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desy patah

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Everything posted by desy patah

  1. bye warspear.my husband not allowed me play games coz i got brain tumor.new pilot patahhati char is my sister nia :) hv fun all.bye :(
  2. Sanbanyo play zeina char.
  3. :shok: :shok: :shok: yup ur rite kuz warspers is not for thiefs :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :bomb: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :dirol: :lol: :dirol: :lol: 8)
  4. desy patah


    :cray: :cray: :cray:
  5. :facepalm: still waiting.................................................... :clapping:
  6. u all best old player forever. miss u all :cray:
  7. ths best player ranger : xranger druid :xmage bd :hmm...sory idk best bd roque :pendekar,tonydark n sakray barb :chronoz shaman :there isnt a good shaman yet
  8. desy patah


    wew :drinks: :drinks: 8)
  9. i hate potter. :diablo: :diablo: :diablo: :diablo:
  10. hai...i know u rich....but please dont use pots when duel with me ok :diablo: :diablo: pots just for newbii or noob. :crazy: i respect legion. he not use pots when duel with me :drinks: :drinks: i hate potter ok :facepalm: .
  11. desy patah


    hi :give_rose: :pleasantry: O:-) :yahoo:
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