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Posts posted by Danfake


    ¿Cómo es posible que incluso con el nerf, este evento siga siendo difícil? En ningún año anterior del Evento de Primavera tuvimos problemas con los eventos del gremio. Este año, creo que DEVS se centró en hacerlo difícil y odiado por muchos. Usé alrededor de 5 reanimaciones; Sé que podría haber revivido en la ciudad y regresar, pero es muy tedioso recorrer el mapa. ¡Hacer algo! ¿Cuál es la necesidad de realizar estos eventos con mecanismos tan innecesarios?

    @ Robin @ doctor extraño





  2. 3 hours ago, Bdkings said:


    Cacique é a classe mais forte e desequilibrada do jogo, a classe não foi feita para ser TANK, então, o NERF nessa skill é justo, tendo em vista que ela estava fazendo Caciques +7 e +8 aguentar combos facilmente, e só morrer após a skill sair. E coloque um Cacique +7 e outras classes +7, vais ver que por conta do KIT de Habilidades, Cacique se tornaria vantajoso em relação a maioria.

    Então Seekers e Invocador são class tank kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 

    Absurdo sua refutação de "não e class tank" 

  3. On 8/20/2021 at 12:04 PM, Спаситель Руси said:


    O único lugar onde ele meta é a arena, mas e o pve? cortar a cura para o mecenato? bem, vamos deixá-lo curar 5%, por exemplo, ddshke com 4k hp a cada 6 segundos e não se importe que ele se mostre tão fraco com eles em PVE, você provavelmente realmente não tem um Druida ou apenas pvp porque druidas pve vai entender a diferença na força desta habilidade na ARENA e no PVE

    Foda irmão, qual é a sua necessidade de usar esse tipo de letra? 


  4. Nos confins de um mundo antigo, estendia-se o vasto deserto de Almahad, um lugar onde a areia dourada erguia-se em dunas imponentes e o sol queimava inclemente no céu limpo. Nesse lugar inóspito, a vida se agarrava a cada fenda de existência. Os habitantes de Almahad, conhecidos como os Almahanos, eram descendentes de antigos nômades que haviam aprendido a dominar a dura realidade do deserto.


    No coração de Almahad erguia-se a Cidade das Mil Cúpulas, um oásis de maravilhas arquitetônicas que contrastava com a aridez ao seu redor. Os Almahanos haviam esculpido seus lares e mercados nas entranhas das dunas, protegendo-os do calor abrasador. No centro da cidade, erguia-se o Palácio do Sultão, um edifício majestoso adornado com mosaicos e relevos que contavam histórias de tempos passados.


    A história de Almahad estava repleta de lendas intrigantes. Dizia-se que nas profundezas do deserto repousava o Templo dos Elementos, um local místico onde se acreditava que os poderes da terra, da água, do fogo e do vento convergiam. Ninguém jamais retornara de sua busca, mas a promessa de poder infinito continuava a tentar aventureiros corajosos.


    Um dia, um forasteiro chamado Dan chegou a Almahad. Era um viajante solitário com uma aura enigmática que parecia destinado a mudar o destino da terra desértica. Dan ouviu as histórias do Templo dos Elementos e, com uma determinação inquebrantável, decidiu embarcar na perigosa jornada. Ele conquistou a amizade de Salazam, um jovem habitante da Cidade das Mil Cúpulas, cujo espírito aventureiro se refletia em seus olhos brilhantes.


    Juntos, Dan e Salazam Invocador adentraram as areias traiçoeiras do deserto, enfrentando tempestades de areia, criaturas misteriosas e desafios inimagináveis. Seu vínculo se fortaleceu a cada obstáculo superado, e sua coragem os guiou até as portas do lendário templo.


    Dentro do Templo dos Elementos, Dan e Salazam descobriram a verdade por trás das histórias. Eles não buscavam poder, mas equilíbrio. Os quatro elementos estavam em um conflito constante, e somente aqueles capazes de compreender sua interconexão podiam liberar a harmonia em Almahad.


    Utilizando o conhecimento adquirido durante a busca e a sabedoria que haviam ganhado, Dan e Salazam restauraram o equilíbrio entre os elementos, trazendo vida e prosperidade ao deserto. A Cidade das Mil Cúpulas floresceu ainda mais, e a lenda dos dois forasteiros que salvaram Almahad se espalhou pelas dunas e além.


    Dan decidiu permanecer em Almahad, tornando-se conselheiro do Sultão e compartilhando seus conhecimentos com os Almahanos. Salazam, por sua vez, tornou-se uma líder carismática que guiou seu povo em direção a um futuro cheio de esperança e união.


