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desy patah

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Everything posted by desy patah

  1. ty all :good: .now desi at singapore hospital since today. :cray: special thanks to enichi :good: thank u enichi for visit desy at hospital.i missing u so much desy.why u sis,why not me. :cray: :cray: :cray: Regard, Dwi suci ramadania
  2. Hmmm goodluck marz.btw ur cousin cute? Jk hehehe
  3. Did i say shaman/druid heal 200 in 0.7?.ty For me ws0.7 is my best moment.ty -sulla.ur shaman is my inspiration in ws 0.7.u strong shaman at tht time.ty
  4. Hehehe. good u not rude anymore. Goodluck btw.
  5. Ty.See .my sis kill u koskiller n partner (2 ranger) again at arena hour ago.point is dnt be arogant call people wit bad word.nobody perfect kos. Yes u rite my shamy weak. But weak shamy can kil u easy.it means u more weak or yea u only dumb ranger n dunno how play arena.sory im rude coz u start first. Its just game.enjoyed ok
  6. sms payment for indonesia stil eror.my frnd try buy mcoin by sms 3 min ago but stil eror. He use xl.indosat n telkomsel.
  7. Im housewife .poho afraid got banned. But i know poho hate u more then anytng .ty happy enjoing ur virtual life
  8. i hate racist etc. But ths time im happy phoyou insult u. U deserve kos. U alwals insult other ppl. So why u mad poho insult u. Shame on u
  9. People always remembes when win but cant remember if they looseBtw . Yea 2 ranger like you always hide at corner n put trap hv big chance win.i know tht u strategy but tht gay stategy. Whatever kos for me u just dumb ranger ever n dnt know how to fight. Now im enjoing my real life wit my husband. Even idc my sis play dumb on arena.for me my husband is my best. Be gentle if u man. If ppl complain bout ranger .u can argue wit good word. Its just game. So hv fun.
  10. for me. It doesnt matter u always insult me koskiler.few month ago u always insult me .even i ignored u stil insult me wit fake char.i leave ths game n my sis play my char. I hope ur happy n not insult me again. U old player but ur talk like trash.ty
  11. Lol kos. U didnt notice . My sister play my chart since 2 month ago.u forget my sis kil u at arena yesterday at arena. Point is im not complain bout ranger. For me best ranger only analyze.btw u bad ranger ever. U always camp at corner at arena.btw u bad person n u dnt know how talk to girl. Are u gay kos.lol. Yes im bad shaman. Its just game. So hv fun. Ty
  12. Yup only ranger can deal 2 or 3 double damage during spell (blesing lvl 5).U can kil ranger if they got lagg or dc lol
  13. Yup so bad. Im using symbian .maybe they fix it after next update lol
  14. Point is only ranger can deal 2 or 3 double damage during spell (blessing lvl 5)
  15. My sis saw zeinaa at town 4. U can farm bos 3 before his back hehehe
  16. Neonazi=erikalt Erikalt alwasy talk racist everyday.i hate him lol Btw. i got ban (quite mode) 10days coz im insult kuzmith.
  17. legioon. Ty bro. Marz. Ty i making love whole day :P Zytus n galvatrn. Ty Hope someday im back
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