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Everything posted by kagegaara

  1. Hello, for a month now my phone keyboard doesn't open in game whenever I wanna type. It is so annoying. I can't text in any chat unless I use pc. What's wrong!! I loggeg into another phone and is the same thing
  2. now that i want to play like crazy nothing seems to work!! GEEZ
  3. 28 febuary is not tomorrow. Since today is 26. Will it be Friday or Saturday..?? Well the game said on 28 febuary when i logged but here it says it is on the 27th so is all good.
  4. Sorry u cant quote.... Just to da I will happily wake at 6 am to War in Ws than miss it at 8 at work!! Next thing is the numbers many ppl are crying about.. Damnit it !!we all know that from time immemorial (someone even said cos of the less number of mcs he is gonna play elfs during war) that's so retarded to support your point...yall can go easy on elfs.. Mcs gonna rule u anytime anywhere!! Keep crying ... Tomorrow war on terror .. Locks gonna lock you all!!! FREEZE ...DAMN ITS A LOCK I CANT MOVE... Yeah stay cool(frozen)
  5. WS never worked on my bluestack. it keeps crashing
  6. yeah he probably knows that.. i would also like to know what pc he is using cos if we are using the same game client on all pcs with not full view as in some mobile devices. how come he has full view on pc?? and this is not F5(portrait) view.. so tell us what's the trick? i still stand to be corrected please. i have a 22inch with 1680x1050 screen resolution(i dont think other specs will matter with WS) and i played it on friends pc with higher resolution but never got a full screen!!! DON'T TELL ME IS THE RAM OR THE PROCESSOR OR THE GRAPHIC UNIT!!!!
  7. kagegaara

    Forum Chat

    There must be war during weekends and in fact both days... But nothing. What a pity!!
  8. I can't believe there is no battle during the weekends.... That's so well thought !!
  9. that picture is definately not on PC. i will vote for a IPAD
  10. i liked swamp pretty much(guess is cos i was too lonely to run lab with guys or too weak ) worse update hmmmmmm. what what what ......... errmm which on which one...yeah the sign update ducked me up the more..
  11. 1. i still love WS no matter how it gets worse with each update (well that's what ppl say) 2. players change all the time and i have seen coming and going and coming and going.... never ending cycle of crazy and good ones. they are amusing and so fun at times. best mmorpg i played where u can socialise that easily. 3. to the forum now. well the look changed recently(i guess i dont know how recent ) but i like it more. topics could make my day all the time. 4. new features !!new features!! that facebook log is useless..it doesnt even give u 10signs for logging with it . the new skills are way TOO EXPENSIVE!! 25k will be better... (i think i must go to suggestion now)
  12. kagegaara


    yeah it would have killed the fun of calling em Shitlords totally... (no hate here)
  13. some users are called penishole and pussyeater and duck♥♥♥♥♥e to name a few....FILTER THOSE NAMES
  14. well ive seen this guy here and there from my beginnig....but as it goes!! someday he will resurface...
  15. well thats a sad thing.... one thing didnt change though!! elfs are still weak... bottom line INCREASE THE STRENGHT AND HP OF BERENGER SHADOWS. make him look like a BOSS
  16. YEAH i love the idea!!!!! decrease these elfs flags so we can take over in 15 minutes...
  17. it should not be as different as when couple of mcs gather up to attack rats on any other days. Appart from the rats being overpopulated (i understand that rats breeds very fast) there is no way you will say you cant do what they do. so just attack as they do, revive as they do, pot as they do and we may win this war once a week . the time is just too short for the war. and also rats will always be weak!!!
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