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Lord of Knowledge
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Posts posted by benjaminbt

  1. On 2017. 10. 22. at 12:58 AM, Omercix said:

    Not only the massive hp that makes these bosses raid bosses but also the skills ,power and the mechanics of these bosses made them raid bosses. It is generlly hard to kill them with 1pt.

    Not Konus anymore.

    Also Engineer was never too hard

    Elm is the only raid boss that is really hard (if not impossible) to defeat with one party.

  2. Since the game tries to encourage players to develop the level of their characters (not only to expand the game but also it is a business strategy), those who want to stay on a lower level must accept that newer game content is not for them, since they are being stuck on a lower level of development.

    I am not saying this is good, but this is a fact.

  3. 2 hours ago, Raezer said:

    Or they are going to work on it but don't want to spoil it lol. Rembemer how they said it's impossible to add new classes years ago. :D

    That is true, but the difference between the two is that new classes are a new feature but syncing is the main core of the game and is more urgent than anything else. Which means they should not delay it.

  4. 26 minutes ago, nabnecro said:


    2) Layman like you and 95% of the players who doesn't understand anything about netcode in online gaming will still buy that it's is our internet's fault.


    Hope you didn't mean this to me, as I just wrote exactly what you have.




    A system should be designed to be easily accessed to be renewable. If the code behind Warspear Online was not made so, that is poor design.

    If an outdated background is not renewed from time to time, it will most likely cause problems in the future and will greatly reduce opportunities.
    Just remember Roland always saying "This is an old game"... Well how do you expect to maintain a system with such attitude? You may always push and push new content and updates (like the new classes and guild castles), but if you don't solve problems at the very core of the game, it will collapse in time. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will.

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