and Youth Day :3
  13. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from Shade in Danfake BR-Tourmaline   
    I wanted him to turn on the water but the manager was not there, September 21 is the beginning of spring in South America and Youth Day :3
  14. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from Poggers in SEA hard help..   
    Thank you very much good man 
  15. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from lallouss in SEA hard help..   
    Thank you very much good man 
  16. Like
    Danfake reacted to Осгилиат in Контент   
    Забавно, но старенький Ирельнорт и Норлантские топи по сути до сих пор топовый контент в игре. Ничего лучше не придумано до сих пор )
  17. Confused
    Danfake got a reaction from lallouss in Ahmedic - US-SAPPHIRE   
    That picture looks like it's edited. 
    I mean the Warspear Online sign, it looks like I'm just adding the poster to an existing image. 
  18. Like
    Danfake got a reaction from Makyro in [2019.09.11] Important news from the Underwater world!   
    So the only events for what's left of the year will only be Halloween and Christmas event? 
    No new skill or class balancing? 
    For the love of all the gods.. 
    Then until 2020, Mages' armies will continue to govern all events.
    I understand that they want to release good content but performing a general swing I do not think it is very difficult, now with the 3 new skill points there is more imbalance of class and skill.. 
  19. Like
    Danfake reacted to schneizel in [2019.09.11] Important news from the Underwater world!   
    they will add mc the ability to see seeker
  20. Thanks
    Danfake got a reaction from kishan_mage in [2019.08.07] Game servers restart   
    That about the very short problem of the event "Assault of the ship" 
    It would be good for many guilds to increase 5 minutes but each phase, a lot of guild do not manage to pass the 4 phase because 10 minutes is very little. 
  21. Thanks
    Danfake got a reaction from Zoraida in [2019.08.06] The "Invasion of Chaos" begins!   
    That's complete when T5's Dungeon
  22. Like
    Danfake reacted to REAPER in [2019.08.01] Update 8.0: The Ship Graveyard. Release   
    On a serious note. Unless we can regenerate oxygen while we are offline this game is not worth playing any longer. You tell us to take breaks from playing and not staying too much online. But the only profitable way is to stay afk for an hour to regen some oxygen. And honestly I don't have time to waste on a game that forces me to stay online and do nothing.
  23. Like
    Danfake reacted to Spayzerr in [2019.08.01] Update 8.0: The Ship Graveyard. Release   
    First, good morning everyone. I would love to understand the reason for removing all the gold gained from sector 4? Is that a reason to force players to go to the wonderful sector 5? This sector has taken the patience and willingness to play from many people. So many problems make it hard to know where to start. Come on... Sector 4 was one of the few ways that non-paying players make their gold without much difficulty, and taking it away was cruel. Sector 5, and incredibly different, cool, new game mechanics, though, try to understand that no one was prepared for it. It is very strange this gameplay where it uses 1 oxygen per minute, but it takes 5 minutes to recover 1 oxygen. Have you ever wondered how discouraged players are about this? It does not stop there. I understand the monsters must be strong, but I still don't understand why you get on a screen, take 2 steps forward and a monster that is on the other side of the screen came to attack you if you don't even pass by. Please take a closer look at this new city, there are a lot of things that can be improved with a little attention. Thank you
  24. Haha
    Danfake reacted to Lashabi in [2019.08.01] Update 8.0: The Ship Graveyard. Release   
    Devs reduced the price of scrolls which are rewarded from 90k 200k quests (from 256 gold to 58 gold)....nice work.. u guys definitely deserve 1 star in play store.
  25. Like
    Danfake reacted to body172 in [2019.08.01] Warspear Online 8.0: Кладбище Кораблей. Релиз   
    Ждал обновление ради баланса персонажей, новых экспертных навыков и интересного нового сектора, а в итоге получил ограничение по времени на игру, платный воздух, отсутствие изменений в персонажах, мелочные таланты только для нового сектора, дополнительный сет экипировки в сумке(который опять же надо зачаровывать, точить, и более того, он будет эффективен только в пятом секторе). Единственное, что порадовало, так это слоты под экспертные навыки за достижения. Вашей фатальной ошибкой было добавление кислорода, а также вещей, которые предназначены только для нового сектора. К игре интерес у меня пропал достаточно давно, я искренне надеялся на интересные нововведения, но увы, вы меня не порадовали. Конечно же, я понимаю, что у каждого свои взгляды, надеюсь вы уважаете мои так же, как и я ваши, и не будете язвить в ответ, удалять комментарий, а то и вовсе банить меня за критику. Спасибо вам за ваш проект, я потратил на него немалое количество времени, получил уйму эмоций, как положительных, так и отрицательных. Надеюсь на ваше дальнейшее благополучие. Я ухожу, пока
    upd: только что узнал, что заработок золота с квестов четвертого сектора тоже порезали. Ребят, это уже перебор. В итоге вы избавились от единственного более-менее сносного заработка игровой валюты и свели всё к pay to play...
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