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Lord of Knowledge
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Posts posted by benjaminbt

  1. Classes will never be balanced, I can promise you that. Warspear Online has almost a million active players, divided into two groups of factions, do you think it's possible to fulfill everyone's request?

    But I feel you, even if I am on MC side. 

    Well, good luck for you.

  2. I will be the one to support @Fortuno. Complicated dungeon with puzzles is only a thing if it worth your time. But it doesn't. Never does. What's better: getting nothing from kill-only dungeons or getting nothing from always-pay-attention-no-time-for-even-toilet-during-spam dungeons?

    However, the new dungeons with new puzzles always show that the game is being developed and that the Team is not sleeping. And for that we can be happy.

  3. 1 hour ago, Raezer said:

    I wonder if it is supposed to be this way now. I mean, every barb I met got his last wish activated and it actually worked as intended, but then I

    look at this topic and am confused. x_x

    Don't get me wrong, I am not crying because I don't like something that is actually functioning. I would not do that, who's got time for that?

    Today, I can only recall 1 single time when Last Wish actually activated itself and worked as it supposed. And it happens all the time.

  4. For freaking God's sake, why can't you even make an official reply here? 

    There is a clear mistake in Last Wish. It doesn't activate 8/10 times, and even if it does, half the times you still recieve damage and die. 

    Do you call this a WORKING skill? Is it normal in your opinion? That even on 4/4 I cannot rely on my skill because it will screw me up anyway? 

    My God, why do you always come up with new ideas and announce new updates, when even the basics of the game are not working properly? We have so few skills anyway, at least those should work! 

    Or at least change the skill description in a way like "Last Wish is supposed to save your ass in case you have few health left, but you will be f*cked up anyways, because we are unable to normally make a skill in this game".


    I really hope @Daria , @Peter_Munk or any other official will finally be able to tell us anything about how things are.




    (I love tagging. I know it's annoying, but oh well... This mistake with the skill annoys us too..)

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