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Everything posted by Wyatt

  1. It would be funny to see a fat santa clause walking around XD Especially when it is a Barbarian with a huge axe.
  2. Loot prices are pretty low, and making your own Guild/Clan could be awesome. Like sometimes you can have clan wars and all.
  3. It's happening to everyone? I though maybe only my computer XD
  4. It was way better when people had more bag space, and you could have more than 5 people in your party.
  5. A lot of people over price. Like one guy wanted 300K for Tested Scepter. One possible way to win back pro players is to update and have third island and level increased to at least 30-36.
  6. People I highly trust (some I know in person :P) on the EU Emerald Server are: Wyatt (ME!) Alev* Elixzaar* Redspark* Jaijoo Hlbb * I know in person :P
  7. I hate people like that. One person, his name was Wizard, needed 2000 gold. At the time, I had only 3000-4000. So being a friendly user, I gave him, expecting him to help me anytime. A few days later, I asked him if he could give me 2000 gold so I could buy some staff, and then he said, "Get me two crystals and I will giver you." Now he plays another account Barbariens.... or something like that. You have to be very careful with people you 'friend' with.
  8. Would anyone mind getting me a Wedding Suit costume.... for FREEEEEEE? Also, Kuzmitch, how many people work on this game, and is it personally your idea to create such game that mind controls people to play it???
  9. Oh another costume idea, would be a spartan warrior. For examples, search for pictures: Spartan: Total Warrior pictures
  10. Exactly! But the suit may look a bit different.
  11. Also when possible, please make SMS available in the United States :)
  12. I have one suggestion.... a COSTUME SUGGESTION. Make a costume of 'Men in Black'! So the person has like a business suit and sunglasses and all 8)
  13. Oh ok..... darn..... I liked the outdated one better XD
  14. Thanks, I got confused in one point though.... On one topic it said 19.99$ for 5K MC and on the 'Buy Miracle Coins' page it was lower?
  15. Noooooo I really want my MC back :(
  16. Also, I would like to know every way possible for me to buy Miracle Coins in the United States and how much I have to pay for a certain amount. --- THANK YOU!!
  17. I read the topic, and is said the United States was available for SMS. But when I went to the page, it wasn't. How else can I get 5000 Miracle Coins for 19.99 US Dollars??
  18. So I don't get my Miracle Coins back???
  19. I have three heroes on my account. One hero i had bought 2 'five pockets'. If I delete that specific hero, will I get my MC back? I really need to know :facepalm:
  20. Thank goodness it works now. I got my 300 Miracle Coins. It is so awesome that I am going for another 300 MORE!!
  21. I bought Miracle Coins through SMS and received a message which said: You have purchased 300 Miracle Coins in Warspear Online Shop What will happen now? I had bought from the United Arab Emirates and all I sent in the text message was like what it said: gsgetrws 485635 [/size] [/size]please help me!!
  22. I am a shaman. Please PM me and give me some help and tips on how to make my shaman more powerful in every way possible!!
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