    Assim, a terra desértica de Almahad deixou de ser um lugar inóspito para se tornar um oásis de vida e harmonia, onde os elementos trabalhavam juntos em perfeita sincronia graças ao sacrifício e à coragem de duas almas destinadas a se cruzarem no tempo e no espaço.

  5. 20 hours ago, Arthas said:



    I dont get your point at all.




    They would not be rendered irrelevant at all , that player has already achieved all that , theres not a single reason why he would need to achieve it all again in the same server (if on the same account ofc). The only thing it does is make people way less prone to trying other classes.



    Completionism is something of great relevance in every single MMORPG i have ever played , and so is on Warspear Online , and that is one of  the reasons why people will literally keep playing a class that they do not enjoy anymore , for the sake of not losing progress , which is a counterproductive mechanic.



    Again , Legendary achievements are achieved by the players , not by the character , if that player has achieved a Legendary Achievement in his past character , theres no reason for it to not be displayed on the character that he is playing atm, as it was ACHIEVED BY HIM.


    Again , i don't see your point at all , its an MMORPG , its always creating new content , and new mechanics, there will always be more things to accomplish , more maps , more outfits , theres just no reason for a player to have to Achieve again something that he has already Achieved before.

    Especially when some of the achievements take YEARS.

    The conquests are of each class, not of the account. There I summarized it. 

    You can always experiment with new classes, I always do, I already leveled up each existing class in Warspear. 

    But my achievements of my Necromancer are of the Necromancer, end. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Slap said:

    I completely agree with your suggestion. A lot of the game's systems and ideas are very outdated.


    The achievement system is one of them, especially when the character gets deleted, the game just lets you lose all the achievements in a matter of seconds, after years of work.

    The systems are designed in a wrong way and it's probably a big reason why people hesitate on creating new characters, that's probably the reason I have never touched any other class than Barbarian in 3 years and my only alternative is quitting, instead of grinding all over again on a 2nd character.


    Not only that but many people do care about cosmetics, there are a lot of nice cosmetics from Battle Pass ( Haircuts / Costumes ), and if you want them on multiple characters you have to spend $ and skip the Battle Pass all the way down, there is no way you can grind the tasks on more characters on the same account before the 40 days are over.






    After making a new character, will I get these? No. Same as the achievements, the systems are poorly designed, and players are forced to start from 0 and even miss the Grind from 1st character because the content doesn't exist anymore.


    Therefore I agree with @Arthas , Achievements and anything Grind-based should be rethought and implemented differently like in any other MMO RPG, otherwise the Player base will only go down, and never up.


    That's called the weird stuff system, If everything can be achieved again eternally with your new class, It's going to be easy for you to do nothing more because your other character has already done it. 

  7. They would automatically render the medals irrelevant, they will get everything in their main character. 

    The conquests are and should be personal or no one will try again, in Warspear they only give you skins, emojis, haircut and suit. It does not influence or modify your character in power. 

    Legendary ones are and should be personal, Example of PvP your class gave you an advantage or your money the power to dominate the rank, what relevance does it have that your new char wins something legendary with your new class? 

  8. For the mass production of pots to rankers hahaha

    It would be simpler the mass production of positions, parchment and relics, which will lead to the uselessness of the other castles (Uselessness in the sense of abusing the production of benefits such as pots and parchments) . 

    Currently I do not see the profit utility of the castle for the player, it only benefits the owners of guilds, nothing is gained by the player currently of the castle. 

    I do not swallow the Chinese tale of buff pra enter dungeon for free, because currently the only good castle for regular farm is the Dungeon SEA. 

  9. On 9/11/2022 at 3:31 AM, Raislin said:

    I suppose this is a problem, but there is also an easy fix in game. As it happens the totem spawns on top of the player who uses the skill. Therefore you can simply use deathknights to pull the people life scrolling with threads to the down cross which is miles from the flag so the aoe wont reach it. It's tedious and boring but its a solution. If you aren't willing to work for it I think you deserve to lose anyway. And it's not like you cant do this yourselves.


    Also it should be said that there's clearly a difference between this and the knights curse strategy. In this case you can at least somewhat stop people from abusing this method of damaging the flag but with knights curse you were able to use the skill on an alternate account from the opposing faction and you had plenty of time to just walk to the flag from any adjacent area with the curse on you no problem since you were part of the same faction.

    Player.. Always trying to justify the unjustifiable. 

    Nobody says that it is the same as the DK problem, the problem here and it bothers me a lot that developers and administrators make changes very quickly when the whining is from some elf, and it is unquestionable because it is enough to see the immediate changes. 


    The skill of the guilds were not made for the WAR, there is always some kind of bug. It gives huge advantages and in the end it becomes guild skill war, and the alliance war is left to adorn or name. 

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